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Everything posted by sabai-dee-man

  1. I paid the correct income tax, NI contributions, and private pension. Anything else I can annoy you with. Get a life!
  2. Moronic response. I've been a digital nomad for over 15 years, spending 4-6 months a year in Thailand. I spent £12k between the end of December and mid-May, all brought into Thailand from abroad. You sound bitter of a lifestyle you could probably only dream of.
  3. Yeah, not bad. She makes ฿500 out of it. The visa itself is ฿1200, but you're supposed (apparently) to stay 24hrs. There's a ฿300 handshake for them to process you in/out at the same time. YMMV on this, but I remember doing the Cambodia run with a mate in his car before, years ago, and him (stupidly) arguing with the immigration officer about. It's definitely a thing!
  4. Get a Bolt taxi to Ban Pakkad for about ฿4k return, and next to the little coffee shop and convenience store is a young Cambodian girl who'll walk you through the border and back for ฿2k. Not particularly cheap, but at such short notice your options are limited. https://maps.app.goo.gl/VrMZevNqnVYRnz6Z9
  5. You sound bitter. Jealous? I've been a "digital nomad" since before it was even a thing! I pay into a private pension.
  6. I agree. I do agree with the x-number of Thai employees per foreign employee/director, but why should 51% be owned by a Thai?! Utter BS!
  7. I've not had a visa for about 15 years, and stay 5-6 months a year over each winter. Never had a problem with extensions and border runs. I just got back to the UK about 10 days ago after arriving in BKK at Xmas. Last year was good, with the 45+30 setup, but 60+30 will be handy. A digital nomad visa will probably work out about the same as a couple border runs & extensions, but without the hassle of the white knuckle minibus rides! Bring it on!
  8. Do you really think she would have access to that information?! Do you have any idea where all the CCTV cameras are where you travel, or even in your hometown where you spent most of your life, let alone where they face exactly and what they cover?! Give me a break! 🙄 🙄 🙄
  9. They deal with a lot of (often dangerous) snakes, but I doubt a juvenile tiger is generally within their remit. I wonder how you would've handled it?!
  10. I've driven in many countries around the world, and without doubt, Thais are the worst drivers I've ever had the misfortune to encounter!
  11. Yes, exactly. He dabbled a bit on occasion "for medicinal reasons", but I came back at the end of 2022 to find him skiving off work and sitting in weed bars continuously. 6 months later the job was gone, 9 months later the house was gone. He couldn't even be arsed to rent the house out as an AirBnB. Totally lost the will to be a productive member of society. As for friend #2, he openly admits himself, smoking dope absolutely led him on to hard drugs. Believe what you want. It makes no odds to me.
  12. I have three friends who regularly smoked weed from their mid teens. One kicked the habit in his late 30s, early 40s, and is fine, the second progressed to hard drugs, and thankfully managed to get clean about 8 years ago... but his brain is frazzled. He was my best friend at school, but we lost touch when I went to work and he went to college, and got in with the wrong crowd. Drugs totally f****d his life up. The third guy, here in Thailand, now in his late 20s, had a good job and had bought a nice house... lost the will, lost his job, and lost his house! Now lives with his mother in Issan, and no longer even chats with anyone. He's just stoned all the time. I'll pass, thank you. Doesn't appear to be as "harmless" as people claim.
  13. When i first arrived 25 years ago, a friend said "never invest anything here you can't afford to lose". Every single transaction I make to this day, I bear his advice in mind.
  14. Not likely. The sun's currently at the peak of its 11 year cycle of activity, so there's probably a good 8-12 months of [relatively] high activity to go.
  15. Because the infrastructure here is normally so robust... 🤔 🤔
  16. Congratulations for slipping that one in without being pestered for a link! Oops! Sorry, that's done it... 🙄🤣🤣
  17. My better half thinks he's already signed his own death warrant, and would be better off out of Thailand.
  18. I really don't understand the mentality of anyone who still supports that island. I've been asked to go numerous times, and recounted the events every time. I discourage anyone and everyone from ever going there.
  19. Seems you're English is as bad as there maths! 🙄🙄🙄
  20. Too many rich, influential, and dangerous [Thai] people involved in the cannabis trade to ever stop it now. Going against these people is like signing your own death warrant. The proverbial genie's already out of the bottle.
  21. Nothing wrong with your first comment. It was just pedantic dinosaurs here that missed the point. It was in keeping with other posts mocking his [poor] use of the English language. I expect the majority claiming intellectual superiority by not understanding your post/language or knowing, or at the very least being capable of working out what a "Kick streamer" is, are like as full of **it as he is!
  22. Did you read that yourself before posting, or just type and hit the button? Bloody hell, it was difficult to make any sense of it! I gave up after the first few sentences. Here's a tip... if you want people to actually read, consider, and respond to your droning monologue, at least take the time to proof read it!
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