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Robby nz

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Posts posted by Robby nz

  1. Could a statement like that coming out of nowhere without any real justification point to the oppisite being true.


    So Robby nz, you have missed the last oh, 2 years (or is it 7?) and the ongoing Prear ViharTemple dispute?? You have a lot of reading to catch up on this, make it so biggrin.png

    You sir appear to have missed Thaksins several visits to Cambodia (well publicised) in the last two or three years.

    Perhaps they were just social visits to see old friends, but then again?

    You also have to take this news and its timing in the context of what is going on at present, the BKK elections.

    Could it just be another way to try to discredit Khun A and the Dems?

  2. Actual newspaper headlines

    “Miracle cure kills fifth patient”

    “Rangers get whiff of colon”

    “Total lunar eclipse will be broadcast live on Northwoods public radio”

    “The bra celebrates a pair of historic milestones this year”

    “Starvation can lead to health hazards”

    “Rally against apathy draws small crowd”

    “Police arrest everyone on February 22nd

    “Parents keep kids home to protest school closure”

    “New sick leave policy requires 2 days notice”

    “Man with 8 DUI’s blames drinking problem”

    “Hospitals resort to hiring doctors”

    “Barbershop singers bring joy to school for deaf”

    “Meat head resigns”

    The head of the federal agency overseeing meat and poultry inspections is resigning.

    “Caskets found as workers demolish mausoleum”

    “Man accused of killing lawyer receives a new attorney”

    “Meeting on open meetings is closed”

    “Study shows frequent sex enhances pregnancy chances”

    “City unsure why the sewer smells”

    “Bridges help people cross rivers”

    “Worker suffers leg pains after crane drops 800 pound ball on his head”

    “Cow urine makes for juicy lemons”

    “17 remain dead in morgue shooting spree”

    “Homicide victims rarely talk to police”

    “Marijuana issue sent to a joint committee”

    “Federal agents raid gun shop, find weapons”

    “Statistics show teen pregnancy drops off significantly after 25”

    “Tiger Woods plays with own balls, Nike says”

    “Illitaracy an obstable, study finds”

    “Girls schools still offering something special--- Head”

    “Republicans turned off by size of Obama’s package”

    “Bugs flying around with wings are flying bugs”

    “Lady Jacks off to hot start in conference”

    “Student excited dad got head job”

    “Diana was still alive hours before she died”

    No they are not from Thailand

    Life is tough. It's even tougher if you're stupid"----John Wayne

    • Like 1
  3. Am contemplating a trip to the UK and thinking of hiring a campervan (owned one in NZ and hired one in OZ).

    Particularly interested in Scotland, birth place, but might as well have a look at the other bit to the south while there.

    Thinking along the lines of arriving in London and leaving from Edinburgh or vici verca.

    I see the prices about double in the so called high season so would have to make the trip at an other time although dont want to do it in the snow, too used to Thai climate now. So the first question is timeing, would it be best before or after winter?

    last time I passed through London was the day after the coronation of QE2 so dont remember much, any help with anything at all would be usefull.

  4. I live 150km north of the city and in the last couple of days huge election banners (3mx6m) with Yingluck and Pongsapat have appeared here.

    Seems they are spreading the campaign far and wide.

    Whatever else you say about the lady she sure knows how to advertise herself, the govt TV station CH6 is barring soaps almost a full time advert for PT including the great leader overseas.

  5. Last month the Department of Special Investigation (DSI) charged the opposition leader over alleged illegal party donations for flood relief

    The illigality if I understand correctly was that the donations were paid by electronic means not by check or cash.

    We cant have that it makes it so difficult to syphon some off.

  6. havent read all the posts so sorry if someone has said this before but---------------------- If you go to Cambodis take US$ they would not accept Thai Baht or Cambodian Raeil (Hope I spelt that right) from me and I had to pay in $. Immigration that is.

    They prefer $ anywhere in Cambodia so if you go there dont be conned into changing your $. You will get the local currency as change.

  7. Constitutions SHOULD be hard to change. That's the point! That's the protection a constitution offers (of course it DOES need to be reasonably well drafted in the 1st place, by those with the national, as opposed to self-, interest in mind)! One man's "booby trap" is another man's protection against mob rule (aka chaos). I saw one pinhead on another board pontificating about how the US Constitution is over 200 years old, was never meant to last this long, and should be ignored. A perfect example of the dangers of ignorance & mob rule.


    Evolution happens, society develops, things grow, meanings change, old orders die out and new ones occur....

    Adaptation and all that.

    Aye. But if Thailand follow Thaksin's path the Thais will be back in the trees in some kind of anti-Darwinian nightmare.

    Nope they will all be rich------------ He said so.

    • Like 1
  8. I see CMK you are still talking up S&P and the others like them, you didnt work for them did you?

    Perhaps one day when your checks stop and your 400kb is almost gone you will get out and look around then and come to realise there is a huge difference between economic theory and reality.

    Me I take reality any day.

    I see you have gone all round the world except in Thailand, get off your chair and down to the markets and see what ordinary Thais have to do to make a living, thats the markets not the bars.

    When you get there tell those who find it difficult to scrape together enough for food, clothes and shelter about economic theory and while you are at it you could advise the 20 million Thais who cant pay their debts how to get out of that debt (other thread).

