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Posts posted by Mackie

  1. This is the latest CCTV footage released. I don't think two Asian guys could've done it. David appeared to be quite tall and strong lad. Allegedly he was dragged to the sea and drowned. At the same time someone raped the girl. More than two men were involved. Assuming they were Asians.

    Thai Police Examine Latest Footage of David Miller

    Images have emerged of David Miller on the night he was murdered with Hannah Witheridge on Koh Tao island in Thailand.
  2. People need to take onboard this was not your run of the mill murder. This was extermination at the cruelest level. The investigation is pure and simply a disgraceful sham or an act adopted to purposely deceive.

    1) Why has nobody been arrested who confronted David in the Bar when protecting the girl?

    2) Why has not everyone who was on this island who fits into what could be perceived as a perfect candidate not had a DNA test?

    3) Why was the crime scene not cornered off and allowed to become an open day at the circus?

    4) Why have they not pulled in all the male smokers?

    5) Why has their phones not been tracked to see which way the went on this dreadful evening?

    6) Why has not one solitary soul given information as to who they were talking with that night and especially proceeding them leaving the bar?

    The list goes on and on ..........

    Too many whys. Thais cannot handle it. One why at a time. Anyway, the most likely answer you would get is TIT. This is Thailand. Things are done differently. However this case is not going to be swept under the rug. Eventually someone will have to be charged with the murder.

  3. Why do they not involve the UK police to help them. They should send a sample of the hair to UK they will test it to see if it was Asian or European.

    Am sure UK have more sophisticated means of checking a lot, CTV footage they could enhance a lot.

    Probably a good idea, but HEAVEN FORBID!!! The BIB would lose face then. Can't have THAT now can we?

    Oh yeah, the British police will help you a lot. Let's not be hypocrites and have a go at Thais. They are as bad as anyone else.

    Police Treated British Rape Victims Like ‘Stupid, Naughty’ Girls
    A sex abuse investigation in Britain raises difficult questions of race and child protection.


  4. Pathetic to read ignorant farang equating crime in the West to crime in Thailand where the police open an investigation with the statement "No Thai could do this"...

    Well done chaps.

    And of course the Thai press sitting quietly in the corner as always.

    The only pathetic posts are your posts. As I said earlier, don't be so narrow minded. Anyone could have done it. We, the westerners, do not hold a moral high ground. Get some perspective.

    Police Treated British Rape Victims Like ‘Stupid, Naughty’ Girls

    A sex abuse investigation in Britain raises difficult questions of race and child protection.

    LONDON, UK — There was the 12-year-old beaten and burned before her illegal abortion. The intoxicated 13-year-old girl arrested and charged with disorderly conduct, while the men with her were released. Two different fathers who stormed houses in search of their teenage daughters, only to be arrested and the girls left with their rapists.

    A major UK newspaper investigation and subsequent inquiries have uncovered sexual exploitation crimes of historic scope in Britain, and repeated refusals of police and child protection agencies to act on reports that something was wrong.

    For the last 15 years, organized groups of men have been grooming and sexually abusing girls in northern and central England cities.

    Girls as young as 11 were targeted in shopping malls, town plazas and other public places by older teenagers or adult men, who purchased their trust and affection with attention, car rides, gifts and alcohol.

    “Some say focusing on the men’s race obscured that they were just as much a product of Britain as the girls they raped.”

    Once they had established what the girl believed was a relationship, the requests began: If you loved me, you’d sleep with my best friend. Or my uncle. Or this stranger. Sometimes men received payment for use of the girls’ bodies. This led to girls eventually being raped by groups of men at a time, trafficked between cities for sex and beaten or threatened if they resisted. Small groups of men operated together, though it does not appear that the groups were part of a larger coordinated network.

    More than 1,400 girls were attacked in this way in Rotherham alone, a south Yorkshire borough of 258,000 people that released a report Tuesday detailing the “blatant” failure of police and local authorities to stop the crimes...

  5. Well that explains the crimes of violence against Western women in Thailand (their lack of repsect for very Thailand's conservative values).

    Now can you brainiacs please explain all the violence against Thai women in Thailand? You know, like the Thai girl who was raped by those ten boys in a classroom of her school earlier this year? What did she do to deserve it? Which rules of conservatism did she violate?

