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Posts posted by abrahamzvi

  1. 56 minutes ago, pgrahmm said:

    I have a family tree history with alcoholism....Part of the problem is it doesn't really put me under & I can drink a LOT and never have a hangover....

    My weakness is a good rum & coke or rum drink....Consequently I don't have it in the house.....

    I also don't go where people go to drink - too many other people (usually not the good sort) & associations there with the same problem....

    I'm not from a "pub culture" country so don't feel as though I'm missing anything.....

    If I decide I want to drink I limit myself to ONE bottle for a month no matter how fast or slow it goes - or whether shared with guests.... Sometimes, if I feel it getting to me too much at one time/binge I'll pour 1/2 - 1/3 (whatever's left) down the drain & take the temptation away....

    After reading up on the chemicals contained in Coke Zero I've cut back a good 95% - which probably helps because it was the most common mixer I'd use....

    Good luck with your awakening & fight....Get by just one month & it will get easier....

    The sleeping concern might have to do with a bar time body clock & addictive body expectations/tendencies....

    Maybe substitute some type of exercise or training to tire yourself out might help - change your focus......Break away from your current routine/people/places = they'll suck you right back in....


    Best to change now = chances are, after 25 years, your body can't/won't take much more.....

    If you ask me, my answer is AA and strong discipline. AA is  most helpful, why not try? 

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  2. 22 hours ago, trd said:

    Personally I would never buy Daikin ever again. Had two units, both became very noisy. Even the main Daikin dealer couldn't fix it. Mitsubishi is all I would use now.

    I have had a contrary experience. I find the Daikin conditioners absolutely super and have been using them for over 5 years. I had a very unsatisfactory experience with a Samsung A/C and will never go near one.

  3. 21 hours ago, bristolgeoff said:

    it is wrong when u see all the illegals in the uk getting everything.he wants his wife and child  with him legal.but he can not,that is wrong

    The whole regulation is WRONG!!! What happens if a poor (money wise) man (or for that matter a woman) meets the love of his(her) life in South Africa, Kenya, Laos or Thailand. They get married and the UK government tells him(her) you can marry whoever you want, but you can't establish a family in your own country. Is this correct? May be for the upper class (Elites) but not for the often talked about "man in the street". This is no more than a DISGRACE and has nothing to do with a correctly regulated immigration policy!

  4. 11 hours ago, Jonah Tenner said:

    Yesterday's prices in Norway

    One loaf of bread 96 B (23 NOK on special offer) 

    12 eggs (1 package) 176 B (42 NOK)

    1 pckg 20 cigarettes 475 B

    Alcohol I have no idea,

    My point is that everything, absolutely everything, is expensive in Scandinavia (VAT 25% and rising)

    If one compares salaries and income in Norway to salaries and income in Thailand, and prices here and there then prices of food are very reasonable ( not to say cheap) in Norway. Why didn' t you quote the price of Alcohol in Sweden, Denmark or Norway?

  5. 3 minutes ago, sawadeeken said:

    I am just a 'almost Expat', half time here and half in the US (30 years)...... Never owned but drank a lot in them and I have seen so many 'cheap Charlies' who same as you won't buy lady drinks but like any benefits they can sneak from the girls........  But I can agree with bar owners and 'working girls' about the 'cheap Charlies'

    If you don't pay the bus fare you ain't gonna ride the bus........... LOL...........

    I do agree with your views. However, why mention your friend's religion (with its implications)? Would you have mentioned the religion of your friend had he been a Roman Catholic, or Protestant, or Buddhist?

  6. 17 hours ago, The manic said:

    No it is not. Good news for Muslims and puritans maybe.

    I am neither a Muslim nor a puritan. I do enjoy a glass of wine and/or some Cognac from time time. However, I do think the tax increases are correct. There is no need, i.e. it is not essential, to smoke or drink alcohol. If we wish to do so, we have to pay and let us hope that the additional tax collected will be used to make essentials(foods, medicines and the like) cheaper. Let's take the Scandinavian countries as an example. Luxuries, particularly damaging luxuries like cigarettes and alcohol, are extremely expensive (tax) and essentials like bread, eggs etc, are cheap. This in my view, is a socially correct policy.

