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Posts posted by Mackie

  1. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    There was a condom what had been used on Hannah found near by... who used it on it on her?

    Most likely it was David's, and they probably got interrupted just when they were 'getting into it' that David left no DNA inside.

    Why would they (or David) take it off then?

    That's got to be the silliest question so far. Think about it once again. If you were hit with the wooden object on the back of your head at such force that your skull cracked, the sexual intercourse would probably the last thing you would think of. An instant put off. Fight for survival. Unfortunately the young fella didn't recover from the initial hit on the head and they just finished him off in the water.

  2. Very well expressed, NCFC..........excellent post.

    Sorry I dont agree on with one word ,,,,,, Most I think is concocted bull.....The only way,,, And I mean the Key is Sean Sean do this for your consceince Get of your ass and come clean, It will only get worse for you.

    So If you want a boot in the backside I for one think you did it,and I am sure a lot of other people do as well. So now prove me ( us ) wrong.

    I agree with NCFC and I don't agree with green job about Sean. If he was guilty of something serious, he wouldn't have voluntarily put himself in the middle of the whirlwind. He would have laid as low as possible. He may not be the kind of guy you'd want babysitting your daughters, but that's beside the point. It's not a popularity contest. It's about arresting, trying, convicting and punishing the rapists/killers. I do hope he gives testimony, even if it's in absentia.

    I disagree with the part about Sean lying as low as possible. That could've been done in big cities like Bangkok. But not an island like Ko Thao. It's more like the net was closing in and he made a desperate attempt to save his own backside for whatever he did. He is probably quiet only because he was advised by his solicitors to keep his gob shut.

    • Like 1
  3. Is it not about time that the UK Assembly staff arranged to step in, and take over this case ?, with detectives and knowhow from the UK.

    The poor families and friends of the infortunate victims of this horrible crime need answers, - and soon.

    This whole case issue has become farcical, and is just heaping frustration at the lack of what appears to be any cohesive progress, upon their grief.

    My heart goes out to the families and friends of the victims

    I know that your intentions are good but how on earth you could even come up with the idea that the UK could take over a case in another sovereign country is beyond me. Anyway, their inactivity speaks volumes. Perhaps they already know more than we know.

    • Like 2
  4. The only way we have to send a message to Thailand is by boicoting Thailand and his goods production. The American downgrade should be set back as punishment

    It appears that local Thais from Ko Thao island could not care less what we think. Thais will continue taking advantage of farangs simply because we are too stupid to take any action and stop them from doing so. Thai women are our weakness. That's the only reason Thais keep getting away with the murder. Literally.

    Holiday Brit murders mocked in Thai social media trend

    FURIOUS locals have mocked a bungled police probe into the murders of two Brits in Thailand by uploading a series of tasteless ladyboy snaps online.


  5. There is no condom. Why would someone that rapes and bludgeons someone to death bother to put on a condom? If there was a condom nearby its not related to the murders. They were in the act when the murderer came along, they had already finished, it was already there lying around. Its not connected to the murder.

    There were signs of sexual activity but the police investigators have not ascertained whether Hannah was raped. There is still not conclusive evidence to confirm that she was raped.

    What the Murder of Two British Tourists Tells Us About Thailand’s Dark Side


    ...Beach cleaners discovered the Britons’ naked bodies 20 m apart by rocks on idyllic Sairee Beach on Sept. 15. A bloodstained garden hoe, commonly used by beachside bars to dig fire pits, was found nearby and has now been confirmed as the principal murder weapon, along with a wooden club.

    The existence of two weapons has “made us believe that there are at least two attackers,” the deputy national police chief, Police General Somyot Pumpanmuang, told reporters Monday.

    Witheridge died from severe head wounds while Miller died from blows to the head and drowning, according to the Thai forensics department. Although there were signs of sexual activity, investigators have not ascertained whether Witheridge was raped...

  6. Sean sounds like a guy with the guilty conscience. I'm not saying he is a murderer but I'm almost certain that he played a part in the whole mess. What baffles me the most is the fact that the investigators were not able to ascertain whether Hannah was raped or not.

    What the Murder of Two British Tourists Tells Us About Thailand’s Dark Side


    Savage killings on Koh Tao lay bare the dichotomy between Thailand’s palm-fringed image and its underbelly of violence and fumbling justice

    The brutal murder of British tourists Hannah Witheridge, 23, and David Miller, 24, on the Thai resort island of Koh Tao, has reverberated around the world.

    Beach cleaners discovered the Britons’ naked bodies 20 m apart by rocks on idyllic Sairee Beach on Sept. 15. A bloodstained garden hoe, commonly used by beachside bars to dig fire pits, was found nearby and has now been confirmed as the principal murder weapon, along with a wooden club.

    The existence of two weapons has “made us believe that there are at least two attackers,” the deputy national police chief, Police General Somyot Pumpanmuang, told reporters Monday.

    Witheridge died from severe head wounds while Miller died from blows to the head and drowning, according to the Thai forensics department. Although there were signs of sexual activity, investigators have not ascertained whether Witheridge was raped...

