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Everything posted by sabai-dee-man

  1. No. They're police. Call me a traditionalist, but that's what police are supposed to do!
  2. You lost me at "a business-friendly country". I couldn't read any further for the tears of laughter, even if I'd wanted to!
  3. I was thinking the same as you! They probably posted that on their "American" iPhone... made in China!
  4. Is that a serious question? Thais... learning world history?! 🤣🤣🤣 I honestly came home from work one day to find the wife sitting in front of the History Channel crying her eyes out. She's an intelligent girl, but what she learnt after she left Thailand astounded her. Not only about world history, but real Thai history too. The general population are oblivious.
  5. Not quite on 6 figures, but yeah, that's been me for the last 15 years or so.
  6. Ahh... but it's OK for the Bangkokians to mock Issan. It's totally different!
  7. The mind boggles, doesn't it? I can [sort of] understand someone over 60ish still smoking, but seeing those biology experiments at school in the early 80s, with smoke being drawn into the big glass jars packed cotton wool, should've been more that adequate to convince anyone with more than half a brain cell what a ridiculous idea any kind of smoking is!
  8. You just sound like a bitter old git with no game. Don't worry, you can just buy yourself a young hottie in Soi Cowboy instead, or wherever it is you hang out.
  9. You buy a class, not a specific seat. The small print always says due to operational conditions the aircraft may be changed at any time, and the configuration may change. Yes, you can book a ticket on a Qatar flight that is scheduled to be equiped with a Qsuite, but there is no guarantee you will get it. There's actually a phrase been coined now "being Qatared", meaning you booked a "Qsuite" flight, and got shafted when a plane with a standard configuration was re-routed instead. And, just to stick my 2p worth in too.... Beauty queen? Er, no!
  10. In your experience, eh? My mate (late 50s) runs a very successful business here, and is married to a girl in her early 30s... she's a teacher at an international school.
  11. Oh, boo hoo! It's called "sh*t happens"! Things change... sometimes in your favour, sometimes against. Being bitter about it just makes you look spoilt & childish. Anyone buying an Elite Visa has always had more money than sense anyway!
  12. My first year in 2001 I did 11x 30-day border runs back-to-back. I wouldn't have the energy... or the confidence to put my life in the hands of those crazy van drivers now! LOL
  13. Well, Vietnamese is new territory for them, so it's going to take some working out. Now, if they find a Burmese guy to link in, it'll be resolved in no time!
  14. UK minimum wage is over ฿500 per hour for over 21s. She'd earn in a day (if 14hrs) what minimum wage in Thailand pays in a month. I'd like to hope she's been working hard and squirrelling away the money, and the £200k is just the bonus needed to kick-start her/their return to Thailand a bit early. Maybe he does support her, and she's been saving the vast majority of her earnings for a few years? Ever think of that? It does happen.
  15. They're not all lazy cash sucking vampires. My ex-wife loved her job in the UK, and my current missus loves her job too. Neither of them had/have any ambition of being wholly dependent on me. Lucky me, eh? Or maybe I just don't pick 'em up in bars!
  16. Agreed. I'd rather see them in Thailand than bolstering Russian forces.
  17. You need a society that abides by the law, and effective law enforcement for that to have any effect.
  18. There's no shortage of idiots willing to part with their cash for [any] religion.* *Yes, I know Buddhism isn't technically a religion, but Thai Buddhism is fake Buddhism anyway!
  19. There isn't any prostitution in Thailand. The officials have declared this umpteen times after their "entertainment zone" inspections.
  20. I don't think of myself as a "digital nomad", and like yourself, have been working remotely since it was ever even really a thing. I'm not offended, but I am irritated that those who don't have the aptitude to live a freer life, rather than slaving at a 9-5 under supervision and instruction for their working life, generally assume we're all lazy spongers! Work smart, not hard, has always been my motto. Almost all my friends hate their jobs, and I'd say the majority suffer their job. I genuinely love my job... I'm doing something I wanted to do since I was at school. I learned the skills, and I can do it from anywhere! I've encountered a lot of bitterness over the years, often from employees of companies I've worked with.
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