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Posts posted by MaxYakov

  1. 2 hours ago, manchega said:

    please tell me where I can grass up drivers pumping black smoke out of their cars

    my dash cam takes HD stills when I require, and I have 60 odd offenders but no place to grass the <deleted> up, please advise

    Advice: Don't attempt to enforce Thailand's laws and start wearing a PM2.5/N95 mask while out if you are not now.

  2. 3 hours ago, uhuh said:

    I don't need a SNDWAY.

    I just look out of my window (high floor) and visibility has never been so good since the beginning of December.


    Just to make sure its true i verify with the website and yes, the reality isn't fake! The internet says i


    You verified your window's (high floor) visibility on a website?! Which website was that? :stoner:

  3. 3 hours ago, MaxLee said:

    Well,... because now BKK people take the smog to other provinces for the long weekend... and after the long weekend it will be back again,.....

    You wish! The RTAQ was still moderate or unhealthy for sensitive groups all weekend except for 1 hour of good (<50 21:00-2200 Sat. Night).


    I'm a cancer survivor from 2016 and probably won't survive a second encounter with it so one might say that I have a dog in this air pollution fight. A PM2.5/N95 mask - don't leave home without it (on).

  4. 2 hours ago, djayz said:

    I did not edit your post, I quoted a part of your post. The very fact that you believe that a pedestrian should get out of the way of some jackass on a bike riding down the footpath is the bone I had to pick with your comment. That's a big part of the problem here - too many people bow and bend over to the bullies. But, hey, if you want to bend over, go ahead. Enjoy. 

    Re me standing in front of a motorbike on sidewalks - yes, I have, and will, continue walking down the footpath and I haven't/won't step aside for them. Never! 

    The victim has more courage than most people here, you included. 

    What part about quoting out-of-context do you not understand (In your case let's make this a rhetorical question, shall we)?


    Anyway, good luck with your courageous law enforcement by risking personal life and limb:stoner:


    Be sure to keep us updated as to the quality of medical care you'll be receiving and from whom at what cost.

  5. 3 hours ago, djayz said:

    Are you nuts?! The pedestrian had every right to stand on the footpath. It's the <deleted>' motorcyclist who is in the wrong here. Firstly, he shouldn't have been riding his bike on the path in first place, then, after having been told off he turned around with the sole intention of showing the pedestrian who's boss. He rode right into him with the intent of harming him! 

    The pedestrian deserves two medals. One for pointing out to the young lad that footpaths aren't for motorbikes and a second for not bowing to the bully. 


    Am probably nuts by now, but are you willing to go stand in front of (or anywhere near) a motorbike that has decided to use the sidewalk?


    I did not justify the motorbike's using the sidewalk, but you edited my post and took that sentence out of context making seem I had. The next time you decide to edit someone's post in a reply it's a good idea to indicate that action in your reply or in the quoted portion.


    Here's my entire post unedited:


    "The pedestrian should have gotten out of the way of the motorbike. Instead, he just stood there apparently willing to get hit. I'm not justifying the motorcyclists action - it was definitely assault. Attempted murder would have required some kind of "big bike".


    From "motorbike-infested Thailand" that tallies around 45 motorcyclist road kills/day, what does one expect?"

    • Like 1
  6. The pedestrian should have gotten out of the way of the motorbike. Instead, he just stood there apparently willing to get hit. I'm not justifying the motorcyclists action - it was definitely assault. Attempted murder would have required some kind of "big bike".


    From "motorbike-infested Thailand" that tallies around 45 motorcyclist road kills/day, what does one expect?

  7. 15 hours ago, inThailand said:

    The USA should steal Joke away and pay him by the illegals he deports. A much better compensation package. 

    He would have to fight Nancy Pelosi and hundreds if not thousands of politicians that somehow benefitting from having open borders with minimal deportation. Not a concern in Thailand because here, apparently, the potential votes from illegal aliens have not been an issue for several years.

  8. 9 hours ago, ocddave said:

    The more I drive here, the more I believe Thai drivers (especially males), have some type of mental disorder passed on from generation to generation. I think the only way to fix the problem is to remove all the Thai drivers from the streets, then enforce a strict written and thorough road test. 

    And then, after that, refuse to let them back onto the streets. ????




  9. Ahah! It appears that the RTAQ site's AQ display is indeed real-time. The two-day bar graph can be up to 2-3 hours behind so it is not real-time (some kind of batch operation). Looking at the times I'd say this recent pollution is Bangkok activity related rather than fires, since it appears to have occurred during peak commute hours and cleared from 2200 last night until 0500 this morning. That doesn't strike me as fire activity, especially in Issan unless something meteorological happened in those seven hours from last night until this morning.


    From my balcony, I can look across Queen Sirikit Park and then across Lumphini Park beyond that to the buildings in the Sala Daeng area and and (sort of) confirm the RTAQ index value. Right now it's as bad as I've ever seen it - the Sala Daeng buildings are very obscured (hazed-out????). The RTAQ index is now 161 at 1430. Now, where did I put that mask!





  10. 4 hours ago, brewsterbudgen said:

    Horrible again in Bangkok today, after a brief respite.

    Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk

    Yes, it doesn't appear we can blame the fires this time (meteorological?). There is last night's 4-hour period of > 150 (1800-2200) and then it goes moderate from there (< 150 and two hours of < 100). Weird. I hope this is not the "new normal"!


    At 1335 today (Of course the RTAQ is 1 1/2 hours behind - hardly Real Time, as its name states):




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