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  1. They want to go, they're grown ups used to war zones. Extraordinary how coy Israel is, me thinks they doth protest too much. Meanwhile Israeli 'precision bombing of terrorists' kill 7 children from one family https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/gaza-rescuers-say-7-children-from-one-family-killed-in-israeli-strike-7297616/amp/1
  2. Ask one of the 55. The 55 correspondents represent all the main broadcasters with bases in the UK including BBC News, Sky News, ITV News, Channel 4 News, CNN, NBC, CBS and ABC.
  3. To quote the journalists again: “The risks of conflict reporting are well understood by our organisations who have decades of experience of reporting in warzones around the world and in previous wars in Gaza". But Israel and Brian know best. Let them in if there's nothing to hide.
  4. No, he was worried about his family. I bet you many of those Western journalists asking to go in would go, but of course Israel bans them. Hey, how about Israel lets the journos in? Up to them, if they got killed by an Israeli bomb or kidnapped by Hamas, that's their choice. They're used to war zones But Israel won't let them in too much to hide
  5. He decided to leave with his family because it was too dangerous. Too many explosions. He laments the banning of foreign journalists by Israel and Egypt. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/videos/c8rdmrm7p72o
  6. So you say but to quote the article: 'The 55 correspondents represent all the main broadcasters with bases in the UK including BBC News, Sky News, ITV News, Channel 4 News, CNN, NBC, CBS and ABC.' All wanting to get into Gaza but forbidden by Israel.
  7. A lot of foreign journalists want to get into Gaza but Israel won"t let them. https://pressgazette.co.uk/news/gaza-journalists-foreign-correspondents-israel-egypt-access/
  8. Israeli doesn't allow any journalists from outside Gaza entry so how can international journalists see for themselves? Of course Israel may argue it's too dangerous for international journalists to enter but if Israel is so precise in it's attacks, as it claims ( only kill Hamas terrorists), then they should let foreign observers in. Or are they trying to hide something? "One year in Gaza: how Israel orchestrated a media blackout on a region at war | RSF" https://rsf.org/en/one-year-gaza-how-israel-orchestrated-media-blackout-region-war
  9. Israel accused of deliberately destroying water supplies in Gaza "HRW accuses Israel of acts of genocide over Gaza water access - BBC News" https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c75wqr0k3dyo
  10. A tremendous opening 10 minutes
  11. Israeli torture and murder of medical personnel
  12. Why can't you be sceptical about both?

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