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Posts posted by MaxYakov

  1. 8 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    OK, the OP is about there are not as many European tourists coming to Thailand this year , although there has been an increase in European tourists coming this year , it isnt as big as expected

    Thanks! Actually, I screwed up. I was referring to the "Sharing Economy" thread., which I had on my mind as inscrutable. Just the title on this OP is enough for me not even read the article. The fewer tourists, the better, AFAIC. Maybe the "Sharing Economy" will save Thailand's cash flow. :stoner:

  2. "Because of this new principle, he said garbage disposal project will be exempted from town and country planning law in the way that a garbage disposal facility can be built in “green” area."


    Google Translate strikes again?


    I say anything (well, not anything!) to get the garbage trucks to stop sorting the garbage on city streets night - an operating that should occur in a central garbage processing facility. Oops, I guess there isn't one!


    Ran across this fascinating and informative  "Trashopolis" television series - two seasons covering major cities. Here's the Berlin episode:




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  3. 28 minutes ago, KhaoYai said:

    Nobody is a 'faultless driver'. Am I a better driver than 99% of the Thai's I come across on the roads in Thailand? Damn right I am! Do I stop at red lights or pedestrian crossings? Damn right I do! Do I know how a roundabout works etc. etc. etc...........damn right to all those too. I've been a biker most of my life and I find the skills I've learned from that help keep me alive when either riding or driving in Thailand. Skills like - reading the road 1/2 a mile ahead - presume the guy approaching on the side road WILL pull out on me, not might.


    I don't remember saying I was 'faultless' but simply driving in what is considered a normal fashion in farangland is 1000% better than what I see in Thailand.  I think most of us here are very familiar with Thai driving habits - I'll always feel safer when I'm in control thank you.

    I feel safer when I'm as far away from Thai roads as I can get (it's also quite a bit quieter). If you get nailed, chances are it will be by a careless, scoff-law Thai driver and there's no way any human can react quickly enough to deal with a rapid, careless right hand turn into your path or a rapid lane change head-on into you or a high-speed rear-end while waiting for a light. As a previous "biker", you should know this. A lot of victims were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time without an escape path.

  4. 3 hours ago, KhaoYai said:

    Because, despite the dangers its probably safer than using a bus, taxi or minibus. I prefer trying to avoid an accident rather than entrusting my life to some idiot minibus driver and hoping they drive safely.

    And, of course, you are an absolutely faultless driver and never error, right? And you can faultlessly detect any attempts on your life on the road. I once had an associate who believed it was impossible for him to get into a situation he could not control or predict. He was wrong.

  5. 8 hours ago, meechai said:

    The very least this country could offer its populace is Freedom OF Religion


    If some want to be Buddhist be Buddhist...follow the precepts/rules what ever


    If some want to be Christians,Muslims etc carry on follow


    If your a good Buddhist do you need a law to restrain you from drink?

    Do the Muslims need a law to outlaw food sales during Ramadan periods of fasting etc?


    Come on Thailand you continue to disallow any real freedoms.

    Que the "I would never go back to a nanny state folks" ?

    The country does offer Freedom of Religion. It's The Free Market it has trouble with. Have you tried to buy (pay for) some imported ice cream lately?

  6. 13 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

    That is strengthen. If you get less baht per pound of dollar, the baht is stronger. But, I do not see this happening. I predict it will drop to 34.50 by years end.

    What do you base your prediction on and is it on the pound or the dollar? It would be nice and would help my cash flow if it went > 34 per USD. It fell slightly today from 33.27 to 33.18 (Bangkok Bank TT USD rate)

  7. 18 hours ago, ratcatcher said:

    At 32.5 baht per $US, the baht has strengthened The $US weakens. At least that's what I understand to be the case and I am not an economist..

    IMHO, one doesn't have to be an economist to understand currency conversions. One might have to be an economist to understand why one currency weakens or strengthens w/r another (and which direction and how far in the future!). An Ouiji board, roulette wheel or tea leave reading my be an even better way than understanding economics (or trying to predict what kind of shenanigans Trump is going to be getting up to).


    The one thing I know is that if the baht strengthens by 4 baht/dollar and I convert $1,500 USD/month to baht, I lose 6,000 baht in available disposable (pardon the expression) spending baht, which would have purchased a fair amount of ... whatever or whomever I'm into that month. Don't have to be an economist to know that. I was hoping it would make it to 34/USD before reversing its current weakening trend (33.27/USD Bangkok Bank best rate last few days).

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