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Robby nz

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Posts posted by Robby nz

  1. Hasnt she just done a grand tour round the provinces telling everyone what to do?

    After that she goes to see the king and ask his advise.

    Shouldnt she have seen him before she made her pronouncements?

    River at present is about 4m above the level this time last year so water is still being drained from the dams at great speed.

  2. His ear infection started wednesday not friday. Know some people in parliament and they confirm this is not new, he has had many ear infections in the past. This man is a disaster and leading the Reds and now this idiotic excuse? Stop pouring whiskey in your ear, idiot.

    A great cure for such an infection is a small piece of lead inserted in the ear.

    Sure there are plenty in this country who who would be happy to preform the operation for free.

  3. Imagine if the Democrats had one, allowing people to promote themselves, who are not aloof elitists like Abhi with R'song murder baggage, The publicity they would receive through such a process would go a long way to making the Party more competitive

    Cant help it can you?

    You come up with the same BS every time.

    There is only one man responsible for all the murder and arson during the red demos and that is the most aloof elitist of them all Khun Thaksin..


    You dont come from Amsterdam by any chance?

    • Like 1
  4. A grade three teacher is giving a lesson on nutrition, and she decides to ask her students what they had for breakfast.

    To add a spelling component, she asks the students to also spell their answers.

    Susan puts up her hand and says she had an egg, 'E-G-G'.

    'Very good', says the teacher.

    Peter says he had toast 'T-O-A-S-T'.


    Johnny has his hand up and the teacher reluctantly calls on him.

    'I had bugger all', he says, ' B-U-G-G-E-R-A-L-L'.

    The teacher is mortified and scolds Johnny for his rude answer.

    Later when the lesson turns to geography, she asks the students some rudimentary questions.

    Susan correctly identifies the Capital of Canada . Peter is able to tell her which ocean is off Canada 's east coast.

    When it's Johnny's turn, the teacher remembers his rude answer from the nutrition lesson, and decides to give him a very difficult question.

    Johnny, she asks, 'Where is the Pakistani border?'

    Johnny ponders the question and finally says, 'The Pakistani boarder is in bed with my mother.

    That's why I got bugger all for breakfast'.

  5. A platoon of soldiers was marching north of Fallujah when they came upon an Iraqi terrorist, badly injured and unconscious.

    On the opposite side of the road was an Australian soldier in a similar but less serious state.

    The soldier was conscious and alert and as first aid was given to both men, the Platoon Leader asked the injured Australian what had happened.

    The soldier reported, 'I was heavily armed and moving north along the highway here, and coming south was a heavily armed insurgent.' We saw each other and both took cover in the ditches along the road. I yelled to him that Saddam Hussein was a miserable, lowlife scum bag who got what he deserved.

    He yelled back that Kevin Rudd is a bureaucratic, good-for-nothing, left wing labor <deleted> who knows bugger all about running the country.'

    'So I said that Osama Bin Ladin dresses and acts like a frigid, mean-spirited lesbian!'

    He retaliated by yelling, 'Oh yeah? Well, so does Julia Gillard!'

    'And, there we were, in the middle of the road, laughing, shaking hands, when a truck hit us.'

    • Like 1
  6. Judy Wallman, a professional genealogy researcher in southern California , was doing some personal work on her own family tree.

    She discovered that Senator Harry Reid's great-great uncle, Remus Reid, was hanged for horse stealing and train robbery in Montana in 1889.

    Both Judy and Harry Reid share this common ancestor.

    The only known photograph of Remus shows him standing on the gallows in Montana territory:

    On the back of the picture Judy obtained during her research is this inscription:

    'Remus Reid, horse thief, sent to Montana Territorial Prison 1885, escaped 1887, robbed the Montana Flyer six times. Caught by Pinkerton detectives, convicted and hanged in 1889.'

    So Judy recently e-mailed Senator Harry Reid for information about their great-great uncle.

    Believe it or not, Harry Reid's staff sent back the following biographical sketch for her genealogy research:

    "Remus Reid was a famous cowboy in the Montana Territory .

    His business empire grew to include acquisition of valuable equestrian assets and intimate dealings with the Montana railroad.

    Beginning in 1883, he devoted several years of his life to government service, finally taking leave to resume his dealings with the railroad.

    In 1887, he was a key player in a vital investigation run by the renowned Pinkerton Detective Agency.

    In 1889, Remus passed away during an important civic function held in his honor when the platform upon which he was standing collapsed."

    • Like 1
  7. Sure is all about the almighty dollar, now almost worthless.

    Saddam got his when he started to advocate trading oil in euros, WMD's were only the excuse, the US knew perfectly well what weapons he had, they still had the invioces.

    Then another previous friend Gadaffi had to go when he was attempting to get oil traded in gold, and receiving considerable support.

    Now Iran is actually trading oil in other than the dollar so we need an excuse to do them also.

