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Posts posted by MaxYakov

  1. 9 hours ago, webfact said:

    A Boeing official in Seattle said on Wednesday the timing of the software upgrade was "100 percent independent of the timing of the Ethiopian accident," and the company was taking steps to make the anti-stall system "more robust."

    Yeah, right! Did they not want to say: "untrained pilot proof"? I have this gut feeling that both crashes were because the pilots did not quickly (or have time) to follow the "runaway stabilizer" actions, but instead tried to take action with the stabilizer trim motor still powered-up rather than going to manual stabilizer trimming quickly enough (or at all). If they had gone to manual operation of the trim wheels, is it possible that they rotated the wheels in the wrong direction, potentially exacerbating the situation? What, if anything, prevents this? How much experience do pilots get in manually trimming the stabilizer (i.e. doing so without using the electric jackscrew motor)?



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  2. 3 hours ago, xylophone said:

    I was  never a fan of this Russian collusion theory (as I stated in the other thread.....even a dimwit like trump cannot be that dumb) but do believe there are other events underway which could prove damaging to him!!


    But let's be real about this...........here you have someone who continually lies, then lies again, has employed illegals, been a 5 times bankrupt and on and on........so he is a prime candidate for investigation into any apparent misdemeanours.


    That is only natural. esp if you hold high office and that's the way it should be. Even more so if he surrounds himself with shady crooks (birds of a feather springs to mind) and undesirables.


    The trump supporters are having their time now, but there is more to come regarding this clown, so they should enjoy it whilst they can. And am I a "trump hater", well if I dislike liars, bigots, racists, cheats and crooks, then I must be, but then that surely must apply to all fair and honest folk?

    So his bad traits in your opinion are enough to justify attempting a "silent coup" to eliminate a fairly-elected US President by people who have sworn to uphold the rule of law and the US Constitution?


    I'm not a rabid Trump supporter, but no fairly-elected President deserves to be hounded by irrational purveyors of an off-the-wall conspiracy hypothesis for over two years straight (which, of course, includes a Trump-hating and unprofessional US media that has the audacity to call themselves "journalists").


    BTW, racism and bigotry are not illegal in the US (yet). Trump may be a liar, but have proof that he is a crook and sic law enforcement on him, ok? I recommend your having your Post Trump Election Derangement Syndrome checked by a professional psychologist.

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  3. 12 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

    WOW.... and you think BKK has it bad.... just look to the north....


    Here's the all Thailand view:




    Then the BKK region view:




    Then what the heck is this???  Did someone set the TMD office in BKK on fire???



    Seriously, was there a large fire in that part of Bangkok that spread smoke all over?


    And what the heck was happening in the North - probable field burning? Was it blown down into Bangkok?


    I don't see how this severe pollution could be attributed to motor vehicles since similar levels did not occur on Monday morning's commute (or most other mornings pollution level).



  4. On 3/4/2019 at 5:22 AM, mitebbots said:

    can anyone point me where to buy 3M Filtrete paper? have not been able to find so far. 

    HomePro stocked it. You can go to a HomePro and they can tell you if any of their stores have any through their inventory database. It seems as though 3M has a monopoly in the A/C filter material supply. This week my son is bringing some over that was ordered on Amazon.




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