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Posts posted by Mackie

  1. Do something good today and sign the petition. I don't know if it is too late to change anything but at least we can all try to do our bit to influence the outcome. The independent DNA test conducted by the British forensic team. If they declare Burmese guilty, so be it. I would personally hate to see innocent people executed.


  2. No matter how long you have been there or family ties ....Pffff..... Thai husbands become drunks all the time and just walk out leaving wife and kids behind without a care ... so why would a Burma person being a drunk and / or drug addict >>> if he did it stick around .. ? Pleeaase !!!

    Do you think the Burmese are angels? Or Cambodians? Not, they are not. Both countries went through terrible civil wars and bloody revolutions. The rape in both countries is a norm. Women are mere objects. Thai police made a complete mess of this particular case. Why is it difficult to consider the possibility that the Burmese did it? They are the lowest of the low class in Thailand, Thai women do not want to be associated with them, they have needs like anyone else, their needs are highly unlikely to be fulfilled by Thai women, they are treated as slaves etc...etc...Depraved of sex, frustrated, continually humiliated, inadequate young men full of testosterone and supressed rage are certainly capable of committing terrible crimes.

    • Like 2
  3. I don't see much complaining in the British media. It seems that they will go along with the story Thai police 'served' to the public. The British government is totally inactive. I'm afraid the deal has been made behind the scenes. This unfortunate affair is coming to a close.

    Pair In Court Over Thailand Beach Murders


    Two men have appeared in court charged with murdering British backpackers Hannah Witheridge and David Miller in Thailand.

    Police say the Burmese workers, named Win and Saw, have admitted killing the pair on Koh Tao beach - claiming they were jealous.

    The handcuffed suspects, who are also charged with rape and robbery, appeared before a judge on the neighbouring island of Koh Samui on Saturday.

    They were remanded in custody for a further 12 days and could face the death penalty if convicted.

    On Friday, the pair wore crash helmets and police vests to protect them from angry locals as they were paraded by officers in a bizarre reconstruction of the crime.

    At one point Win was told to play the guitar as part of the reconstruction before acting out the murders of Mr Miller, 24, and Miss Witheridge, 23, on Sairee beach.

    He also held a dustpan to represent the garden hoe allegedly used in the killings on 15 September.

    Mr Miller, from Jersey, died from drowning and a blow to the head, while Miss Witheridge, from Great Yarmouth, died from head wounds.

    Thai National police chief Somyot Poompanmoung said: "The suspects saw them kissing and were aroused, so they attacked and got rid of the man and proceeded to rape the female victim.

    "There was clear evidence: forensic evidence, (testimony from) witnesses and other evidence, as well as closed-circuit television footage."

    Provincial police chief Kiattipong Khaosamang said Win, 21, and Saw, 23, have also admitted raping Miss Witheridge.

    A third Burmese man is being questioned on suspicion of involvement.

  4. I hope they strongly investigate the manger of the AC Club. Was he obstructing the investigation and diverting attention away. Was he trying to protect the image of AC Club? Did he know something?

    Of course he knew all about those illegal immigrants working on the island with his blessing. He made a fortunate out of illegal labour and defrauded the Thai state. I assume he made billions of baht by not paying any contributions to the Thai social security system not to mention taxes over the years. In any case, whether his family was involved or not, Thai state has the case against him and his cronies on the island. They've been defrauding the state for ages. He will have to pay small fortune to get off the hook. Some high ranking police officers just couldn't believe their luck.

    • Like 1
  5. After digging around i have found a few more photos to add credibility to Hannah's mobile phone stitch up.


    Its very true phones are similar and the colours theres thousands of the same............. problem here is..................... the phone cover is distinctive both with Hannah and her friend.

    Its possible they both had exactly the same phone and cover but lets be honest... the odds drop down drastically for both.