    What kind of biased nonsense is that? Don't act as we hold a moral high ground. We don't. As bad as it gets. You can argue that most of those guys were/are of Pakistani origin. That doesn't change the fact that the British police abysmally failed. It would be wise if you stopped generalizing and simply accept the fact that rape happens everywhere regardless of the country or nationality. It's not exclusively Thai thing, is it? Don't be narrow-minded.

    Police Treated British Rape Victims Like ‘Stupid, Naughty’ Girls
    A sex abuse investigation in Britain raises difficult questions of race and child protection.
    LONDON, UK — There was the 12-year-old beaten and burned before her illegal abortion. The intoxicated 13-year-old girl arrested and charged with disorderly conduct, while the men with her were released. Two different fathers who stormed houses in search of their teenage daughters, only to be arrested and the girls left with their rapists.

    A major UK newspaper investigation and subsequent inquiries have uncovered sexual exploitation crimes of historic scope in Britain, and repeated refusals of police and child protection agencies to act on reports that something was wrong.

    For the last 15 years, organized groups of men have been grooming and sexually abusing girls in northern and central England cities.

    Girls as young as 11 were targeted in shopping malls, town plazas and other public places by older teenagers or adult men, who purchased their trust and affection with attention, car rides, gifts and alcohol.

    “Some say focusing on the men’s race obscured that they were just as much a product of Britain as the girls they raped.”

    Once they had established what the girl believed was a relationship, the requests began: If you loved me, you’d sleep with my best friend. Or my uncle. Or this stranger. Sometimes men received payment for use of the girls’ bodies. This led to girls eventually being raped by groups of men at a time, trafficked between cities for sex and beaten or threatened if they resisted. Small groups of men operated together, though it does not appear that the groups were part of a larger coordinated network.

    More than 1,400 girls were attacked in this way in Rotherham alone, a south Yorkshire borough of 258,000 people that released a report Tuesday detailing the “blatant” failure of police and local authorities to stop the crimes.

  6. Article in NZ Herald today


    Without wanting to raise the temp too much here, it raises an interesting point

    Charles, a 27-year-old who runs his own events company in London, recalls the sun rising on one such party in Koh Phangan. "There was this English couple who were having sex in the water, which was obviously incredibly disrespectful to the locals, but everybody went nuts. One Thai guy ran in there and just started attacking the man, then about 20 others followed and beat the absolute hell out of him, to the point where he was lifeless and face-down in the water. These Thai people came and drove a pick-up truck on to the beach, and then they just threw him into the back of it and drove off.

    Irrespective of who committed a crime like this, in whatever country, it would not reflect well on that country especially if the police and local authorities are seen as incompetent or corrupt.

    Thank you for your interesting article.

    This does have relevance to the current case.

    It might well explain motive.

    How is it relevant? What was the motive? Bear in mind, they moved out of the public eye. Mostly likely they were followed by men with ill intentions. Bear in mind that different sperm samples were found inside the unfortunate girl.

  7. A horrendous crime. Whoever did it, deserves whatever comes his way. I would not discount a westerner or another Brit killing them. There are all sorts of drugs out there which simply make people do crazy things. Just saying.

    It has come to light that bath salts and spice, two lethal, legally available drugs, may be behind some of these attacks. These drugs can be smoked or snorted and they are given seductive names like "Ivory Wave" or innocuous monikers like "bath salts" for deceptive marketing. They induce a furor in users, as violent as the combined effect of PCP and methamphetamines, and the result is an oral aggression of the sort that leads users to pounce on their victims and bite and maul them to pieces.

  8. Interesting that she couldn't have found a place to relax, refresh & recharge anywhere in Thailand, but has to go to the US, UK & France to do so... 'Must be nice to be a member of the "elite". Oh, wait a minute, weren't they the other guys? Lol. But whatever, she probably shouldn't have been allowed to associate with a known fugitive criminal. NOT doing so should've been a condition of her being allowed to leave the country.

    In fairness, where would she find somewhere relax in Thailand? People blowing whistles in her face and threatening her son. She could not go anywhere in Thailand. Seems to me the junta are happy about her going - most likely with the "don't bother coming back" addendum in there which would make the junta's life a whole lot easier - and a lot of other people's too. It will also give fantastic fuel for the posters here on TV!