  7. 1 hour ago, jayboy said:

    No they don't, not since PRs became eligible for automated passport checking.If PRs take advantage of this there's no stamp in either passport or white book.If they haven't registered there is still of course a stamp in both books.

    Where and how does a permanent resident register for automated passport checking? Would be most grateful for tis information.

  8. 6 hours ago, webfact said:

    Thais say goodbye to TM6 immigration forms





    GOOD NEWS for Thai travellers: Starting tomorrow, Thai nationals will not need to fill out the “TM6” immigration form when leaving the country or returning, Government Spokesman Lt-General Sansern Kaewkamnerd said yesterday.


    Prime Minister General Prayut Chan-o-cha, as head of the National Council for Peace and Order, used his absolute power under Article 44 to order the policy change. 


    The TM6 arrival and departure cards will no longer be required for Thai nationals, Sansern said. 


    The order will be published in the Royal Gazette and come into effect tomorrow. The form was to be scrapped with effect from October 1, but all concerned agencies were ready to implement it earlier, he said. 


    Long queues and delays faced by tourists at Thailand’s airports had made headlines around the world and were heavily discussed on social media over the summer. 


    The cancellation of TM6 for Thais was one of the measures to help relieve overcrowding at airports. Prayut also ordered the Royal Thai Air Force to dispatch personnel to help immigration officials at Don Mueang airport. 


    Critics, however, said the scrapping of the TM6 for Thais would not be a great help in speeding up processing at immigration counters because Thai passport holders already have separate counters, adding that the measure would not do anything to reduce the long queues encountered by foreign visitors.


    The present TM6 forms will be used by foreigners until the stocks run out, after which a new form with fewer questions will be introduced. 


    Earlier, the Immigration Bureau maintained that foreigners needed to fill out the forms due to security reasons. In August, Singapore became the first country to be allowed to use automated immigration lanes at Suvarnabhumi Airport. 




    Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/detail/national/30326711

    -- © Copyright The Nation 2017-09-15

    What about Permanent Residents?  Will they be required to compete the exit and entry old or new form?

  9. 21 hours ago, Bonobojt said:

    thanks for the replies, no this is not a troll post, this really happened and I have evidence for it via Facebook  but won't waste my time with that


    anyway, she has sent me her home pregnancy test results, including images of the test, and she has told me that she is NOT pregnant 


    I've learnt some things from this,  always use good quality condoms like Durex, flush your condom down the toilet or wash out your semen then put in bin, never have unprotected sex..

    And I do hope that at least some of the commentators/readers, including the OP, have learnt that there are quite a few decent and honest Thai ladies!!!!!!!

  10. 16 hours ago, JerryinTH said:

    Don't worry. 

    You should block her and not wait for her to block you. 

    You are 26 and a foreigner. She wants to milk you and keep you for what it's worth. 

    The day always changes, the story stays the same. 

    No worries mate, you'll be fine and won't be a dad if you wore a rubber 100% of the time. 

    Just use some common sense aight? 

    Reading all the comments I am wondering guys, why you befriend and sleep with Thai ladies. There are some nice ones, who are not, repeat not, after your money. Just remember it before making such offending stupid remarks about all Thai women.

  11. 2 hours ago, Dan5 said:

    Correction. I mean in patient, not out patient.

    I really don't know, nor do I understand why BUPA quoted such high premiums for you. Maybe it depends on your age. How old are you, if I may ask. I have had my insurance cover with  

    an insurance company back home for well over 30 years and it covers me fully whilst overseas including Thailand, of course. The cost is less than $500 and I am over 70 years old. However, my Thai wife who is in her early 50th has an insurance with BUPA at the highest level (Platinum) for which she pays about 70,000 BHT (app.3,000 ) Per year which is less than half of the price quoted to you for in patients cover only. Sorry, but I simply can't understand this!

  12. 12 hours ago, blackcab said:

    At those prices it's going to cost you more than 100,000 baht a year to run an empty company.


