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Posts posted by alfalfa19

  1. Happy with The Verdict, and the other guy who was laying in wait and killed the two kids, They Deserve Prison ...

    I agree. I saw a show on tv about the guy who killed the two teenagers, he laid in wait for them, first he killed the boy, then the girl when she saw her dead boyfriend and started screaming. The killer was stupid enough to have an audio recording of the whole thing, including cursing the dead girl.

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  2. I used to live directly under the flight path to san diego airport. every 2 and a half minutes, a large jetliner would fly exactly over my place, perhaps 200 to 300 feet above me. It was terrible, but I was able to get some sleep by:

    1: earplugs, the wax ones which mold to your ear are the best.

    2: a cheap fan, the kind that is about 2x2 feet, with 3 speeds. i would turn it on, to the loudest setting. after a while i got used to it, and was able to sleep with it going full blast.

    3. even with those 2 techniques, the airplane noise would still come faintly through, but I seemed to get accustomed to it after a while.

  3. It looks like a real nothing movie. I thought you were talking about "the hunter" , starring willem dafoe, which I found to be very good. the movie you refer to, on the other hand, looks to be fit only for teenage girls of the inbred variety.

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