    Do you always side with criminals or only with the good looking ones? She could not go anywhere in Thailand? What nonsense is that. She is more than welcomed up North. But there are not enough good shopping centers where she could waste money on bags, clothes and other fashionable items. That was always more important than running the country in a proper manner.

    • Like 1
  9. You guys don't get it! I have personally attended every election vote of my girlfriend in Hot city, Chomthong in Chiangmai for the past 9 years. Not a single baht passes into her hand. They vote the Shins in because they like, trust and believe in the hope Shins policies will continue to help improve the lot for country folk. Get you head around this. There is vote buying from both sides, but only in marginal areas or flip flop areas like Buriram n Surin.

    And you get it? Since when is a word of your girlfriend or anyone else's girlfriend a reliable source of information in any discussion? Get a grip.

    It appears that you need to get your head around this. It keeps happening time and time again. It has got to stop if Thailand is going to move forward.

    Thailand red shirt get paid to protest?

    All nicely lined up, lists, ID cards and plenty of 1,000 baht notes to flash around. It must be a figment of people's imagination, eh!


    Read what I wrote. I did not have to rely on my girlfriend. I have been to every election. I have been in the community and at the poll booths. I don't have to rely on hearsay, gossip or inuendo. It is fact I witnesses with my own eyes and ears repeatedly. My only statement is this "city people believe the only reason country people vote for PTP is a bought vote, wrong", I get that, do you get it!

    It doesn't make any difference. Her words or your words, they don't count much in a real debate. To expect of people to hand over money during the election day and at the poll booths publicly is beyond ridiculous. The only reason country people vote for PTP or any other party before is that they are mislead into believing that they will get something for nothing. Time and time again. Populist policies and empty promises based on thin air. At the end someone will have to pay for it. Most likely the poor. Do you get it?

  10. You guys don't get it! I have personally attended every election vote of my girlfriend in Hot city, Chomthong in Chiangmai for the past 9 years. Not a single baht passes into her hand. They vote the Shins in because they like, trust and believe in the hope Shins policies will continue to help improve the lot for country folk. Get you head around this. There is vote buying from both sides, but only in marginal areas or flip flop areas like Buriram n Surin.

    And you get it? Since when is a word of your girlfriend or anyone else's girlfriend a reliable source of information in any discussion? Get a grip.

    It appears that you need to get your head around this. It keeps happening time and time again. It has got to stop if Thailand is going to move forward.

    Thailand red shirt get paid to protest?

    All nicely lined up, lists, ID cards and plenty of 1,000 baht notes to flash around. It must be a figment of people's imagination, eh!


  11. Can anyone explain why?

    If some shrimps are from Thailand. Customer in Europe/USA will buy them the same as now. So the supermarket chains will order them.

    Or is there more duty, now?

    Because, In The USA and EU, there are many-many people who don't like to know the things they buy come from slave labor. Companies know now that if they buy things from countries that promote slave labor, then the people who buy their products may protest and stop buying from them.

    This lack of understanding is probably why the people in charge in Thailand now seem to think there will be no effects from the TIP reports, because they don't realize, that unlike most Thai people, people in the EU and USA DO care about things like slavery and child sex exploitation.

    Sometimes I wonder what planet some people are on. The majority of U.S corporation uses both child and slave labour in Asia to maximize their profits. Even famous brands like NIKE. I think you need to get off your high horse and accept that Americans are as bad as anyone else. At least 100,000 children a year is trafficked across the USA. Hell of a lot of trafficking buddy.

    Sex trafficking in the USA hits close to home
    USATODAY 1:36 p.m. EDT September 27, 2012
    A plague more commonly associated with other countries has been taking young victims in the United States, one by one.

    WASHINGTON -- Asia Graves looks straight ahead as she calmly recalls the night a man paid $200 on a Boston street to have sex with her.

    She was 16, homeless, and desperate for food, shelter and stability. He was the first of dozens of men who would buy her thin cashew-colored body from a human trafficker who exploited her vulnerabilities and made her a prisoner for years.

    "If we didn't call him daddy, he would slap us, beat us, choke us," said Graves, 24, of the man who organized the deals. "It's about love and thinking you're part of a family and a team. I couldn't leave because I thought he would kill me."

