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Posts posted by MaxYakov

  1. 57 minutes ago, Thian said:

    I don't mind to look like a dork...i can't understand why the Thai accept those volume levels while shopping...to me it's very low class to yell to me like that and even expecting that i'll buy something. I can't understand that the Thai accept it.

    Have you considered that they yell like that because the have a hearing loss? Could it be a vicious cycle of hearing loss to louder and then even more hearing loss...

  2. 29 minutes ago, laislica said:

    Can you recommend something specifically?


    In addition to the two ear plugs on a connecting string (HomePro safety goods - string minimizes losses of a single earplug), I carry a more stealthy pair of silicone ear inserts (FoodLand) for those situations where I don't want to appear totally like an over-the-top dork (which I actually am ????).

    • Haha 1
  3. I wonder how many Thais have suffered hearing loss due to the high noise levels. My sister could not even talk on the telephone after years of on-the-job noise that was not addressed and it was not even a particularly noisy environment. I believe it was the type of noise that caused the damage. I've taken serious steps to avoid the same - Ref. HERE.


    At least one person on this thread indicated that my hearing protection effort was humorous. Go figure.

    • Like 1
  4. I wear ear plugs like these at all times when outside my abode:





    I have these available to me at all times when outside or inside and use them often and while wearing the above ear plugs. Particularly useful in noisy restaurants and to make a silent statement about the high noise levels - particularly emitted from people's mouths. My only lament is that I cannot put them on quickly enough for the ridiculously loud motorcycles and ambulances. I think I'll work on that deficiency:




    I'm not joking.


    • Haha 2
  5. 1 hour ago, Proboscis said:


    Partisanship? do you mean against Clinton who claims that they lost her the election by bringing up the email issue again (when new info came to light?) or do you mean against Trump when they were investigating connections between his campaign and the Russians?

    In both cases they were right. The additional Clinton emails were relevant; there was prima facie evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians (although to what extent it went is unclear although enough heads have rolled over it).

    Lets look at this another way. Imagine for the moment that the FBI had done exactly the opposite to what they did. Imagine they had let the additional Clinton emails slide or said nothing about them or that they had hushed up the Russian connection with the Trump campaign? Now we couldl be discussing serious partisanship in either case! Or if they had done both, we could have said that the FBI is afraid to do its job, afraid of pissing of a winning candidate!


    There are lots of points that could be made about all of this, including that there should be a separate entity that is independent of the office of the President and Congress who investigates such matters. But remember that the FBI has to work within the bounds of the constitution.


    Having raised the issue, what would you have them do in that situation? What would you have done?


    Who are "them"? I don't have dog in this fight. Pulled out the insanity ten years ago. Trolling indeed.

    • Thanks 2
  6. 5 hours ago, manarak said:


    actually, the term "racism" has been extended to cover any preference or dislike for the aspects or antics that could in majority be attributed to some stereotyped group, based on race, sexual preferences, social origins, religion, etc.

    I expect soon it will be racist to express preference or dislike for types of music or literature.


    "War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength." - George Orwell
  7. On 9/27/2018 at 1:53 PM, smedly said:

    sorry but you are wrong, there are many quality helmets here in Thailand in the 2-3k price bracket, they are tested to Western Standards and in some cases better than some of the expensive brand imports.


    Problem with the OP is that the typical crappy plastic helmet supplied by MB taxi drivers offer no protection at all, it is also worth noting that a good helmet will protect you to an extent but hit anything solid above 30kmh and your chance of survival is minimal, same goes for gear, they are designed to protect from a 4ft drop to the road from the seat and gear protects against road rash - hit anything solid and it doesn't matter what you are wearing unless it is a car.


    Imagine this - put on the best gear you can buy and jump from a 2nd floor balcony head first - see how you survive, better still drop onto a wall from the same height and see how that goes, on impact you will be travelling at about 35-40kmph (less than 30mph.


    Very few fatal MB accidents in Thailand would have had a different outcome if the person had been geared.  


    This helmet issue from the OP is either total lack of understanding or they need more tea money or a mixture of both


    Also putting on the provided headgear from a MB taxi driver is not only poor quality but also filthy 


    Additionally, the fit of the helmet must be correct for the individual (according to my IndexTM motorcycle helmet user manual) and the strap fastened to be effective. I witnessed an helmeted motorbike operator misread the traffic situation and slam at high speed into a right-turning car. He lost the helmet upon the initial impact with the car and then he went head-first into a concrete parking lot where he sustained a serious head injury upon impact.


    I don't see any practical way for a motorbike taxi operator to carry enough different sized helmets to meet the proper fit requirements for passengers. So all of this helmet is only a partial and deluded solution to "motorbike/cycle-diseased" Thailand's genuine problem - motorbikes/cycles.

  8. 21 minutes ago, marcusarelus said:

    These are my two helmets.  I can't imagine carrying one around all day shopping and eating in Bangkok.  I get your point and it makes sense but I can't see anyone doing it. 

    hel .jpg


    Time to look at alternative and safer transportation? Helmets won't protect against a plethora of fatal injuries anyway. I predict that there will be people carrying helmets and/or checking them in at customer service package checking. Time to start thinking outside the box?

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