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Posts posted by phitsanulokjohn

  1. All of a sudden the Thai's on the back of their booming economy have got right up their own ar--s and become snobbish to the hilt, but with regards to their booming economy ask any one of Thailands ''ladies of the night'' and they will tell you''WHAT GOES UP MUST COME DOWN''and you can take it from me that in the not too distant future the Thai bubble will burst and there will be a bloodbath and have the Thai banks crying in their Tom yam goong.I personally feel that when this happens it will be far worse than the west have had to endure in recent years and it will be the farangs turn to shine once more,hopefully without the snobbery the Thai hierarchy insist on demonstrating.

  2. That's the way it would appear.Basically all it is,is the British government talking a load of bolony to appease the electorate.If you as i am,are an englishman, then you will understand that unlike here, no one on the streets of blighty should starve or be homeless, except by their own choice, such as the poor street dwellers in London living in cardboard city.

    I once read an article many years ago in the Bangkok Post,by a Thai government official whose words went something like this,'' Here in Thailand,the Thai government genuinely does not have the money to pay Social security,but even if we did have the money,we still wouldn't pay it,as it encourages laziness''

    The guy had a point.I believe it should be in place for genuine claimants who are in need of it,not for the pisstakers many of whom are living here in Paradise on sickness benefit and are all too quick to slag the country off and stating that all the foreigners who wish to work are stealing all their jobs.

    I live here off of the back of my hard work in the Uk,and that's my choice.One things for sure though,there's not a country in the world as soft as the Uk.Lets take the political asylum rule for example.If a person's got aggro in say Iran,the Iranian should go to his next safest haven which would be Turkey,so what's he doing at the camp in Calais trying to enter the Uk.This is a nightly occurence of foreigners wishing to get into benefitland.com.

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  3. I think the only one's allowed now to import foreign bikes are the government, and just see how much tax they levy on one.Far far more than you'd pay in Europe.The only bikes i find to be reasonably priced are the smaller Made in Thailand type but it's getting slowly better Honda have just launched 3 500cc Made in Thailand bikes ranging from 180-210,000 and Kawasaki do a 650cc the er6 and versy's at 235,000 and 285,000 respectively.

  4. Horrendous. Again.

    Its been averaging least one a day . When will they learn to enforce road rules and speed. How sad innocent paying people die, simply trusting their lives in the hands of the unlicenced ,untrained , underskilled , incompentant, impatient or just plain stupid drivers. These so called buses need to be speed limited and if it was me in power ,all those whom were to drive public transport would undergo a very strict test before allowing them to take to the roads. Its countless the accidents that occur and more often than not speed is the cause. How disgusting this leadership is to allow so much road carnage and yet tomorrow and again we will read more of the same because they don't know how to fix it or couldn't be bothered .Emus put there head in the sand and pull it out to see if the problem goes away .typical attitude!! My sincere condolences to the family of the deceased. Another thing that bothers me here is aren't the drivers taught to give way to the right? So many times as if its the nature of driving here cars just pull out of side streets then stop in your path to look whats coming and give you a look of utter stupidity when your forced to stop even though your on the main rd. In Australia you most likely not stop and just smash into a person if they did that and you would be in the right! I often wonder who would be here cause I'm bloody tempted!

    And you my friend are also 100% correct.

  5. When is the Thai government of the day ever going to address Thai citizens total and utter inabiility to drive in a manner which is regarded by most westerners to be sensible.There's not a day goes by when i don't watch the news and have to witness utter carnage on the roads of Thailand, and such unnecessary waste of precious life.They say life is cheap here,I say most drivers or riders have a death wish,looking at the way they drive and the state of repair their vehicles are kept in.

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