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Everything posted by sabai-dee-man

  1. He's probably scared of a lynching if he walks outside, and rightly so! I think the vigilantes will be after him. Safer inside than out.
  2. I don't have a racist bone in my body, but that doesn't preclude me from enjoying a bit of karma and laughing at the irony, having been on the recieving end in Thailand, China, Hong-Kong, and India! That's hardly the definition of racism.
  3. The forum may want a native English speaker to review the post you quoted too!
  4. Pathetic druggie. When you can't walk 10 metres without bumping into a legit weed shop, yet you choose to take something illegal. Yeah, I'll say it again, pathetic druggie!
  5. It's true... I've met loads of SAS, SBS, SEALs, and airline pulots! Never met a builder or plumber though!
  6. Yeah, what I mean is if immigration at Rayong get a bit funny that I don't have a Rayong TM30, it may cause me issues. I could go on the Friday, and then I have Monday (the last day) to go to Jomtien, just in case. In all my years travelling here, I've seen immigration refuse things for the most inane of reasons. I've had them give me 30 days from the date I visited immigration in the past (admittedly, only once), and there's no point in trying to reason with them. They love the power!
  7. Thank you for the replies, guys. Yeah, I'm wondering about whether a Rayong TM30 will be required, and whether it will cause any problems. I want to leave it to the last day, to maximise my stay, but don't want to end up being in limbo because of trying to do it in Rayong. Jomtien's a PITA though, and agents want 4K to do the dirty work and bypass the great unwashed. The money's not a problem, but the principle is!
  8. Does anyone here have recent experience of a 30 day extension (UK passport) at Rayong immigration? I'm staying near U-Tapao, and figure Rayong is probably a bit quieter and more convenient than Jomtien.
  9. I saw a bloke get knocked over on Jomtien Beach Road on Saturday night. Luckily he seemed to be OK, as it was more "quarter-on", rather than full head-on in the middle of the bumper, but he was knocked to the ground, nonetheless. Well... he was OK enough to start balling the girl out for her incompetent driving once he'd been helped back to his feet! Crossing the road at Big-C north Pattaya on Friday night (at the pedestrian crossing), we waited for the light to go red, then gave it another 5 seconds watching the oncomming traffic, and sure enough a car drove straight through the red light. I did however motion him through, with one of Paddington's hardest stares and big waving hand gestures (shame I didn't have a whistle and torch, for the full effect!), and he gave me the sheepish but annoyed "losing face" look as he knew he was in the wrong. I doubt it will stop him doing anything different next time though. Thailand doesn't give a toss about pedestrians. A pedestrian is the lowest form here. Then come cyclists, then small cars, then pickups... SUVs, minivans, Mercs/Audis/BMWs/sportscars etc., and finally coaches and trucks. Just your typical Thailand top-down/size inferiority complex mentality.
  10. Yeah, cos the guard wouldn't have had a phone himself! 🙄
  11. I wonder if all the miserable old b*ggers moaning on this topic ever enjoyed late nights out in their younger days... or were always this miserable?
  12. Could've sworn we were told he was fine a week ago or so... right around the time the photo of him in the pool with his grandkid was leaked. Still. Nothing to do with us. It's the Thais that [should probably] need to be up in arms, but that'll never happen.
  13. This would make sense... but in 25 years, I don't think I've ever seen anything here that makes sense! One-way north-to-south on that stretch on Buakhaow. It wouldn't hurt to be one-way on Soi 13 onto Buakhao and Soi Lengkee off to Third Road too. (Not suggesting Third Road should be one-way... just can't be arsed to go back and edit my image.)
  14. Just stopped by to add my laughing emoji to the OP. I see 39 have been here already!
  15. Just look at his bank account for a large deposit right around the time of the alleged offence.... Job done! ???? Of course though, he's telling the truth.... so really no need to doubt his statement, is there?! ????????
  16. Me too... but I guess The Night of the Living Dead doesn't count?! ????????????
  17. Because Thai law says you cannot defame any person/business, even when they're in the wrong, let alone before cause & fault are officially attributed. Of course, this tends to be rather selectively appied, just like every other law in Thailand, but they do often tend to come down hard on "foreign" news vendors when reporting on Thais/Thai businesses. I imagine the condo's owned by a wealthy family.
  18. Why didn't a dozen tourists jump in and kick the cr*p out of one of them? Or would that be taking a job away from the locals?
  19. Other than his position on drugs maybe?
  20. OK, yeah, that may have happened once or twice, but it was between friends! ???? I honestly can't remember the last time I accidentally spilt something on a stranger. My hedonistic pubbing/clubbing days were the 80s/90s, so I reckon it was a good 25 years ago, and almost certinly ended up with me buying them a drink by way of apology.
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