    Its real simple, the DNA is looked at and matched from real crime related evidence and confirmed by say the UK DNA.

    so say there is hard evidence apart from confession atm is difficult...

    they shared a cigarette while they raped... but the butt was found 50 or more meters from the bodies.... the phone found it is alleged the police were given by hannahs friend... the bike.... well the less said about the bike the better its got nothing on it of interest, no blood etc.

    the men were playing guitar 30 meters away, not easy to see anything and then there is two very slight guys overpowering both with no screams and then there is the wounds on David... they are heavy duty and more than a couple of blows... then theres Hannahs OTT injuries... that wasnt done without serious rage and effort.. not as a matter of course as an after thought as claimed...

    Just look at things as they are claimed... theres a lot of other suspect points like missing time on cctv .. lack of it, interrogations and the migrant thing

    This is anything but tight as an investigation and I dont really see why Thailand would not wish to have all the solid links and proof backed up by say the UK forensics team and parade it to the world how smart the RTP were and enjoy the accolade and praise they would deserve...

    By making a Disney land special out of it does nothing to make it seem anything than what it currently looks like... a fit up.

    Id like them to have the killers, god knows id like the families to have closure... id like it all over.... but not if its at the expense on 3 innocent people whilst the real killers are out there to do it again.

    So go on... get the best help you can and leave no doubts Thailand... repair your tourist industry be seen to be professional and confident and transparent, repair the mistrust and disgust not only by the international community but Thai at home too.

    It would or should be easy to do and would do so much to be seen as a country moving forward with real concerns and a real show of reform towards a better place.

    I wont hold my breathe.

    Where is the picture of the phone found at the suspects? How do we know it was not his or Hannah's 2nd phone? Again, reports state it was one of theirs.

    We dont thats the point, its claims but they have said it was Hannas, whether thats a media line or misquote or just the usual sounding off .. we dont know... however it is good to ask these questions now rather than find out later when its all over and too late...... hang on a second ..too late case over....

    Im not sure if people realise.. but here... now.. the only court that matters and will pass judgement is a Thai court... and believe me whatever it deems to be evidence will be taken as such.... it dosnt matter if its BS to us only that the Thai court accepts that evidence...it can be trampled and handled by 100 people and contaminated to heck but........ it may still be considered evidence, its upto the court and often peoples fate are sealed before theres even been a hearing and no im not making it up.

    In case you hadnt noticed even the PM was up for decorating the police for solving it before theres even been a court case..... far as hes concerned its a done deal and over apart from the minor formalities. Thats how it is here.

    There isnt any way back from this for them, we really should be extra careful on this one as it seems to me the focus is from the Thai perspective on someone to blame, anyone will do rather than i hope most everyone here on TV that have the perspective which is catching the guilty and proving it openly without doubt is 100% necessary for such brutal murders , ..... theres a huge difference.

    So IMO its good to look hard and ask questions before these kids fate are sealed.

    So then why are you wasting your time and energy addressing and bashing Thais all the time when it is clear that they do not listen to anyone. Wouldn't be wiser if you started pestering the British authorities to take a real action because at this point they are the only ones who could actually do something about this particular case.

  6. I find it hard to believe that those two overcame both David and Hannah. More people were involved. Hannah would've made run for her life or at least started screaming and making noise while they were dragging David to the sea. The numbers simply do not add up.

    Anything other than your keen deductive skills to back that up?

    Multiple scenarios can explain how 2 men could have done this.

    That's the problem. I don't see two men there. I see a man and a kid capable of killing people though. However there is no way I buy the story that only two of them overcame David and Hannah then dragged him to the sea while she was left 'unattended'. Furthermore suddenly there is only one murder weapon - a hoe. If my memory serves me well David was hit with some sort of a wooden stick. David's height was around 1.90 cm. His weight probably somewhere between 80-85 kg. The third man was there.

    you are wrong

    the CSI LA page on facebook has several pictures of the damage done to david,

    he was struck several times with the sharp end of the hoe,

    he had no chance

    I might be wrong. However the only DNA found on the hoe was Hannah's. Correct me if I'm wrong, please.

  7. I find it hard to believe that those two overcame both David and Hannah. More people were involved. Hannah would've made run for her life or at least started screaming and making noise while they were dragging David to the sea. The numbers simply do not add up.