  7. Thai police is well know for setting people up. We're not going to argue about that one. However many people here are simply jumping to their conclusions. Everyone seems to be forgetting the one we all are supposed to believe in, innocent until proven guilty. Let's wait a little bit longer for DNA results.

    So after stating the above, how can you have any confidence in any DNA testing done/overseen by the locals?

    This case is very different than any other before. Too much publicity. There is no room for hiding. Top brass from Bangkok got involved, DNA samples were sent to Singapore, forensic specialists from elsewhere are running the investigations, not the local police etc...etc...The whole case is just weird. Anyway by the end of this week someone will be officially charged with a murder.

  8. Just saw on Australian media that tourists are leaving Thailand in droves. Tourists are actually scarred

    Yknow Chooka I wouldnt blame the British press if they set out on a boycott Thailand campaign. It would be justified the way this has been stonewalled until its become impossible to cover up .. and they only reason .. I think the International press and community for this, nothing of credit do I give to the Thai authorities... nothing.

    If I were a Brit tourist id be leaving too... Why ? not because of fear but because Its the only way to show my disgust over the whole thing.

    I Hope the international press start to look a lot harder into other past cases and push them back up to the surface .. theres a lot of unsolved cases and families that still need closure... you can bet 50% at least are cover ups...

    Why don't you lead by example? Pack up and just leave if this country is so bad instead of continually whining and whinging . Your children will be much safer at some council estate in London or elsewhere.

    • Like 1
  9. The news is certainly great. I hope the suspect who is hiding in Bangkok is caught before he leaves the country. Anyway I still believe there are more than two people involved. It would have taken at least two Asian guys to overcome David and at the same time someone had to keep an eye on Hannah unless she was completely paralyzed by fear or whatever.

  10. So we know he worked illegally prior on the Island for 18 months.

    Arrived the day of the murders by sheer coincidence ?

    Took drugs at times?

    Accuses Thais of the crimes ?

    And his friends claim "he may be Bullshiting"?

    His friends? Seriously, get a grip of yourself and your conspiracies!!!

    You should be ashamed of yourself to pick a side without knowing if there is truth to his story or not. If this incident can help the investigation catch the killers, you should be happy that Sean would have the balls to actually speak up!

    You're obnoxious!

    I can see your point. However would you agree that Sean should be locked up if it is proven that he was lying? How would you feel if someone publicly accused you of a murder without providing a shred of credible evidence? Let's assume you are/were innocent.

  11. New information. Allegedly the victims may have known their killer/killers. According to the latest Hannah, David or some of their friends may have had some sort of a relationship or even one night stand with a new suspect.

    Thai victim 'was trying to help'

    The father of a British man murdered in Thailand believes his son had stepped in to help his fellow victim when they were both brutally killed on an island.


    He told the Daily Mail: " It has become clearer and clearer that it is quite likely David was stepping in to help a girl who was in trouble.

    "That would be absolutely in his character."

    The body of Miss Witheridge, 23, has been brought back to the UK, her family said, as they released a statement saying they were "broken" by the tragedy.

    While Thai media reports suggest there are now two main suspects in the investigation Police Colonel Kissana Phathanacharoen said: "There are more than two suspects. It is too early to say how many suspects we are looking at."

    Yesterday the force said they are investigating new evidence suggesting that the murders may have been due to "sexual jealousy".

    A spokesman for the Royal Thai Police said that the force was also looking into claims that the pair had a row with a Thai man in a bar before they were killed.

    Mr Phathanacharoen said: "We have discovered fresh evidence which could lead to a new suspect who may have had a relationship or one night stand with Hannah or one of her friends or David the night before they were killed.

    "We have asked the Metropolitan Police to go back and make enquiries of Hannah's friends on this matter.

    "The liaison officer here in Bangkok is working on getting that statement. The faster we get it, the faster we may be able to get the bad guy.

    "No lines of inquiry can be ruled out and we believe these crimes could have been motivated by sexual jealousy.

    "Police have been made aware of reports that Hannah and David had a fight in a bar with a Thai man before they were killed, but cannot confirm if they are true."

    Mr Miller said his family had not been given much information from Thai police on the progress of the investigation.

    Mr Phathanacharoen said he would be happy to speak to Mr Miller and pass on any information about the investigation.

  12. If wearing a bikini on the beach is not appropriate, perhaps under-dressed young women hanging offpoles in Pattaya and Bangkok's Soi Cowboy and Soi Patpong should be criticised. . .

    The writer is doing what the general did, implying that because a girl is dressed in a certain way this somehow makes it her own fault if she is raped and excuses the perpetrator..

    This is delusional and dangerous nonsense. The rapist is to blame for rape, not the victim. The fact that so many Thais - from generals to journalists - have doubts about this is one of the reasons why this appalling crime is endemic here.

    Grow some real cajones and take responsibility for your actions, guys.

    That's your way of looking at it. What general probably meant was that women should dress up reasonably instead of walking around half naked - for their own good. It was a general statement. Anyway PM Prayuth apologized for his remarks.

    Are you implying that the rape is exclusively Thai thing? Abject nonsense. A woman is more likely to be raped in London than in Bangkok. A fact.

