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Everything posted by lavender19

  1. Sounds like a 5 year old . Not the VP of once great country
  2. Oh right. A really high IQ US Vice President Kamala Harris once said, “Ukraine is a country in Europe. It exists next to another country called Russia. Russia is a bigger country.
  3. Doesn't look like the insurance industry like them either https://www.asiainsurancereview.com/News/View-NewsLetter-Article/id/88708/type/eDaily/Thailand-Auto-insurers-rethink-how-to-cover-EVs
  4. Diclofenic 50 mg. Sold over the counter about 30 baht for 10 tablets.
  5. And you honestly think he did all that on his own.
  6. I think one has already learnt a lesson
  7. Oh dear what a shame
  8. When are they going to get it into their heads. People are struggling to pay bills without coming to overpriced Thailand
  9. Add in the expat tax debacle as well. I know quite a few who are planning to leave for 180 days a year if that goes ahead.
  10. It was the butler with the candlestick
  11. First came to Thailand 45 years ago. Lived here for 21 years. I used to love the bar scene . All changed now. Way too expensive now. Had a business here for 18 years. Wouldn't do anything different. I certainly wouldn't want to go back to living in the western culture
  12. It's all about money. Everybody's jumping on the Muslim bandwagon.
  13. Have you got the same problem Joe the sniffer has?
  14. They are probably counting the 55 family members seeing their mother off on a domestic flight
  15. Should have his dick fed to the duck's
  16. As if there isn't enough fatties here already
  17. Here we go again. Eggs and basket. These morons will never learn
  18. The one with the goats in the bars
  19. Sky FFS. Don't know if you are from the UK . If so .Have you been back there recently. No wonder people are racist. They have had enough of this Muslim BS
  20. Same as the British B*ll*hit Corporation (BBC) planting people in the audience that work for the BBC.
  21. They will replace him in September. Probably with big Mike or Cruella Clinton
  22. Just taken insurance with these. What I didn't like is that you pay and and then all the questions start. It would be better to answer questions before they take your money. Plus called the English speaking line but no-one spoke English said would call me back. No-one did. Then the inspection video. No one spoke English. Wish I had just used my usual agent
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