    • Like 1
  8. And then again

    How do they serve alcoholic drinks on Italian cruise ships? - On the rocks.

    *What vegetables do you get with dinner on Italian cruise ships? - Leeks.

    *What's the fastest way to get off an Italian cruise ship? - Follow the captain.

    *When the captain of the ill-fated Costa Concordia was asked if he knew where he was going he replied "off course."

    *So the captain of the Costa Concordia will soon be in the dock. That's more than can be said for his ship.

    *The Costa Concordia is probably the most expensive thing to go down in Italy since Berlusconi's last hooker.

    *What's the difference between the Italian economy and the stricken Costa Concordia? Nothing - The bottoms dropped out of both.

    Man on phone to model shop

    "Do you have any models of Italian cruise ships?"

    "yes sir, we have one"

    Great - can you put it on one side for me"
  9. Will Rogers, who died in a 1935
    plane crash, was one of the greatest political sages the world has ever known.

    Some of his sayings:

    Never slap a man who's chewing tobacco.

    Never kick a cow chip on a hot day.

    There are two theories to arguing with a woman. Neither works.

    Never miss a good chance to shut up.

    Always drink upstream from the herd.

    If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.

    The quickest way to double your money is to fold it and put it back into your pocket.

    There are three kinds of men:

    The ones that learn by reading.

    The few who learn by observation.

    The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence and find out for themselves.

    Good judgment comes from experience, and a lot of that comes from bad judgment.

    If you're riding' ahead of the herd, take a look back every now and then to make sure it's still there.

    Lettin' the cat outta the bag is a whole lot easier'n puttin' it back.

    After eating an entire bull, a mountain lion felt so good he started roaring. He kept it up until a hunter came along and shot him.

    The moral
    : When you're full of bull, keep your mouth shut.


    First ~
    Eventually you will reach a point when you stop lying about your age and start bragging about it.

    Second ~
    The older we get, the fewer things seem worth waiting in line for.

    Third ~
    Some people try to turn back their odometers. Not me; I want people to know 'why' I look this way. I've traveled a long way, and some of the roads weren't paved.

    Fourth ~
    When you are dissatisfied and would like to go back to youth, think of Algebra.

    Fifth ~
    You know you are getting old when everything either dries up or leaks.

    Sixth ~
    I don't know how I got over the hill without getting to the top.

    Seventh ~
    One of the many things no one tells you about aging is that it's such a nice change from being young.

    Eighth ~
    One must wait until evening to see how splendid the day has been.

    Ninth ~
    Being young is beautiful, but being old is comfortable..

    Tenth ~
    Long ago, when men cursed and beat the ground with sticks, it was called witchcraft. Today it's called golf.

    And, finally ~
    If you don't learn to laugh at trouble, you won't have anything to laugh at when you're old.
    • Like 1
  10. Didnt I see somewhere that the justice minister recently made a call on the chief judge, or am I wrong on that one?

    If it is correct then the conversation would have been interesting.

    Now if Arisman was sent back to get some indication of what would happen to the big boss when he returns.......

    So the man arrives with a big handfull of cash and applys for bail which is granted.

    He then puts an appeal against his conviction in place while being given a cabinet post, probably deputy PM.

    The appeal is granted and the conviction quashed.

    Yingluck gets sick and has to leave so her new deputy is promoted.

    And low and behold we have the big man in his rightful position.

    And along with this we will have a constition rewrite......................................

  11. Cinderella is now 95 years old.

    After a fulfilling life with the now dead prince,

    she happily sits upon her rocking chair, watching

    the world go by from her front porch, with a cat

    named Bob for companionship.

    One sunny afternoon out of nowhere, appeared the

    fairy godmother.

    Cinderella said, 'Fairy Godmother, what are you

    doing here after all these years'?

    The fairy godmother replied, 'Cinderella, you have

    lived an exemplary life since I last saw you. Is there

    anything for which your heart still yearns?'

    Cinderella was taken aback, overjoyed, and after some thoughtful consideration, she uttered her first wish:

    'The prince was wonderful, but not much of an investor.

    I'm living hand to mouth on my disability cheques, and I wish I were wealthy beyond comprehension.

    Instantly her rocking chair turned into solid gold.

    Cinderella said,

    'Ooh, thank you, Fairy Godmother'

    The fairy godmother replied,

    'It is the least that I can do.

    What do you want for your second wish?'

    Cinderella looked down at her frail body, and said,

    'I wish I were young and full of the beauty and youth I once had.'

    At once, her wish became reality, and her beautiful

    young visage returned. Cinderella felt stirrings inside her that had been dormant for years.

    And then the fairy godmother spoke once more:

    'You have one more wish; what shall it be?'

    Cinderella looks over to the frightened cat in the

    corner and says, 'I wish for you to transform Bob,

    my old cat, into a kind and handsome young man.'

    Magically, Bob suddenly underwent so fundamental

    a change in his biological make-up that, when he stood before her, he was a man so beautiful the likes of him neither she nor the world had ever seen.

