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Posts posted by MaxYakov

  1. 11 hours ago, VYCM said:

    See this all too often, truck driver is indicating that he is turning left and motorbike undertakes.

    In Australia trucks have right of way when turning left, it is against the law to overtake turning vehicles.


    I'm amazed there is not a lot more deaths here like this.


    I would hate to drive a heavy vehicle in Thailand, these riders dont respect their own life.

    What an idiot. 

    In Australia is it legal to even operate your motor vehicle on the shoulder and any conditions except an emergency situation? In Thailand, land of the "motorcycle disease", many motorcyclists operate their vehicles routinely as if they are in an emergency situation (until it becomes a real one).



  2. Bangkok's Temps - Past 9 Years (Ref Site - World Weather Online):




    Bangkok actually seems cooler to me in general since I arrived nine years ago because I've acclimated. I used to be comfortable at 27 1/2 degrees C. Now I operate at 29-30 degrees C (saving me and Thai electric generation a lot of consumed Kw hours). My rooms can get into the 30-31 degrees C before I get uncomfortable, nowadays.  FoodLand and the T21 Cinema and other places at 25 degrees C or so is too cool for me to be comfortable in shirt sleeves. Anyway, I digress.


    I can see (or imagine?) a 1/2 degree C (or so) increasing ramp in those temps over the 9 or 10 years. At the rate it's going, I'll be at room temperature, as they say, before it gets seriously hot (assuming the ramp can be extrapolated into the future). The question I have is how have temps been taken for Bangkok as depicted in the above chart. Were the measuring points insulated or adjusted from increased Bangkok urban sprawl and a host of other dynamics of Bangkok over the past 9 years? I know urban Bangkok is made hotter by motor vehicles and A/C units and, no doubt, other heat sources.


    Now, where did I put that climate model, anyway? I'm always misplacing it!



  3. 4 hours ago, TunnelRat69 said:

    You beat me to it:  When he reached the Ban Siew curve, the wheeled cargo container dislodged and crashed onto the oncoming MPV, he told police.

    I read this as "I was going too fast when I hit the curve in the road the Container flew off the bed of my truck."


    Hmmm  -  a 28 wheeled truck??  I have seen hundreds of 18 wheelers in the US but never a 28 wheeler..........typo??

     RIP to the unfortunate folks that are victims of his stupidity.

    Probably a typo, but there is a 28-wheeler out there and certainly is NOT on any Thai roads:


    28-Wheel Truck Climbs Mountains, Builds Telescopes - Gizmodo article


    R.I.P. the victims - wrong place, wrong time (on a Thai road, anytime).




  4. 10 hours ago, MaxYakov said:

    I'd be worried about climate change as well, positioned where they are - there's another Ice Age due in 90,000 years or so!


    10 hours ago, bristolboy said:


    A real live example of a someone who doesn't understand the question of rates.

    Errr ... you mean "rate of change", yes? And you're a "real live example" of someone lacking a sense of humor. ????


    Ref. Reply HERE.




  5. On 12/3/2018 at 4:44 PM, zydeco said:

    And what if I bring plastic bags with me? Are the stores going to refuse to bag my purchases?

    I'd make you purchase a cloth bag from me anyway or insist that you get one. It's only right! ????


    (The Thais will simply load up your plastic bags, however, so don't worry)

  6. Today was Foodland's first day of no-plastic-bags. What did they substitute for the customers?




      (of all sizes that were obviously surplus from sales goods)


    Did they have cloth bags for sale? I didn't see a one either supplied by FoodLand or by even a single customer.


    A very Lame Environment Day. Tells me that FoodLand and probably every retail store in Thailand is not serious about protecting the environment. I can't help but wonder what the Bay of Bangkok looks like from the sea creatures' perspectives.



  7. Tomorrow, December 4th, FoodLand (Soi 5) is threatening to not give out plastic bags and they're indicating that cloth bags should be brought (or bought?). This will be a one-day event, much to my chagrin. I'm prepared for no plastic bags anytime an forever in every store. Oh, well.


    Have to start somewhere and with baby steps, I guess. I'd also guess that's it's a one-day, politically-correct virtue signaling to keep up with Tesco-Lotus(?) and that's about it.


  8. 3 hours ago, 1337markus said:

    Never heard of her, so so much as a TV star unknown. No idea why this is news, last week I broke my ankle and have 12 screws and a metal plate inserted, that wasnt TV news? LOL.

    Nor had I, but www.IMDb.com is our friend, although in this rare case there isn't a main image of her on her dedicated page - Lisa Appleton.




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