    Anything other than your keen deductive skills to back that up?

    Multiple scenarios can explain how 2 men could have done this.

    That's the problem. I don't see two men there. I see a man and a kid capable of killing people though. However there is no way I buy the story that only two of them overcame David and Hannah then dragged him to the sea while she was left 'unattended'. Furthermore suddenly there is only one murder weapon - a hoe. If my memory serves me well David was hit with some sort of a wooden stick. David's height was around 1.90 cm. His weight probably somewhere between 80-85 kg. The third man was there.

    • Like 1
  8. The ball is in the British government court. They can make things happen if they want to. All it takes is to officially request from the Thai government that the British forensic team takes DNA samples from arrested Burmese guys. That would end all speculations. British public and media simply need to put extra pressure on the British government to take the action. As simple as that.

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  9. Why are the two accused wearing bullet- proof jackets and crash helmets ?

    All those police officers were there to stop the mob from lynching them. That's common in Thailand. In case of rape people often take law in their hands and beat the hell out of culprits. There are many on that island who would cut them into pieces simply because their crime (yet to be independently confirmed) gave bad name to their island. Moreover, the islanders' income has taken a hit because considerable number of tourists cancelled their arrangements.

  10. I think Sean was there, and they were all high on drugs

    David;s hero image is dead as, it is what I thought from the very start,

    he was just getting started with the girl, and they hit him from behind and immediately jumped her while two guys drowned him

    Of course Sean was there. The coward ran away and left David and Hannah behind. From hero to zero. All those posts on facebook by Sean are just reflection of his guilty conscience.

    So if Sean was there, he knows who murdered them. And he named him already. If he was only with the Burmese, why would he accuse the well-connected Thai?

    There is no doubt in my mind that Sean was interviewed by the British authorities about the whole affair. That's the standard procedure. There are people assigned to British embassies across the globe whose job is to know the truth. There is no way they would let Sean get away without being at least interviewed. British nationals were summoned to the British embassy in Bangkok for lesser things than this.

  11. I think Sean was there, and they were all high on drugs

    David;s hero image is dead as, it is what I thought from the very start,

    he was just getting started with the girl, and they hit him from behind and immediately jumped her while two guys drowned him

    Of course Sean was there. The coward ran away and left David and Hannah behind. From hero to zero. All those posts on facebook by Sean are just reflection of his guilty conscience.

  12. If they were really involved, then terrific they have been apprehended. But, unless the British (or anyone but the Thais) carry out and confirm the DNA samples really match, I am not convinced...... Also, I know allot of Burmese and Thai people. They DO NOT smoke LM cigarettes as a rule...... They are 66 baht a packet, this is 1/3rd of a days pay for the average Burmese person...... They smoke far cheaper brands usually

    You have no leg to stand on in this particular case. There is a CCTV footage confirming that the suspect purchased LM cigarettes.

  13. The case is almost finished. What else do you want? The suspects confessed that they killed David and Hannah, the DNA samples matched. Bear in mind that hose Burmese guys know that there is a high probability that they will be handed a death sentence. What's the point of admitting to something if you know that you might end up killed anyway? Having said that I'm all for the

    independent DNA sampling carried out by the British forensic team as soon as it is practically possible.

  14. It's all over British media. Everyone is reporting that a Burmese man confessed to murder of two British backpackers. I am sorry to inform all Thai bashers with hideous agenda that your opinion counts for nothing here. The only thing which counts is what David's and Hannah's family think about the police work and their report. If they find their investigation credible and plausible and accept the verdict that the Burmese are guilty, so be it. In any case, everyone will have to wait for the DNA results. I also hope that the British government will step in and independently conduct their own DNA analysis of provided samples in case the Burmese are officially accused.


  15. I welled up with relief when it looked like they were going to arrest Mon and his relatives for this crime the other week.

    Now I feel physically sick thinking that they are going to pin it on poor innocents and the guilty carry on as normal, still in their positions of power with ample opportunity to carry out similar crimes, even more confident now that they are untouchable..

