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Posts posted by MaxYakov

  1. I still sense that the FoodLand cashiers think it's eccentric of me to pull a plastic bag out of my picket or, if there are only a few items, simply carry them to my bicycle without even using a bag (Buddha forbid!). The 7/11 crews take it more routinely it seems. I even have a genuine WalMart "Paper or Plastic - Neither" cloth bag but rarely use it because of its bulk.


    This and a host of other things I observe in Thailand (such as the "motorbike disease") all translate to this word: entrenched, so I don't predict a sea change in the war against plastic from this particular "D-Day".

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  2. 23 minutes ago, SoNowWhat said:

    They are not deviant nor is it a descriptive initialism. For not being up on that community...you seemed to spend a lot of time researching. It is an anacronym to describe a large community of amazing people. 

    I stated that I was not up on the "initialisms" describing the community, not the community itself. On the other hand who can keep up with either?!  (or would want to?).


    From the link I provided in my reply:


    "LGBT, or GLBT, is an initialism that stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender. The initialism has become mainstream as a self-designation; it has been adopted by the majority of sexuality and gender identity-based community centers and media in the United States, as well as many other countries"


    Maybe you should spend some time yourself researching. You also may want to look at fact vs opinion, and how to tell the difference.

  3. Guess what happened to me when I tried to admonish one them against using a smartphone while cycling? The response started with "I'm not bothering anyone else so why do you care?" to, eventually, anti-foreigner hate statements when I pressed him. I imagine most Thais operating a motor vehicle would reply in the same manner. I was hit on the road by a van driver and the situation was such that he must have had his eyes completely off the road while negotiating a turn into a driveway!

  4. On 6/13/2018 at 9:14 PM, thonglorjimmy said:

    I came across another fatal accident in Thonglor at lunchtime today, it was about 50 meters away from where I saw an old lady get taken out by a lorry who ran a red light at speed some months ago, what shook me was the fact that traffic drove round her body on the road whilst the motorcycle taxi guys were helping the rescue guys.

    I didn't see today's accident, I don't know if it was a motorcyclist or pedestrian, or whatever, in fact I'm assuming it was an accident.

    When I approached the incident the rescue guys were carrying a body into an ambulance whilst another was scraping blood and matter off the road, whilst the traffic was trying go find their way round them, that's a job I couldn't do.

    As soon as the body was removed and the road cleaned the traffic carried on as normal. Not sure that I would have expected anything else but it seemed so low key and matter of fact and indicative of local people's attitude to road deaths.



    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect


    They should get Elon Musk to come over and find an efficient way to automate the cleanup. (Using Tesla electrics, of course).

  5. On 6/13/2018 at 1:08 PM, GaryAdriaenssens said:

    Yes, sometimes staying beautiful has its price..... Fortunately she wasn't on her phone but maybe she isn't one of those smartphone-using zombies as reported in an article here 4 days ago!! Imagine what could have happened to her then! Hope she recovers from it though.

    Yeah, right! She was probably using her smartphone in "mirror" mode and talking on it at the same time while applying the eyeliner. Anyway, what are the odds she'll change her makeup-application MO in the future? ?

  6. 43 minutes ago, catman20 said:

    im always surprised that slow moving vehicles  like motor bikes insist on driving in the faster lanes. i always keep as far left as possible when im riding a bike. Thais seem to have no scene of danger.

    I don't have a problem with a motorcycle that can maintain traffic flow speed - and many of the muscle motorbikes can easily do that.  I watch them every day on Rachada Phisek and Sukhumvt every day in the fast lane and they can easily outrun almost any other vehicle on the road.


    The problems as I see it are the motorcycles' relatively poor stopping distance  and maneuverability, poor operator training/experience and lack of operator protection in an accident. If anything, too many motorbikes are speeding well outside their safe performance envelope. I see (and, unfortunately, hear) them every day.

  7. "Video: Water monitor leads to death of motorcyclist, but Thai TV two Thai TV Hosts find finds it funny"


    "CCTV showed a terrible accident from Nonthaburi on Monday in which a young motorcyclist died because a car slowed for a crossing water monitor  because he was in the wrong place at the wrong time riding a motorcycle - in front of a speeding pIckup operated by an inattentive driver who was probably on his/her smartphone"

  8. 6 hours ago, superal said:

    For sure potato salad has a short shelf life within a fridge mostly because of the eggs and mayo dressing . If the eggs were contaminated with salmonella which is not a rarity then you are on a loser for sure . Salmonella free eggs are available in the UK but I have never seen them here however you can carry out the procedure yourself , just Google it and then make yourself a potato salad that should be safe ( that is if you can still fancy it )  

    Thanks. I've had good luck with the boiled eggs from 7/11 and try and stay within the expiry date. They've replaced my Foodland American Breakfast special that I've been eating regularly for several years without a problem. Maybe I will attempt my own potato/egg salad - that would be a first!

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  9. I've had food poisoning only a few times in ten years in Bangkok. The most recent was a four-day diarrhea fest because I consumed 200 grams of potato/egg salad that was handmade and sold locally in a well-known restaurant/store chain. I actually consumed it all just after I bought it right in front of the store (I had a craving) so it couldn't have been that I kept it too long in my fridge.


    I talked to management after my recovery and they said they didn't routinely throw out the salad after a finite period of time - customers would buy it until it was gone. It was in a chilled display case, but it was impossible to tell how long it had sat there or what standards were used when it was produced. I'm eating a lot of canned food these days.

  10. 24 minutes ago, lvr181 said:

    Perhaps the standard 're-enactment' (plus photo op for RTP) is called for? :whistling:

    Heh, heh, I get your drift, but this carnage must get 're-enactments' on a minute by minute basis throughout Thailand (apparently) w/o much assistance necessary from the RTP.


    This was an exceptional incident (or maybe not), so let us not forget that motorbike/cycle/scooter accidents contribute 75% of the road deaths / injuries. Thailand's "motorbike disease" is deadly and probably chronic given the mindset and economic  condition of the general population. 

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