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Posts posted by abrahamzvi

  1. 11 hours ago, DNPBC0 said:

    The headline is 'Thai English'. The normal English is 'rain' and 'hail;'


    11 hours ago, DNPBC0 said:

    The headline is 'Thai English'. The normal English is 'rain' and 'hail;'

    You are right. Normally no plural form is used for rain and hail. However, it is by no means a grammatical mistake to use the plural form with both nouns.

  2. Turkey is becoming a theocratic dictatorship. Why should the German, or other democratic governments, allow the Turkish dictator and his henchmen to be active politically in their countries, whilst the Turks don't allow the slightest press freedom and arrest anyone critical to the dictatorship, even if they are foreign journalists, labeling them as "terrorists"

  3. You can't complain about there authorities adhering to the laws of the country, which you unfortunately broke. Further, you tried probably an illegal system to remedy your situation.


    What I am saying is just a belly feeling, not based on any experience. However, if I were you I would address a plea to the Prime Minister and to the Minister of the interior, admitting your mistakes and understanding that Thailand has its laws, which have to be adhered to. However, all you are asking for, into be forgiven on compassionate grounds and promising that you will try and make it up by doing social work and bringing up a decent Thai child. BTW Why don't you get married to your Thai partner? I know you can't do it in Thailand, but possibly in a neighboring country or in your home country. This may help.

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  4. 3 hours ago, Yann55 said:

    To defend his honour, he would need to have one, and seasoned politicians like him have no such thing. Pretentiousness, hubris, contempt, yes. Honour ? No. They are all profiteers, windsocks and hypocrites.

    I am not French, nor do I know much about Mr. Fillon, other than what I have been able to read about him. Whether he is an honorable person or not, whether he isa pretentious or not, are obviously important factors for the French electorate. However, to state that all politicians are profiteers etc. is not only wrong, but dangerous for the democracy. It leads to people voting for populists who raise their voices against "the establishment" "the Elite" and mislead the people. The last example of this dangerous trend was seen with the election of Trump in the USA, which could bring about a near disaster. If trends like these are nurtured we may see the end of democracy, also in Europe. We all know, or should know, what dictatorships bring, red, black or brown ones. The worst democracy is far better than the best dictatorship! 

  5. On 1/3/2016 at 8:49 AM, ubonjoe said:

    Having dual nationalities are allowed. There is no requirement to give up your other nationality when getting Thai citizenship.

    There is no requirement to give up the present nationality when getting naturalized in Thailand. However, the Thai authorities do notify the Embassy/Consulate of the person involved . Some people whose countries of citizenship do not allow dual citizenship, without previous application and approval ( for example Germany, Singapore and others) may cause serious difficulties then, if they were not aware of the fact and did not approve it.

  6. I am not a prophet, nor a currency speculator, but the US$ seems to be weakening, mostly due to President Elects Trrup's stated views that the $ is too strong. It does damage the chances of US manufacturers in as much as it makes American exports more expensive and imports cheaper. I personally wouldn't bank on the exchange rate of 1$=BHT35.50, let alone 36.00. My personal view, and I may be absolutely wrong, is that by the end of the months  - mid February the $ will equal just over BHT35.

  7. 17 hours ago, nakhonandy said:

    The financial institutions are staying, in fact a couple of new businesses are moving to London.

    Anyhow nobody knows what will be agreed yet.

    The UK and Europe will still need each others markets


    We now know -hard Brexit. Are the financial institutions staying? As far as I know quite a few are packing after Mrs. May's speech and such cities as Dublin, Frankfurt and Paris are waiting. You are right, the UK and the EU do need each other, the question being in which form. The UK represents a market of 60 million consumers, the EU of 400. It's a great pity that the EU has taken a regrettable decision and I am absolutely sure they will live to greatly regret it, unfortunately!

  8. 16 hours ago, nakhonandy said:

    The UK doesn't want either.


    They want border control first. Then they want trade agreements not the single market.


    Taxes on trade work both ways incidentally and the UK imports more than it exports regarding the EU.


    16 hours ago, nakhonandy said:

    The UK doesn't want either.


