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Everything posted by mrfill

  1. They can, but they don't...... https://www.express.co.uk/news/politics/1922591/james-McMurdock-reform-assault-jail
  2. Right to buy seriously affected supply and demand. Well, it seriously affected supply, as councils were not allowed to replace houses sold, so the supply of social housing virtually stopped.
  3. Seems nothing compared to the problems BadEnoch is having. At this stage in the parliament her lot should be miles ahead but is trailing badly. She won't last long.
  4. 18 month old article.... https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/labour-government-rachel-reeves-conservatives-grant-shapps-b2384342.html
  5. Its called a whitie Meanwhile in other parts of Thailand, several 15 year olds became unconscious after drinking too much beer. Nobody cared.
  6. Your suggestion that the British public want to hold up the implementation of recommendations from an existing report and would rather wait 7 years for another report is wide of the mark by a very long way.
  7. The last national enquiry was started in 2015 at a cost of £200m and reported in 2022 with 20 recommendations that the government of the day would not implement. Another similar enquiry is likely to take another 7 years and come up with similar conclusions. Better surely to implement the recommendations still outstanding and get something actually done now rather than kicking the can down the road like the previous administration.
  8. https://www.hydrantprogramme.co.uk/ https://www.vkpp.org.uk/vkpp-work/analytical-capability/national-analysis-of-police-recorded-child-sexual-abuse-and-exploitation-crimes-report-2022/
  9. The dear Lord wouldn't pay a penny. He has to die first. His inheritors get sent the bill and they settle it from the proceeds of the estate. I suppose they could sell one of their Caribbean islands or one of the Van Goghs if they don't have the cash - or sell a couple of the 40000 acres if they're really hard up.
  10. Correct. Tenant farmers don't pay a penny in IHT as they don't own the land. Lord Frothy's estate will be expected to pay half the amount of IHT, payable interest free over 10 years. Currently they pay £0.
  11. I can't think why the Telegraph didn't mention that last year 85% of group based abusers were white males according to the Vulnerability Knowledge and Practice Programme (VKPP) - covering all related crimes recorded in 2022 - and its sister organisation, the Hydrant Programme - which reported specifically on "group-based" child sexual abuse that happened in 2023.
  12. They're still around and are not affected directly. Huge swathes of farmland have been purchased by people like James Dyson for tax dodging purposes. They will have no hesitation in increasing rents which will drive out a lot of proper farmers trying to earn a living. Nothing is being done about that but people are encouraged to weep for the richest 'farmers' paying a much reduced inheritance tax, in much the same way as they did between 1894 and 1984 - when, curiously, farming continued and the rich farmers contributed toward society. Last year only 43% of agricultural sales was to farmers, the rest was sold to investors.
  13. And how was the data obtained? I don't recall the question on the last census form.
  14. Parked in the outside lane..... I'd suspect a driver fault.
  15. So free speech only applies when they agree with you Elon?
  16. There are no windmills off the Scottish coast or off any part of the UK coast. What you see does not do any milling so is not a mill. They are wind turbines, used because the UK is one of the windiest countries in the world. The cost of producing the power is minute compared to oil or nuclear and they can be put in place decades before onshore power stations using high priced fuels like oil or nuclear. North Sea oil is not cheap as its price is based on world prices and it is sold worldwide on the open market.
  17. So they can become trillionaires.....
  18. At the time, the very forgetful and incompetant BadEnoch was Minister for Women and should have been busy doing her job, but preferred to make up stories and plan for a future leadership bid as she thought she was so brilliant.
  19. and yet it was said to be 'a European man'
  20. I assume he is supposed to be Elvis Cridlington from Fireman Sam
  21. Ah yes - the money was just resting on the table....
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