    By day, she was a school girl who saw her family occasionally. At night, she became a slave to men who said they loved her and convinced her to trade her beauty for quick cash that they pocketed. Sold from Boston to Miami and back, Graves was one of thousands of young girls sexually exploited across the United States, often in plain sight.

    A plague more commonly associated with other countries has been taking young victims in the United States, one by one. Though the scope of the problem remains uncertain -- no national statistics for the number of U.S. victims exist -- the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children says at least 100,000 children across the country are trafficked each year.


  12. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Not exactly curfew related but I share your condemnation of this vote.

    On the other hand Thailand has been going downhill for the last 2 years and accelerating down during the past 6 months but since the army has had to take over the economy is beginning to look up again.

    Many rice farmers have been paid - finally - and all will be paid very soon. Retailers and tourism operators are starting to receive more customers. There is an air of confidence in the business sector so your (anti-coup) pessimism has very little credibility.

    Tourist operators are at their wits ends - I'm not sure what planet you are on, but tourist numbers have collapsed and there is no respite in sight. 70 countries have warned their citizens not to come to Thailand. Chinese bookings are down 54%!

    Actually I'm not sure what planet you are on. One thing for sure, you don't live in Bangkok. And highly likely you don't even live in Thailand. The number of foreign tourists is actually on the rise. Everyone loves a bargain. And there are bargains galore in order to lure tourists back to Thailand. It's working. Sour grapes buddy.

  13. And I speak from more than a decade of daily interaction and everyday experience with Thais and their parents in school and out of school, daily and every day detailed interaction and specific experience with Thais and the Thai people, and after having arrived in Thailand in 1998, living since with Thais on a daily basis, day in and day out, each and every day I've spent in Thailand with and among Thais.

    Get the facts and realities of my day to day experience with Thais in Thailand over many years past your own self-created mental block.

    There's a real problem here of mentality and attitude but it's not mine.

    This one really takes the biscuit. It is actually your indirect admission that you have utterly failed to adapt to your new surroundings. You have a real problem here. Both we mentality and attitude. You're a guest in Thailand. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. It is obvious that no one taught you manners.

    when in rome saying means merely to adopt the customs as its advantageous, as maybe but i dont see a lot of the customs as anything other than out of date and irrelevant, unless you include the corruption and double talk.. Also not much point in going to a Thai temple if you not Buddhist.Other customs are also irrelevant, out of date or just flat out bad. why would you adopt those if you knew better ? Some things like finger pointing or touching the head are easy to adopt and manners, abasing oneself as an example would not.

    Adapting is one thing, doing as the natives do especially where morals or human rights are concerned is quite another. Ideally one would and should adapt but also reject lesser morals or worse treatment towards others. With ones thinking and knowledge its better to just use it, you dont throw it away in the garbage and use Thai logic if and when you know better. Eg you dont forget how to wire a house and the sensible need for earthing for instance or driving properly or wearing a safety helmet on a bike or riding 4 up. There is no sense in adopting "when in rome" attitude there, its liable to get you and or others killed.

    You should adapt of course and where can use your education, critical thinking or common sense and work things out, Or where you know better, reject the when in rome idea. I suspect pub has adapted more than well enough but draws the line at adopting fascist ideals and other backward ideas or half baked solutions to problems we see all over the place every day.

    Bottom line. When it comes to Thai politics, Thai morals and their way of life it is better to leave Thais to work out what is the best way forward. Thailand, however imperfect, is still ahead of the USA in many things. There is more poverty in the USA, there is more inequality in the USA, there is less democracy in the USA, half of the US population (adults) is on medication (mentally unstable), the destruction of family values...etc...etc...UK is slowly but surely following the suit. Having better educational standards than Thais doesn't mean that we are superior to them. If we were, there wouldn't be so much poverty and suffering back home. Most of us are in Thailand simply because we have better quality of life here, aren't we?

    • Like 2
  14. And I speak from more than a decade of daily interaction and everyday experience with Thais and their parents in school and out of school, daily and every day detailed interaction and specific experience with Thais and the Thai people, and after having arrived in Thailand in 1998, living since with Thais on a daily basis, day in and day out, each and every day I've spent in Thailand with and among Thais.

