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Everything posted by KhunHeineken

  1. Sure. Like I have said, good luck to everyone with their strategy and decisions in relation to this tax policy. I will feel more comfortable knowing I have filed and have a document to prove it. Each to their own.
  2. I'm not. I've wished everyone well with their decision. I am just choosing to file, declare, pay, and have a document proving I have. I don't trust the Thai authorities. Simple as that. I haven't posted instruction.s As for guess work, well, it's hard to deny that requiring foreigners to have a TRD document at extension time ensures compliance. Is that a fact, or an opinion, or guess work???? I would say it's a fact, but it's only my opinion that it will eventually happen. Is there anything wrong with considering that it may happen in the future?
  3. Breaching immigration laws is not a criminal offense. Tax evasion is a criminal offense. The Thai's don't make money out of over stayers. Here's this tax policy just ripe for manipulation for extorting money but some members don't view it seriously. That's fine, each to their own, but others will cover their a**. No change of mind. I was always going to use an agent. Not scaremongering. I'm just not in the DO NOTHING camp. Members in the do nothing camp seem to think other members give a rats. They don't. Those who file will have a document from the TRD, and those who do nothing will not. I know which one I would rather, so I'll file. There is no right or wrong to this. I am just choosing to cover my a** from any unforeseen things that may come up in this "test year" for this tax policy.
  4. I have never said it is in place NOW, have I? It's not in place now, but can YOU guarantee it will not be policy in the future, no, I didn't think so. Do you think it prudent members consider that it may be policy in the future????
  5. Last I heard, Phuket had the highest road death of all the provinces in Thailand, and given that Thailand is in the Top 10 countries in the world for road death, that makes Phuket's roads the one of the most dangerous in the world. The reason is, the tax mafia and their high prices pushes everyone into a car or onto a bike, even after drink. If that's not killing, what is? Higher in Phuket, due to the tax mafia. Imagine the the drop in accidents if the tuktuks would drive around on routes like the baht buses do in Pattaya. Why does it work so so well in Pattaya, but Phuket is not allowed to have a similar system?
  6. Another reason is the retirement visa / extension is nothing more than a 12 month tourist visa that can be extended in country. Thailand does not have a reasonable pathway to permanent residency or citizenship, so whilst you may own a property in Thailand. it's possible you may not get a visa in the future to live in it.
  7. Everyone has to access to a vehicle in Phuket, otherwise, you are at the mercy on the land transport mafia. They have been slowly killing Phuket for years. Little wonder that Phuklet has one of the highest road death stats in Thailand, which puts it on par with the highest road death stats in any country in the world.
  8. The freelancers have no problem with a video a call. A lot of pretty girls on the apps. No lady drinks and and bar fines. No bar hoping and BS. Dial them up from the pool side, and arrange to meet later. It's the way of the future for Pattaya.
  9. For how long???? Also, as another member said, farang are different. and easy targets. In any case, just do what you want, but stop trying to convince others on this forum that doing nothing in relation to this tax policy is the right way to go just because you chose to do nothing. It smells of desperation.
  10. I've "talked" but soon I will action. Once again, good luck to those who have decided to do nothing, but just stop selling it on this forum to justify your own inaction on this Thai tax policy. because it's laughable.
  11. Huh? When immigration scan an individual's passport at an airport, they know within seconds if that individual is an overstay, or not. With a simple software tweak, they will know if more than 180 days in the calendar year. If so, it ill probably go as follows: IO: Do you have tax paper? Tax Resident: No. IO: You must go over to that desk. Tax Resident: Ok. All done in 1 minute at the first immigration check point. Tourists will not be inconvenienced. Now, at the TRD desk for the tax resident, that's a different matter. Now, say there are 300,000 farang retirees in Thailand who Thai authorities DO NOT know their source of income. As I have said before, why doesn't every expats just say their remittances are non assessable,and we get the Mods to close all these threads. It's that simple. Up to them, but that's what I will be doing. Link please? Extra 10,000 TRD staff for what???? Computers do it all. As I have said before, they will not hire any more staff, just the queue will go out the door and down the street. TiT. Do you really think it;'s about service delivery? It's about making more money with the same resources, in this case, human resources, and they couldn't care less if farang are standing in the hot sun for hours.
  12. Rubbish. Members have reported filing, declaring, paying or not paying, and leaving with a document proving so. As some other members have said, do what you want. No one cares. Don''t look for any justification on this forum. I will file, declare, pay some tax, and have a document proving so. Will I need said document this year, probably not. Will I need said document in the future, in my opinion, yes, it will be needed. Goof Luck to everyone with whatever decision they make, but I know I will be able to prove I have complied.
  13. Media says it;s $4.60. https://www.sbs.com.au/news/article/the-welfare-payments-set-to-increase/n42gvk34r
  14. Exactly. All these threads / posts challenging other people's strategies, just because they are different to theirs. Everyone should just do what they want. All I know is, I will have a document from the TRD that I am prepared to pay for, so I have no worries for the next 12 months. Simple as that.
  15. There have been several posts from members who have filed, declared, paid or not paid, and been issued a document for the TRD. I recall member Scouse123 go "The Somchai Shuffle" on a few occasions until he showed the TRD staff an email from his Thai bank. They then allowed him to file, declare, and leave the office with the magic piece of paper which means he will have no troubles in the future. I suggest you be the test case for the forum for doing nothing in relation to this Thai tax policy. We can follow your progress, or otherwise.
  16. Why don't you gift your wife, and your wife gifts you, so neither of you pay any tax? It's that easy.
  17. Yet, everyone is extremely proactive when it comes to visas / extensions and meeting their requirements. Strange that some do not view the Thai tax laws in the same light. No. Why do you say that? I will be declaring the exact amount of my remittances to Thailand. which is exactly what the Thai authorities know anyway. That said, I have been minimizing my remittances. Link please? When you leave yourself exposed here, the sky is the limit. They will have you by the b*lls. They will know it, and so will you.
  18. Link please. Have you forgotten where you are?
  19. Anyone who stays more than 180 days in Thailand in a calendar years is a resident of Thailand for tax purposes, employed, or not. Which is your right. I never said IT WILL HAPPEN. I have said I would not be surprised to see it in the future, and I believe such a system used to exist, so it could come back. For me, it's not about who's right or wrong. It's about planning for all scenarios. This Is Thailand. You could be right today, and wrong about the same thing tomorrow, because the Thai's have back flipped. I'm not on this forum to claim I am right and others are wrong. I am on this forum to discuss best and worse case scenarios, and options, options, options.
  20. You forgot the part about the Thai's wanting more cash out of the cow.
  21. Keep telling yourself that long enough, and you will believe it.
  22. Good Luck with that. The next thread will be, "Can I gift my staff their salary so they don't have to pay tax?"
  23. So no chance at all, absolutely zero chance, they reinstate the policy. Is that your stance? Go on the record.
  24. If it makes you feel comfortable to do nothing, than do nothing. It is your right. There are two ways of thinking between expats on this forum. One is, TiT, it will all go away. The other is, the Thai's may use this to extort money out of foreigners, maybe not this year, but in the future. File, declare, pay or no pay, get the piece of paper, all clear. Do nothing, well, you roll the dice. Funny how those relying on TiT for it to go away think authorities will be law abiding when the day comes and they don't have a clearance certificate. Then, it's TiT for why they had to pay up, big time.
  25. Thanks Felt35. You beat me to it. In my opinion, and that of many others also, it will be the Thai's "go to" method to ensure compliance by foreigners. The certificate will be needed for an extension, or to leave Thailand, in the future.
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