    UK Taxi Rapes

    "No Woman is Safe in a Cab"

    by Soeren Kern

    July 17, 2013 at 5:00 am


    Taxi rapes are rarely reported; apparently because the politically incorrect crimes are not deemed to be newsworthy. BBC radio host Sam Mason, a single mother, was fired after she called a taxi company and requested a "non-Asian" driver to take her 14-year-old daughter to her grandparents' home; preferably a female driver. The operator refused, and said, "We would class that as being racist." Mason responded, "It's not your 14-year-old girl." A BBC spokesman said, "[Mason's] comments were completely unacceptable…she will no longer be working for the BBC."

  13. It appears that the motive was sexual jealousy.

    Thai Murders: 'Beautiful Hannah' Brought Home


    The family of a British backpacker murdered in Thailand say they have brought their "beautiful Hannah" back to the UK.

    It is nearly a week since the bodies of Hannah Witheridge, 23, and fellow Brit David Miller, 24, were found on a beach in Koh Tao, also known as Turtle Island.

    In their first statement since the deaths, Ms Witheridge's family said they travelled to Bangkok on Tuesday.

    "The main purpose of our trip was to bring our beloved Hannah home and to obtain information on the investigation," they said.

    "We can confirm that we have now returned to the UK with our beautiful Hannah.

    "As a family we feel enormous relief to have Hannah back at home where she belongs.

    "We continue to work closely with officers to assist in the investigation and bring those responsible to justice.

    "Our family is broken and require time to grieve in private - as do Hannah's many friends.”

    Ms Witheridge, from Great Yarmouth, suffered severe head wounds and Mr Miller, from Jersey, died from blows to the head and drowning, post-mortem examinations showed.

    A garden hoe with Ms Witheridge's blood on it was discovered nearby, and investigators are searching for a blunt metal object used on Mr Miller.

    Earlier, police hunting the killer told Sky News "sexual jealousy" may be the motive for the killings.

    Sky's Jonathan Samuels, who is on the island, said officers have asked police in the UK to speak to British friends of the travellers to find out about their interactions in the days leading up to the murders.

    He said: "They are also investigating rumours that they may have had a row with a Thai man in a bar."

    Police Colonel Kissana Phathanacharoen said: "We have asked the Met Police to go back and ask their friends if they can help with any further information."

    He added: "We still believe sexual jealously is at the heart of this crime.

    "We are aware of reports they may have been involved in a row in a bar with a Thai man and we are currently investigating."

    Police previously said DNA taken from the body of Ms Witheridge matches that of two Asian men.

    Officers also said they do not know if the killer is still on Koh Tao, where she and Mr Miller were found murdered.

    Sky News has obtained exclusive CCTV video of Ms Witheridge in the hours before she was killed, walking between bars with a group of friends.

  14. Slowly but surely the investigation is moving forward. I would like to see a man named Matt come forward. In addition that shirtless Asian guy running is probably the crucial witness in order to solve this puzzle. From my point of view, he has either witnessed the crime or has been part of the gang who committed the crime. Someone must know who that person is.

    DNA links two Asians to Thai murders as police say male victim may have tried to stop sex attack


    ...Royal Thai Police recently released 13 suspects, including two childhood friends of Mr Miller, after DNA evidence found on Miss Witheridge’s body and on a cigarette butt did not match that belonging to those in custody.

    Thai police are thought to have asked for assistance from British police to acquire DNA samples from an English man named only as ‘Matt’ who joined Miss Witheridge late on the night of 14 September.

    They are also said to be hunting a topless man seen running away from Sairee beach that night...

  15. There are also multiple reports about three men - two tall, one short - who were seen on Sairee beach near the place the bodies were found.

    Allegedly the group had been on the beach smoking, playing guitar and singing English songs in the early hours of Monday morning. However no one has been able to trace those three men yet.

    Three 'attackers' involved in Thai island murders, police say Thai police believe at least three "attackers" were involved in the vicious murders of British backpackers David Miller and Hannah Witheridge on a tourist island


  16. His advisers advise him to make an apology for his disgusting, disgraceful and heartless comments and he automatically becomes "a gentleman" in his own head? Amazing Thailand...

    Let's look at some past powerful officials: Chalerm did not apologize for his drunken appearance and slurry speeches - he blamed ear medicine. Yingluck did not apologize for her stupid idea of a high-speed rail system to be used for moving carrots to Chiang Mai - she still has not realized what a fool she is, god bless her. Others who have been caught red-handed for stealing, lying to the public, falsifying records, looking at porn during Parliament session - they all have a justification and never apologized.

    Prayuth is out of his depth in international matters, he will either adapt or not, we will see. But, he apologized publicly for his remarks, whether advised or not does not make a difference. He is the only Thai PM I know of who ever apologized, now isn't that a change from all others who can never admit they did wrong?

    I'm sure the families of the two slain kids will take great comfort in that.

    It appears that you don't give a damn about those two slain kids. If you cared a bit, you wouldn't be politicizing this tragedy, would you? Taking a cheap shots at old fella for publicly saying that all women should dress up appropriately instead of walking around half-naked will give great comfort to the families of the two brutally killed Brits.

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