    Will have to wait and see but that is how it feels right now. The plan was for the 3 footballers to be the heralded imminent 3 arrests, but since taxi driver didn't play ball with the fake witness statement they have had to shift of to 3 other most likely innocents. Poor poor buggers if they are innocent.

    I am disgusted with the lack of DNA testing for the prime suspects - people that many people are pointing the finger at. Apparently many people on the island know who did this. I don't think many people on the island will know these 3 immigrant workers.

    Thailand won't see any more of my money if they fit someone up for this.

    What's you obsession with Mon? He gave the sample. He's got all clear. I don't think he was involved in the crime at all. However he might be covering up for his own son or nephew. I have difficulty following how many sons he and his brother have altogether.

    In any case the DNA test will provide the irrefutable evidence. I expect from the British government to take active role once they officially arrest culprits. The British authorities must request from Thais to allow them to conduct their own DNA analysis on samples provided. I would hate to see innocent people locked up and possibly executed for the crime they did not commit.

  16. I'm almost certain that they didn't share a cigarette as such. It must've been loaded with some sort of highly potent drug. Only in that case sharing make sense. It's highly unusual for men to share cigarettes. (unless they are gay).

    To be honest, that guy in the video, looks more like Burmese than Thai. Not defending Thais here but the Burmese are capable of such wicked crimes. For many of them rape is a normal act. I'm not joking. Read it for yourself.

    License to rape: How Burma’s military employs systematic sexualized violence


    How would be gay make a guy more or less likely to share a ciggie. I would say it something that younger guys might tend to do more than older though, or hard up folk, but sexuality would have nothing to do with sharing a ciggie. One of the silliest things I think I have ever read!

    Was not uncommon to go 'twos up' on a ciggie when I was younger (I'm hetero for your info)

    Laugh all you want. I was a smoker for almost 25 years. Half of that time I spent in London. Neither I nor my male friends ever shared a cigarette. I guess we always had enough money to buy our own. Joints and sprinkled cigarettes - yes, but regular cigarettes - no. However I regularly shared a cigarette with my female partners after sex. I'm entitled to express my own opinion based on my own experience. No?

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  17. My better half talked to some of her better informed Thai friends. Basically, Sean is the key to the whole puzzle. They don't believe he is a killer. However, Sean definitely entered a bar covered in blood that late night/morning. People also saw him carrying bloodied guitar later on. Sean can be easily traced by the Interpol.

    I find it almost impossible to believe that the British authorities did not interview Sean and got the full story out of him. I wouldn't be surprised if Thais tried/try to solve this particular case via diplomatic channels by offering the substantial amount of money to aggrieved British families.

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  18. I'm almost certain that they didn't share a cigarette as such. It must've been loaded with some sort of highly potent drug. Only in that case sharing make sense. It's highly unusual for men to share cigarettes. (unless they are gay).

    To be honest, that guy in the video, looks more like Burmese than Thai. Not defending Thais here but the Burmese are capable of such wicked crimes. For many of them rape is a normal act. I'm not joking. Read it for yourself.

    License to rape: How Burma’s military employs systematic sexualized violence


  19. David and Hannah left separately with their respective friends. David went back to the room with his friend and at some point said he was going to look for Hannah. They were not doing it on the beach. He found them and tried to save her. He is a heroand lost his life trying to save this girl. You should stop making it sound like they were somehow responsible for this.

    I wouldn't be so sure about it. Jonathan Head of BBC published a different story. Allegedly they walked together towards the beach.


    Thai police believe they have CCTV showing David Miller and Hannah Witheridge before their deaths

    By Jonathan Head, BBC south-east Asia correspondent

    The shocking death of the two young tourists has cast a pall over this scenic island resort.

    Locals say they can remember nothing like it happening before.

    The police say they are focusing their investigation on Burmese migrant workers on the island.

    One senior officer told the BBC he did not believe a Thai person could have committed such a crime.

    Police say they have examined CCTV footage showing the two victims leaving a bar late on Sunday night, walking towards the beach - but they were killed in a hidden spot behind some rocks, and no eyewitnesses have yet been found.

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