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Everything posted by IAMHERE

  1. This will be a good deal for both countries IF Thailand makes it easy & simple for Vietnam works to work in Thailand. Vietnam actually has an excellent educational system and produces technological appropriate workers for Thailand's new proposed agreements with the big technology companies to be their hub in South East Asia.
  2. Everywhere in the world 'money talks'. In Thailand money SHOUTS. He has the money from elephant lovers around the world who think he is doing Gods work.
  3. who is it that decided no civil litigation?
  4. How many of the future refugees are gonna be ex-junta & relatives of such? I myself would like to see Thailand claim a bit of Burma for themselves, part of that strip of land bordering the sea would do nicely.
  5. I've a definite feeling these two Estonian siblings do qualify as 'good in bad out' types. How the officials at the airport couldn't figure out these two are outers is beyond me.
  6. Or, just doesn't care about any one else except herself. A lot of totally self centered folks about these days.
  7. And then what? What happens to those that surrender ?
  8. To prevent gambling addiction the Casinos should only be open from 11AM to 2PM and then from 5PM to 11:59PM. If it works for alcoholics should work for gamblers.
  9. "living" as year round or just sixty days ? Did they develop the disease here in Thailand or bring it with them?
  10. Either way they left the lower ranks to fend for themselves.
  11. I bet this is the reason behind China wanting to pal up with Thailand. Don't be surprised if China gets to use this slot.
  12. "Myanmar and the United States buyers trailed in the third and fourth positions, respectively."
  13. I do agree however that scenario leaves out brown envelopes so I don't expect it to do that route. OH, and I don't think his face should be blurred, it's not like he wasn't involved.
  14. Seen it on Thepprasit a couple days ago going East.
  15. Kudos for the girl; at least she told her partner she was HIV positive.
  16. Makes me think this isn't the first time they've done this con. Makes me consider if the police have been ordered to leave the Russians alone.
  17. Can those numbers be accurate? That darn near a million and a half dollars US per victim.
  18. Man told me only about 10% of muslims want to kill other religions; that the remaining 90% want the ten percent to be successful.
  19. 50baht less for Tuk Tuk if he stops at Tailor shop. I wonder what, certainly more than fifty baht, the kickback is to the Tuk Tuk if customer buys a suit.
  20. If I were to do it again I'd get one eye for distance and the other for close up. After two years one eye had a film grow on the back and had a eye doctor laser it away. Up to 30 percent of patients get this film after a time.
  21. Can they do maintenance during the hours they don't run trains ?
  22. Which countries import Thai ice cream. I've had good Thai ice cream, mostly at the Sabushi type places, BBQ's, all you can eat places, etc...
  23. Wonder if potential trade with Russia had anything to do with such a lenient sentence.
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