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Posts posted by phitsanulokjohn

  1. It should be legalized. It is pretty stupid that is legal in most countries, including the ones with tough drug laws such as the US, but not in Thailand.

    Personally I would like to see all drugs legalized or at least their use normalized. I want to be able to smoke my ganja and occasional opium legally without worrying about repressive laws which punish the users so severely in a victimless 'crime'. People should have right to choose to use or to not, the ones punished should be the people who commit real crimes, whether they use drugs or not. And for the ones claiming there's a big cost in tax payers money in medical related problems from drug users, what about the current cost on the war on drugs? Anyway, if that the real problem, instead of people imposing their morality to others, I personally would be more than willing to sign a document renouncing to public medical services at tax payer expense on drug related health problems.

    Hear, hear

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