    They want border control first. Then they want trade agreements not the single market.


    Taxes on trade work both ways incidentally and the UK imports more than it exports regarding the EU.

    You seem to ignore the London Financial Market (representing quite a slice of the GDP of the UK). You seem to ignore the many non European companies (not only Americans) having their HQ in the UK to allow them free access to the EU. All this will disappear with the "hard Brexit". I doubt that the results will be that wonderful for the UK, inspite of what Mrs. May, or Mr. Trump may say. 

  9. On 1/13/2017 at 10:03 PM, mesquite said:

    Most western men I know here want nothing to do with same-age western women and realize much younger western women want nothing to do with them.  The men I know pretty much ignore western women.  Some have issues and anger toward western women, but I have never seen or heard of any of my friends being openly hostile.


    The intellectual whore thing really surprises me. 


    Truth be told, I'm as baffled as you are about the situation you describe.  Maybe someone can shed some light on it.

    I am slightly baffled about he "intellectual whore" reaction and I am not quite sure the lady concerned really understands the of "asking for a phone number. or for a cup of coffee" in the proper sense. Quite frankly most Farang men in Thailand are not after anything intellectual, as a matter of fact they despise intellectual, or intelligent females. Most Farang men in Thailand look for younger Thai girls, sex symbols, who would nod with a yes to every word they say, as stupid or primitive as it may be. They are really not after the female type they had to leave in their countries of origin, as they were not able to contend with them and were not accepted by them, in view of their mostly low level of intelligence.. If it is of any comfort to you, the male Farangs you are referring to, would look with disdain at and despise Thai ladies who are intellectually of a higher level than they are, or do not act as sex symbols. Without wishing to go into politics, the males you are referring to are the Trumpists, although not all of them are American, you can find the Trumpist mentality in every community and unfortunately most of the Farang men coming to Thailand are of such a mentality. 


    Allow me, however, to emphasize that although both of us, you as well as I in writing what I did above, unintentionally generalize, which is wrong. I know of a number, unfortunately not too many, and they most certainly don't represent the majority, or even a sizable minority, of the male Falang in Thailand, who are liberal thinking, equality seeking people, married either to intelligent Thai ladies (and there are quite a few such ladies in Thailand) or to western ladies more or less their age and of the same intelligence level.


    My personal advice to your is to ignore the "gentlemen's" stupid attitude, and when you have the impression that the man suggesting to you to have a cup of coffee together, is a nice person, do accept the invitation. You may, just may, be surprised.

  10. 50 minutes ago, mike324 said:


    I agree, both sides have much to loose from UK leaving the EU. What kind of compromise can UK come up with to minimize the impact? that will be the main issue now.

    The UK, Mrs May, must realize one thing. As the saying goes "You can't have the cake and eat it". The EU has as its basic principles the free flow of good and PEOPLE. If the UK doesn't want the latter, it can't have the former. I think this summarizes the basic issue.

  11. 4 hours ago, TankerWeams said:

    A real civil rights leader would be campaigning for the public to respect the democratic process. Respecting an individuals right to chose his preferred presidential candidate is after all an important civil right.

    The process whereby a candidate getting nearly 3 million votes countrywide more than her/his rival, who still gets elected, is not a democratic one and if one really considers this carefully, one may consider the President elect not as a "legitimate president"

  12. 30 minutes ago, prakhonchai nick said:

    An eye for an eye - always - when there is total proof. And as someone above said...today...not 20 years later.



    Is the principle of eye to eye allowed in all cases? If that was the case we all would live, or die, in a chaos,  worldwide. As I rhetorically asked before, is stealing from a thief legal, i.e. does your principle apply here?

  13. 51 minutes ago, petermik said:

    Try telling that to a family that has had their young daughter/son brutally sexually assaulted and murdered to satisfy someones sick lust........there have been numerous cases where the evidence is overwhelming and even the perpetrator  has admitted guilt....HANG them I say :sad:

    I can only repeat what I stated before NO ONE has the right to take the life of another human being. Is stealing from a thief legal? No. So why should murdering a murderer be allowed and legal? Te only , repeat ONLY, time killing is justified if your life, or the life of another is momentarily in danger.