    What matters to them, and me incidentaly, is what they have to pay for their food, clothing, gas and other things you take for granted.

    With the price increases for these things that have already happened and those that are likely to happen in the near future 20% inflation is a distinct possibility.

  9. I know someone who used to give his wife 50,000b per month. The land with 3 houses and the car were in her name.

    She has now sold the land and shot through, first thing he knew about it was when someone turned up at the door and told him he had to get out as they had bought the place.

    Could it be that too much promotes greed?

    Me, the lady gets 15,000b per month which pays for the rent, power, water and food and she always seems to be able to get things for herself out of that.

  10. Meanwhile, government spokesman Tossaporn Serirak said Bt23.7 million had been approved for the Women's Empowerment Fund to hold workshops at a provincial level.

    The meeting also agreed to allocate Bt70 million to each of the 35 provinces that have a population of no more than Bt600,000; Bt100 million for the 22 provinces with a population of 600,000 to a million; and Bt130 million each for the 20 provinces that have populations of more than a million, he said.

    Could this be the price of giving her support?

    • Like 1
  11. I get a check from outside of Thailand every month. The value is determined by the value of the Thai Baht. That value is determined by the international market which is determined by investors that use information provided by economists and rating agencies and or the consumer price index. We all feel the same effects.

    That of course has nothing to do with the price I and all the underprivalaged who do not get a check every month from overseas have to pay for what we buy.

    It would appear you need reminding that this thread is about inflation in Thailand, that is the rise in price of everyday items needed for living in this country.

    Once again take into account the present finance ministers white lie when you talk Thai statistics.

    Maybe at some point in the past you were correct but now Thailand is in the international community and all prices are influenced by the rest of the world. Unless you are still using the barter system.

    I wont bother looking at your video for what I can see with my own eyes is much more realistic.

    Oh and while you are talking up S&P and others have a look over your shoulder and see what rating they gave the sub prime garbage.

    But possibly that proves your point that they can minipulate economies, pity it couldnt improve things instead of helping to stuff the world up.

  12. I get a check from outside of Thailand every month. The value is determined by the value of the Thai Baht. That value is determined by the international market which is determined by investors that use information provided by economists and rating agencies and or the consumer price index. We all feel the same effects.

    That of course has nothing to do with the price I and all the underprivalaged who do not get a check every month from overseas have to pay for what we buy.

    It would appear you need reminding that this thread is about inflation in Thailand, that is the rise in price of everyday items needed for living in this country.

    Once again take into account the present finance ministers white lie when you talk Thai statistics.

  13. The origional poster said a 20% rise is coming not here already and this could be correct for I understand the price of cooking gas will go up soon and that will make a big difference.

    There is also all the new utes and cars around, when payments start to come due there is a chance that the owners who are in a position to do so could raise the prices of whatever they sell to help with the payments.

    I live on comparatively little and therefore do notice price rises such as coconuts in the market which have recently risen from 15b to 18b and now 20b.

    I notice the price of squid has also risen considerably and a feed at a little roadside place I eat from time to time has in the last couple of weeks gone from 25 to 30b a plate. Not complaining just noting for I know these people got to make a baht.

    Although only a few Baht these are big percentages, both more than the 20% mentioned and a couple of Baht added to other small (Made in Thailand) things will boost the additional percentage ordinary people have to pay.

    And CMK thats what counts not Govt numbers.

    I also see that bank interest rates on term deposits have dropped sharply in the last couple of months whether that makes a difference to inflation I dont know.

    People go to college for a reason. If we all could listen to the farmer next door like you we would not need to pay all that big money to listen to economists. The economists of the world read and write those government numbers. The world relies on modern science. The inflation rate in Thailand is around 4%. Check any of the rating agencies like S&P or Moodys. It is like a debate between a brain surgeon and a witch doctor. I can't do it any more. Go to college. Then come back and talk.

    I will ignore your insults for the time being but will say that it is indeed what we all have to pay that impacts on our spending power.

    What S&P have to say matters not a jot to me or anyone else when we have to pay more for something today than we had to yesterday.

    It may of course not matter to someone with a spare 400kb in their pocket.

    Consider also that the Thai Minister of Finance thinks it is OK to lie about the economy.

    Perhaps you don't know it but all your cash is based on S&P and Moodys rating system. I don't know what currency you use at home but it's value is based on estimates of it's value by Moody's and S&P. So if you or anyone else puts money in the bank or uses cash or a check to buy anything the value of that cash and check is determined by Moodys and S&P. So I guess you do give a jot eh?

    I give you the benefit of the doubt that we are talking about different things.

    I am talking about the real world where real people do real work and pay real cash for what they have to buy to live.

    They are the ones who will see and feel the effects of price rises = inflation.

  14. Dont know about OZ but I have bank accounts in NZ and TL and I can transfer by internet from one to the other (NZ TO TL).

    There is a daily limit of $10knz and I get charged at both ends but it is very simple.

    As an aside; I have friends coming to visit soon fron NZ and I will get them to bring $10k with them in NZ$ I will then look round to see which bank in giving the best exchange rates, change to baht and deposit in my TL account.

    It does vary a little from bank to bank and a decimal point can make a difference in Baht received.

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