    The fairy godmother said,

    'Congratulations, Cinderella, enjoy your new life.'

    With a blazing shock of bright blue electricity,

    the fairy godmother was gone as suddenly as she appeared.

    For a few eerie moments,

    Bob and Cinderella looked into each other's eyes.

    Cinderella sat, breathless, gazing at the most beautiful, stunningly perfect man she had ever seen.

    Then Bob walked over to Cinderella, who sat transfixed in her rocking chair, & held her close in his young muscular arms.

    He leaned in close, blowing her golden hair with his

    warm breath as he whispered...

    'Bet you're sorry now that you cut my nuts off'

  12. And also remember that extension of stay does not cancel out your 90 day report date

    They are separate actions and normally must be done at different times

    There are a few small Immigration Offices that allow you to do both at the same time so check with them

    However, it sounds as if this is the OP's first extension, and the first extension (and only the first) does also count as a 90 day report.


    A little puzzled by this one.

    I also have to do my first extention early next month.

    My present O visa is only for 90 days so therefore my 90 day reports will only start after I get an extention which will continue from the expiry date of the origional O visa and not from the date the extention is given.

    So then my first 90 day report will be 90 days after the present expirey date of the ) visa.

    Have I got that correct?

    I will need all the same papers as I took for the O application plus new bank book letter and photo copy of bank book, correct?

    Also when I applied (Suan phlu) I took along copies of rental agreement and blue book, she glanced at them and handed them back, seems they were not required.

  13. A cowboy appeared before St. Peter at the Pearly Gates.

    "Have you ever done anything of particular merit?"

    St. Peter asked.

    "Well, I can think of one thing," the cowboy offered.

    "On a trip to the Black Soil Plains just out of Walgett, I came upon a gang of bikers who were threatening a young woman. I directed them to leave her alone, but they wouldn't listen. So, I approached the largest and most tattooed biker and smacked him in the face, kicked his bike over, ripped out his nose ring, And threw it on the ground. I yelled, 'Now, back off or I'll kick the shit out of all of you!

    St. Peter was impressed,

    "When did this happen?"

    "Couple of minutes ago.."

  14. Subject: Abandoned Wind Turbines... The Era of Green Junk Has Arrived.

    'Green' debacle: Tens of thousands of abandoned wind turbines now litter American landscape

    By Julie Kma Christensen on Monday, 28 November 2011 at 12:02

    Thursday, November 24, 2011 by: Jonathan Benson, staff writer

    (NaturalNews) Literal beacons of the "green" energy movement, giant wind turbines have been one of the renewable energy sources of choice for the US government, which has spent billions of taxpayer dollars subsidizing their construction and use across the country. But high maintenance costs, high rates of failure, and fluctuating weather conditions that affect energy production render wind turbines expensive and inefficient, which is why more than 14,000 of them have since been abandoned.

    Before government subsidies for the giant metals were cut or eliminated in many areas, wind farms were an energy boom business. But in the post-tax subsidy era, the costs of maintaining and operating wind turbines far outweighs the minimal power they generate in many areas, which has left a patchwork of wind turbine graveyards in many of the most popular wind farming areas of the US.

    "Thousands of abandoned wind turbines littered the landscape of wind energy's California 'big three' locations which include Altamont Pass, Tehachapin and San Gorgonio, considered among the world's best wind sites," writes Andrew Walden of the American Thinker. "In the best wind spots on earth, over 14,000 turbines were simply abandoned. Spinning, post-industrial junk which generates nothing but bird kills."

    Walden speaks, of course, about the birds, bats, and other air creatures that routinely get tangled in and killed by wind turbine propellers. And as far as the "post-industrial junk" language, well, if it costs too much to run the machines in the first place, then it definitely costs too much to uproot and remove them post-construction.

    This whole wind energy mess just further illustrates how the American people have been played by their elected officials who bought into the "global warming" hysteria that spawned the push for wind energy in the first place. And now that the renewable energy tax subsidies are gradually coming to an end in some places, the true financial and economic viability, or lack of wind energy, is on display for the world to see.

    "It is all about the tax subsidies," writes Don Surber of the Charleston Daily Mail. "The blades churn until the money runs out. If an honest history is written about the turn of the 21st century, it will include a large, harsh chapter on how fears about global warming were overplayed for profit by corporations."

    Sources for this article include:



    Learn more:http://www.naturalnews.com/034234_wind_turbines_abandoned.HTML#ixzz1exnDWStA

  15. Could it just be possible that someone thought it would be a good idea to have a bomb scare to take the publisity away from Thaksin being given a passport?

    We are told the alleged bomber wanted money he thought he was owed, could he have been given it and a job?

    But then the bombs didnt go off so he had to be punished (arrested)for that mistake.

    We wait to see what will happen to him.

    Released on bail never to be seen again and the whole thing forgotton.

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