  14. 4 hours ago, aussieinthailand said:

    "Outdted and unfair."   Thailand has made some progress in some area's, and it has gone backwards in other area's.

    Unfortunatly the one step forward and two steps back is what he junta is being judged on.

    The repression of critics on the so-called constitution and the yet agian postponed election is some would say very relevant up to date and fair.


    I am all for keeping full human rights. However, when one wants to pass judgement on the extent of such right being exercised, one ought to check the circumstances and environment. Considering these factors ( remember the unrest, riots etc), I think the present government is doing very well. It takes time and patience to get a nearly perfect situation, which exists only in few countries worldwide.

  15. 2 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

    At first, I thought...no biggie.  Until I read this.  Makes sense. 



    He could be in serious hot water due to this.  Especially if it's proven he helped craft Russia's response to the sanctions.


    No biggie.  Trump will just declare this FAKE NEWS! LOL

    You are probably right. However, even Trump, or his entourage, may one day go too far in dealing with Russia. Also, I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out that during the campaign there was constant contact between Trump's camp and Russia. If that comes out officially and is confirmed, it could be a ground for impeachment. This may not be possible now, with the Republican majority in both houses, but after the 2018 elections, there might be a Democrat majority in both houses and then the situation may look completely differently. Trump may be talking about 8 years , he may be lucky to survive one term of 4 years. If a USA can safely survive it, is another question.

  16. On 1/7/2017 at 7:38 PM, Mangostin said:

    So, as the thai MFA it's still involved, and this requirement originated from them, they can possibly still deny to recognise the marriage if no proof of funds it's submitted to them?

    Whoever here, has connections (wink wink) at the MFA, should try to find out a bit more, especially if this new rule will apply to all the nationalities of the old continent (EU), as it's often the case, or just to some...

    If the marriage certificate of a country recognized "de jure" by Thailand is confirmed by the Embassy concerned and its translation, then all the MFA, consular department does is to put a stamp of confirmation on the translated certificate. The Thai national then proceeds to an Amphur and gets his/her marriage registered and gets a Thai certificate. Quite straight forward. Isn't it?

  17. On 1/6/2017 at 4:11 PM, Mangostin said:

    No he wants to marry here, and it's the thai ministry of foreign affair which it's making it compulsory to have this proof, so maybe there is a work around?

    What about if he marry the thai citizen into a western country, and then ask for the thai side to recognise  the marriage here?

    I am not a lawyer, and i think it would be of interest to know the opinion of one of them that it's familiar with these matters.

    According to international laws, an official marriage in a country which is recognized "de Jure" by Thailand is officially recognized in Thailand. However, the marriage of a Thai citizen outside of Thailand has to be registered by an Amphur. The foreign Marriage Certificate has to be translated into Thai and confirmed by the Embassy concerned and then by the consular department of the Thai Ministry of foreign affairs.

  18. 3 hours ago, dunroaming said:

    Well they had to put this latest embarrassment to bed as quickly as possible and this is the way to do it.  It is going to be a long two years and even longer to get agreements in place.  Britain will survive and may end up in a better place because of it, eventually.  Just how much crap we have to put up with in the meantime remains to be seen.  It will definitely have a cost to us all but for how long and how severe is, as yet, unknown.


    The main question is, do we trust the people charged with orchestrating this divorce to really get the best deal for us?  I know I don't. 

    The best would be to negotiate an exit from Brexit. Most pro Brexit voters regret their decision according to the polls. It escapes my good senses, how a Brexit opposer like the present PM, Mrs. May, can head a government negotiating Brexit. She is doing something she had strongly warned against. With politicians like her and others, who can't be believed and therefore trusted,  no wonder populists have successes. Ivan Rogers should have resigned longnago.

  19. You should try a Schengen Visa fromthe French Embassy as the regulation is that the Schengen visa should be issued by the country in the Schengen area where you land first. Most embassies accept a confirmed flight reservation. I don't now all, but from experience I do know that the German and Israeli (nn Schengen) accepts this. Why not try the French Embassy?

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