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Everything posted by mrfill

  1. I think he meant to say that there were enough ministers at his cabinet meeting for a dinner party..... It must be the after effects of that terrible illness he had.
  2. "Efforts" - presumably a vinyl sign has been produced. That'll fix it...
  3. Why is his face not pixelated?
  4. Any evidence of this 'huge damage' and 'economic damage' or is this just an opinion based on no evidence?
  5. And next week we will have the announcement of the Virtual Brown Envelope....
  6. Except the monarch has to give the Royal Assent before any Bill can be made an Act. The monarch has no role in parliament, but does have a role in government. This was established after the shenanigans of Charles I who ended up being banned from the Commons - hence the need for Black Rod as the monarch was banned from entering the Commons. The monarch is the Head of State and is Head of the Church of England. They are the one who, after an election, gives consent to the person visiting the right to form a government and the one who can prorogue parliament - last used legally in 1997 when Major wanted to avoid any debate on the 'Cash for Questions' scandal.
  7. Discussing this with the French President is like talking to him about the price of fish in Huddersfield market. I suppose he could have discussed about not having a GP - like France in 2023 and 2024...
  8. Well, you can go back to thinking about John Major giving Edwina Currie the pork sword then........
  9. Lee Anderthal is clearly a man of great principle as he was a supporter of the idea that any MP who changed parties mid-stream should always call a by-election. Except when it comes to him..... Just another useless shouty gammon....
  10. Not so. Only Mexico and Misano are proper tracks, the rest are temporary or street circuits
  11. And with a gigantic puff of smoke, within 24 hours, 200 new immigration officers suddenly appear... Quite an intensive training course it seems....
  12. Except, of course, the story is a bit short on detail. Like the fact that the fund was set up in December 2022 with £119m being allocated and the additional £237m was added in December 2023. It is a fund to be used globally, not just in Thailand and so far Egypt, Indonesia, Kenya, Malaysia, Philippines, Turkey and Vietnam have shown interest in the fund. Grants of up to £100,000 can be awarded to UK institutions to collaborate in research. Not quite the magic money pit it is being puffed up as being. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/international-science-partnerships-fund-ispf/international-science-partnerships-fund-ispf https://opportunities-insight.britishcouncil.org/news/opportunities/grants-international-research-collaborations
  13. Another new word to add to the dictionary - Kazakhstani. Presumably this replaces the proper word Kazakh which those people had been using for centuries. Next - Thailanders
  14. The Grand Tour S5E3 - Sand Job. Released last Friday
  15. Oh look, its that old 'draw a line under this and lets move on' strategy - the great distraction...
  16. Oh, so nothing to do with most of them (and the Crown Dependencies) being offshore tax dodgers paradises? And of the rest, several are important strategic military outposts like Gibraltar, Diego Garcia in the Chagos Islands, St Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cuhna.
  17. They're way over the average of the last 15 years - basically the tenure of the so-called 'party that is good for the economy'. Its been economic lunacy ... and Liz Truss....
  18. Inflation has declined sharply (exactly as predicted by economists) because the Bank of England raised interest rates and kept them high. The Bank of England is independent of the government and have been criticised by that same government recently, for keeping the rate high, so its another bogus claim that Sunak & co have reduced inflation themselves.
  19. The 35 million tourists will no doubt be totally reassured that the govt has allowed an average of 70 baht for their medical needs.
  20. Thailand needs Pit's thinking. Thailand voted for Pita's thinking Thaksin prevented that by getting his party to connive with the generals for his own benefit. Greedy geriatric billionaire dinosaurs are not the people to be listened to. Anywhere.
  21. Cannot leave the country? Remind me how well that worked out last time.....
  22. Is that why they bought 45 787 Dreamliners?
  23. Release on Sunday Miracle cure on Monday Farewell, grave illness You have served your master well...
  24. Capybara pants - ideal for the big fat rat....
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