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  1. Hamas resumes power in Gaza: 'A slap in the face to the Israeli government' https://search.app/Ln6oWgUfMqVPNxrK9
  2. Farewell Garth. What a riff!
  3. What would feel like if the UK was given to another nation? Of course the Arabs hated the Israelis taking their land, anyone would.
  4. Israel have been communicating atrocities on the Palestinians since 1948. They are not a civilised nation.
  5. Has our ex squaddie hired a ghost writer for the inevitable novel yet, describing his two weeks of 'hell'? Don't forget to include: 1. It was the trip of a lifetime 2. Squaddie used to light up the room 3. Squaddie was living life to the full.
  6. Trump, the coward of the country, to slightly misquote Kenny Rodgers.
  7. Brave Donald, seriously injured before he even set foot in Vietnam. A bone spur, the agony! What a weasel and pathetic case of a human being he is.
  8. To quote Thaksin at a speech recently: 'African people, who have black skin and flat noses that make it difficult to breathe, are hired for millions of baht to be models. Thai people look much better.' I hope Thaksin will provide Naomi with oxygen cylinders for her upcoming visit.
  9. Only two days until the Russian/ Ukrainian war is over. I'm on the edge of my seat.
  10. Trump, the new fool on the hill. Pass the sick bag, Alice, a complete idiot is about to be in charge of the White House.
  11. No, no, no. You're dazed and confused ( Led Zep 1). Please believe me.
  12. No it's not. That's about the Irishman found dead in his room. Please read carefully.
  13. https://fortune.com/2025/01/15/ftc-pbms-unitedhealth-brian-thompson-cvs-caremark-cigna-pharmacy-benefit-managers/

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