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Everything posted by KhunHeineken

  1. Wrong. Where's the last time you went back to Australia? How many 65 year olds are working in blue collar jobs back there? You have no idea, as usual.
  2. Over 21,000 posts, on this username alone, and you have admitted to more than one username. Talk about being a hypocrite.
  3. Is that like "imitating" your own posts on your "nom de plume?"
  4. No, I didn't move the goal posts, you are just a troll. Provide links. I have. Where's your links? Jesus, you come on here and play the poster, not the post, and provide nothing but your own opinion. I've posted link after link after link, to the point the mods have stepped in deleting posts because they have the same links, because you refuse to accept them. Post some links of your own for examination.
  5. You say I have no idea, yet, you post no links showing what amount of debt the ATO will, or will not chase. How about you stick to some facts, and not get personal? The whole system is migrating to computers doing the heavy lifting. To a computer, a debt is a debt, thus, a letter is generated. Once that letter is in play, one is on the ATO merry-go-round. Do you really think expats can hide from their ATO debt because it's small? Once again, post a link to show what the ATO calls "small debt." Post a link, or STFU, because it's you has no idea.
  6. What's your plan for a medical emergency and having to return back to Australia with your wife, who you are separated from?
  7. Not familiar with the case. What I do know is, the American judicial system has such a backlog that the plea bargain system has seen many innocent people go to gaol. For example, you are "offered" 2 year prison time for a guilty plea, but go to court and lose, we will ask for 10 years. If innocent, what would you do?
  8. Sure, but "intent" to kill is murder. Killing someone without the intent to kill them is manslaughter. As for a "real" car accident, that comes down to culpability. Eg. speed, drugs, alcohol, negligence etc.
  9. So, wouldn't that make it murder, rather than a car accident?
  10. "Sorry Mitch. No one retires from backyard cricket."
  11. You are missing the point completely. It's all about "The Voice." Nothing else matters.
  12. You are several football fields from reality.
  13. Aswin is only repeating what the whole industry, and government, have been saying for some time.
  14. No, no, no, Sir. This applies only to guys like Paul Hogan. Every other Australia citizen is exempt.
  15. Pay the extra for unlimited kilometers. You will need them.
  16. So, we have the government call it a "short absence" but they do not say how long that actually is. We have you saying, just your opinion of course, that's it's 5 days. Then we have another member frequently saying on this forum a "prolonged period of time" is fine. Where's the amount of days, and / or frequency, throughout the 2 year period? Is this not the information, from the government, via a posted link, that we all want to see?
  17. Not being naive at all. As I have said, it's not about what the government knows, it's about what the government can prove, but that doesn't mean the actions of some, or many, does not come with any criminal intent. If you are genuinely separated, ok. If you are not actually separated, but claim you are for financial gain, to the point you even holiday together to Thailand, possibly on the same air tickets, well, I would say you are rolling the dice. Links already provided about how the government are investing such cases.
  18. The guy in your link is the same guy in a link I provided. Interesting story. Yes, you have to pay even if overseas. Say someone doesn't pay, and returns home to see their family for a short time. Do you think there is no enforcement? They just get a free pass. Nothing happens. Enlighten me as to what may happen to them.
  19. And how many different usernames?
  20. I couldn't care less if you claim you are separated when you are actually not. Get back every dollar of tax you have paid in your life in the form of a pension, I say. However, don't urinate on the Australian tax payer and tell them it's raining. It's fraud, and you could be caught out. I have posted some links to show the measures the government are taking to stop this type of fraud. Roll the dice at your own risk.
  21. I didn't move the goal posts. You just don't see the pitch in between the goal posts. What is the dollar figure for write off? You claim to know. What is it? Tell us all.
  22. I have some friends with similar experiences. In your case, the cost of printing and postage is more than the debt. The point I am making is, $2, $200, $2000, $20,000 etc - it's all the same process, and whilst we may not care while sitting here in Thailand, should we want to or need to return to Australia, where we would then be under Australian jurisdiction, things may get nasty over any amount of debt, no matter how small. Of course, there's no individual responsible or accountable for it, it's just the system.
  23. This is an interesting read. Dated April 2023. https://www.itnews.com.au/news/password-crackers-and-metadata-used-to-check-centrelink-users-relationship-status-592649 "Services Australia is using telecommunications metadata and password-bypassing software to investigate welfare recipients suspected of claiming single payments while in relationships." I wonder if holidaying together in Thailand would raise suspicion.
  24. I am well aware it's not about what they know, it's about what they can prove. I am simply saying there are many people, and I am not accusing the members on this forum, because only they know the facts, that are abusing the system for financial gain. We have all seen in the news, on many occasions, the guy on sickness benefits, claiming a bad back from a car accident that he has a compensation claim running on, caught out working on a construction site by insurance investigators. I am simply saying, claiming you are separated when you actually are not, is fraud, and therefore, a crime. Just because it's difficult to prove, or the government lacks the resources to be able to do so, doesn't mean it's not a crime.
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