    Get the facts and realities of my day to day experience with Thais in Thailand over many years past your own self-created mental block.

    There's a real problem here of mentality and attitude but it's not mine.

    This one really takes the biscuit. It is actually your indirect admission that you have utterly failed to adapt to your new surroundings. You have a real problem here. Both we mentality and attitude. You're a guest in Thailand. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. It is obvious that no one taught you manners.

    • Like 2
  15. It comes as no surprise that John Kerry is addressed in this video. He is the person who represents everything what is wrong with the USA. A proven liar, a hypocrite, a fraud and above all according to numerous U.S servicemen a traitor to his own nation. As far as video is concerned, keep them coming.

    Since the military took over the life in Bangkok is better and safer. I would dare to say it's safer to be in Bangkok than any other big city in the USA. Tourists are coming and will continue coming to Thailand. Thailand is still great place to spend your holiday.

  16. During the reign of the previous administration banks were handing out so called toxic loans to Thais without actually doing any proper checks. The excuse was everyone deserves to get on the property ladder, especially in Bangkok. The same scheme was applied in the USA/UK and we all know that it ended up in tears for many. Handing out toxic loans forced the price up. For example, a square metre of a newly build condo in Bangkok central areas has already gone over 100,000 baht per square metre. Average price is between 3,000-3,500 USD. It's an artificially created bubble which will inevitably burst and many Thais will get hurt in the process.

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  17. And are doing a much better job of it than the previous administration. I am sure they do not want to be in the politics business and will return Thailand to civilian rule as they have always done. But if they have to find the proverbial ten righteous people amongst the Thai politicians, it could be a long wait.

    Then he said, “May the Lord not be angry, but let me speak just once more. What if only ten can be found there?”

    He answered, “For the sake of ten, I will not destroy it.”

    Honeymoon periods always seem like that.

    It all depends - some honeymoon periods can last for decades and decades. Some people get luckier than others. Some respectable fortune tellers say Thailand's fortune is finally about to take a turn for the better. wink.png

  18. 53% of seats, 48.4% / 44.4% of votes. What counts in the Thai electoral system is the first percentage.

    Well, that's interesting. It seems you're highlighting another problem of the current system.

    A system that of course applies to all parties that participate in elections.

    Not that it would make much difference, if they would base seats on popular vote only instead of a combination of constituenty and popular vote PT would still have 242 votes, and would therefore only need an additional 9 votes to from a government,. The ousted coalition government did receive 52% of the votes, and would therefore have gotten more than the 250 required votes to elect the PM and form a government.

    The biggest problem for people that support the coup is the Thai electorate, and their inability to accept the choices they make, one would think on of the most important prerequisites to have a system and a society that works.

    There is no problem at all if they follow law and order. But they simply cannot help themselves. The red shirt movement and PTP need to clean up their own act once and forever. Surely in any normal country Nattawut and Jatuporn would be behind the bars. Not playing politics. The biggest problem for people that do not support the coup is their inability to acknowledge the fact that the side they support has committed numerous crimes and terror acts over the years completely unacceptable in any normal democratic society. You cannot go on terrorizing people just because they do not share the same political opinion as you in red controlled areas of the country, you cannot waste (steal) billions of USD and get away with it and above all it is completely unacceptable for any democratic country to be ruled by a convicted criminal via social media. It's simply not on. Spare us your futile 'speeches' about democracy while the side you support acts almost exclusively in an autocratic way.

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  19. ... As of yesterday Yon's pro-dictatorship petition pumped up by the Nation had fewer than 5000 lonely signatures when it in fact needs at least 100,000 by June 24th to be even considered by the president. Yon will need a massive boost from Suthep's people in Bangkok and the Surat if he is to have any chance at all just to get Prez Obama to look at the petition and to say to right wingers everywhere, 'not a chance.'


    Perhaps something to do with the super surveillance technology the corporate fascists who rule over the USA and good portion of the world use to control people. Has it ever occurred to you to you that people are frightened to participate in online communities since a brave man opened the U.S can of worms and as a result had to run for his life. Before you criticize others, you might take a hard look at yourself. You see, You don't like your own reflection. Thailand doesn't need anyone's help. Thais will find their own way. A third way.

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