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Posts posted by abrahamzvi

  1. On 2/28/2018 at 12:08 AM, jak2002003 said:

    If you are not registered as married in your own country then no problem.. Just leave.


    If you want to come back here and marry another Thai woman in the future  then there will be a problem.


    I am gay, and have married a guy in the UK  Been together 20 odd years. Come over here and its not even legally recognised, so I can go and marry a Thai women.  I can have a husband and a wife!  


    This, and all the horror stories about nasty divorces and gold diggers make me realise that marriage is very stupid and unnecessary.  If 2 people love each other and want to be together then they can.... they don't need the legal marriage nonsense.  


    I tend to disagree to an extent. It is true that if two people love each other they do need a licence to stay togrther, However, legal complications may arise in the case of death of one of the partners, in some countries visa issues are involved  and the same applies to adoption of children.

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  2. 5 minutes ago, transam said:

    You quoted it was in your opinion disgusting, the thing is, an individual should be free to do what they want if it is what they want. I think wigs look daft but if an individual thinks he looks great in one..great...


    My last comment was regarding "me" taking notice of what you think and jumping off a balcony....:stoner:


    Thanks for your comments. You actually confirmed what I said that "the beauty is in the eyes of the beholder"

  3. 1 minute ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    Why would anybody wonder if any CEO has a tattoo on his bum?

    This thread is supposed to be about pretty girls with ugly tattoos...


    I agree that we are talking here about pretty gils with tattoos, but aren't any remarks required for men (young and old) who cover themselves with tattoos. To my taste they look as disgusting (if elder, more so!) as the pretty girls we are talking about.

  4. 5 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

    As most sidewalks etc., are akin to the old 'Krypton Factor' assault course, I think it will not be easy to achieve. 

    You are absolutely right. The first thing is for the authorities to make sur e the sidewalks are walkable. In addition to enabling all people to walkwithout the danger of falling down, but make the place look like a decent area where families like to spend some time. Look and follow the example of Bali.

  5. Having voted no, I would add that Thailand should use more vetting on the nature of tourists entering the Kingdom. When walking in some streets or beaches of Pattaya, Koh Samui and others like Kausan Rd in Bangkok, one sometimes can get the wrong impression of this beautiful country. I really don't know how they do it but, even in this part of the world in places like Bali or Singapore, or even Penang, Malaysia, one sees some more civilises tourists.

  6. 5 hours ago, Thian said:

    Will show this to my wife, i hope she won't ask me again of going to Venice...


    Italy is a beautifull country but the hotels/restaurants are bad....plus they can't speak english.

    I entirely disagree. Hotels are expensive, as everywhere in bigger cities in Europe, the Americas and Australia and NZ. The restaurants, at least most of them, are very reasonable. My wife, daughter and myself were in Venice last year and had good meals in very nice centrally located restaurants for very reasonable prices , some EUR50. Of course, if one chooses luxury 2-3 Stars restaurants, or if one is unlucky and visits a restaurant owned or managed by crooks, one pays a fortune, but this can happen anywhere - Paris, London, Melbourne, or even in Bangkok. By the way , we found that most waiters in or owners of the restaurants we frequented did speak English, albeit not perfectly, but good enough to be understood.

  7. 11 hours ago, jerry921 said:

    It seems to me the doctor was honest in that he admitted that he didn't understand the problem. About the cost I dunno, do the doctors have anything to do with how much is billed or do they just order the tests and leave the billing up to administration?

    The expenses in hospital were incurred by the various tests and the room and bed costs. The physician involved was honest in saying that the results of tests were not clear enough for him, or his colleagues to decide the nature of the problems and the possible cure/remedy to follow. So what is wrong with this? It often happens elsewhere and unfortunately not all doctors are honest enough to admit it and try various remedies, which may or may not be right as the exact problem had not been established.

  8. 3 hours ago, balo said:

    Bye bye wallet . The German must have been living in the past , back in the 70's when he probably visited for the first time it was a lot safer.  

    With all due respect, the gentleman involved was grossly negligent. Even in Germany one would not leave his bag containing cloths, a watch, money etc. lying around in, when going for a short swim. In all probability, such bag would have disappeared in Germany as well, as im most other countries. I do hope that he is insured with a very generous insurer....

  9. 2 hours ago, sanemax said:

    You did claim that Israel were making a mistake and I asked you what they should have done .

    Whether this is a PR disaster nor not, is bedsides the point .

    If Israel made a mistake , then, what do you think that they should have done, in order not to have made a mistake ?

    Israel should punish her in a lighter manner. There are other ways of doing this, such as house arrest, social work and the like. 


    I must compliment the soldiers who won respect for the moral standard of Israeli soldiers.


    By the way, from the FB photos, it doesn't look like stones were being thrown by the girl, or that she was taking part in an unauthorized demonstrations. Where in her yard?


    One thing Israel should be aware of is that by punishing this girl in a hard manner, they will not be deterring other Arab youngsters from acting similarly. To the contrary, they would feel they would become martyrs if they follow her actions and be punished by the Israelis.

  10. 3 hours ago, Falcon said:

    Nothing wrong in wanting to do a degree in Thailand, other than that it’s almost a waste of time if he wants to use it in any other country apart from Thailand. It’s well known around the world that there is a no fail system here in any exam, including any degrees. As for the learning Thai, if he’s placed in a position where only Thai is spoken and heard, it’s surprising how fast you pick it up.

    I entirely agree with you as far as learning Thai is concerned. However I can't agree with your statements about Thai degrees. True, quite a few universities have a very bad reputation, quite justifiably so, but to state this about all Thai universities is wrong. If one has a good degree from one of the better Thai universities ( 4 of them are listed in the best 200 worldwide universities (Chulalongkon, Thamassat, Mahidol and Khon Kaen), auch degrees are recognized in most countries. As a matter of fact, I do know two physicians with practices in Harley Street, London, who got their first medical degrees (MD) from Mahidol University. They are both half Thai.

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  11. 4 hours ago, davethailand said:

    It isn't always the brits but its a shame that some brits abroad on holiday are total dickheads.

    Didn't look that nasty to be honest, seen much worse, almost a nightly thing when I lived out there.


    You are right, it's not only the Brits. Unfortunately, very much so, quite a few expatriates, tourists and residents, behave in a way that they would never do at home. As far as they are concerned Thailand is a place, where they can behave as they feel like and do things they would never dare do in their home country. I am an expatriate myself and I must admit that sometimes I feel embarrassed to be one.

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