    Cheaper to get a 5 year Elite visa. The only downside is it's a minimum of 500,000 baht in advance.

    and it doesn't give you permission to work without a work permit. If the OP does work in terms of what work is interpreted under Thai Law, the best way is to get the work permit through the relocation company, provided it's all above board.

  13. On 8/10/2017 at 3:24 PM, ubonjoe said:

    I cannot see what the problem with immigration is. It is perfectly legal for her to keep her maiden name after marriage.

    She does not need to do anything at the US embassy since her passport is in her married name. There are no Thai embassies here in the country.

    All she has to do is go the Amphoe where her house book registry is for and apply for a name change. 

    The law on owning property was changed in 1998 or 1999 after the constitution of 1997 went into effect.

    You are right. However, before the Amphue changes the name the marriage has to be registered with any Amphue in Thailand. It is a rule that Thais married abroad have to register their marriage in Thailand, even if both are Thais.

  14. 21 hours ago, tonray said:

    Isn't the passport enough, why even present a Thai ID? 

    I assume the marriage has been registered in Thailand and therefore the married surname had to be changed. In the old days when Thai ladies married to foreigners were not able to buy land in Thailand (this law has been changed in the early 2000), many such ladies had their name changed in their passports if they lived abroad, but left their maiden name on their ID,

    to enable them to purchase land in Thailand when they were there. Whilst registering their marriage abroad and having the Thai Embassies/Consulates change their names on the Passports, their IDs were not touched. This practice, which was known to the Thai embassies/consultes, is not practiced, or allowed now, as there is no reason for this.

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  15. 3 hours ago, NanLaew said:

    I really wasn't aware that loss of face was such a strong German trait.

    It has nothing to do with a loss of face. Germany is absolutely right not accepting actions against its laws and against international laws and practices. If the person involved had committed criminal acts ,then there is Interpol and such things as extradition requests. However, here it seems to be a political issue, which is unacceptable.

  16. 4 hours ago, Happy enough said:

    555 hilarious. he's basically saying take care of your place or it will end up being the dump that spain is. I'm sure that's what he's saying. there are many laws here that should clean the place up where it needs to be. pretty sure the powers that be don't need advice from young Spaniard. jog on young lad.

    One ma or may not agree with everything the young Spaniared said in a polite manner, but to describe Spain as a dump is libelous and simply untrue. Of course there are some beaches in Spain that are not as clean and tidy as they could and should be, but overall the beaches there and the whole country can't be described as a dump!! To the young Spaniard - there are some beaches in Thailand, which are clean, beautiful and enjoyable, but quite a few that need to be improved to make Thailand even more of a paradise for tourists. How to do this is a point which needs to be seiosly debated

  17. 8 hours ago, drayger said:

    Been with my Thai wife 18 years when we first met was told all the horror stories and told I was a fool and it wouldn't last, I trust her with all the money as she spends less than I do on running a home, alot of the comments I hear and read does make me wonder why they bother to continue living in Thailand

    Join the club. I have been married to a Thai lady for more than 25 years and can confirm that one could not have a better, more honest and running a well managed home than my loving wife. Financially we wouldn't be where we are today, without her careful attitude to spending. All I can say here is many thanks to her for wonderful years  and God bless her

  18. 14 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

    I`m not going to be drawn into discussing and getting into religious and racial debates, as again I prefer this thread not to go off track.  Usually when certain people are racist, have bigoted and superior views, they cover a whole range of people who they consider are inferior to them and this includes Asians I have met as well as whites.


    Over the years I`ve discarded some expat friends and acquaintances who have such obnoxious views including their views on Thai people that truly sickened me. This happened to me during an encounter I had with an American 2 days ago and why I feel so strongly about it enough to publish a thread on the subject.


    Otherwise in which other ways would you like me to explain? I`m sure some posters have their own examples they can tell.

    I do agree with the OP and with most of the views expressed by him. However, one remark that I think ought be made is that one does not need to befriend or associate with the mentioned racial bigots. I do not befriend such people, irrespective of their nationality, social status or country of origin. I like to spend my time with people whose company I enjoy and most certainly Not with racialists, whose "views" I am unable to change.

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