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Everything posted by greg71

  1. New update according to bangkok post , police say she was caught with a vape device in her handbag .
  2. the big joke is that its not big " joke " but big " jok " - as in rice porridge . maybe learn to read and speak thai
  3. Here is a good video explaining the topic of strength - Dr Peter Attia you tube video channel has some very interesting topics to watch
  4. yes look at some of those ppl in there 70s for example who are not able to walk like they did 20 yrs ago - just sitting around watching tv etc - living a sedentary lifestyle accelarates muscle lose greatly . Think about how many older ppl lose there lives from just falling down stairs etc . Or imagine walking up a hill seems easy but then walk down hill which is much harder on the body . Train in a way that both eccentric and concentric .
  5. Personally id say weight training - the average male over the age of 40 loses an average of 6% muscle per yr . Without strength one cannot walk ,stand up or even have sex . Like someone else said previously weight training increases testosterone and hgh .
  6. https://thethaiger.com/hot-news/crime/from-soapy-king-to-supersleuth-chuwits-rehabilitation
  7. One must remember he will get a 5% cut of any of these assets once sold , its not about payback etc etc he wants the money plain and simple .
  8. Wood vinegar might be suitable for your needs ..
  9. Maybe 10 - 15 yrs ago , now they head to the hills of Kosol .
  10. Dont know why they call him joke when its actually " jok " as in ( rice porrige) .
  11. Another coup is on the way it seems .
  12. Gaeng hung lay khao kha moo khai yak sai moo
  13. Maybe have a look at youtube reviews of the vehicle , also look the competition like the honda hrv . Ps they are both hybrid which charge whilst you brake and dont need an external charge .
  14. Buy them from this seed stocker in the Uk . 10 - 12 days to arrive . https://www.cannabis-seeds-bank.co.uk/sensi-seeds/cat_85
  15. Dr Voranaddha Vacharathit , she studied at both Harvard and Vanderbilt Universities just did my umbilical hernia repair at Chula Hospital . You will have to see her thru the after hours clinic at the hospital - floor 6th in the building behind the main building , Total cost was 77000 baht all inclusive , http://chulasurgery.md.chula.ac.th/teams/อ-พญ-วรณัฐา-วัชราทิตย์/?fbclid=IwAR00v6bsy7uS_hHyAzV0iR9AJkWF-AX1ynI9WEl96V1eo2MBpglO6j6vnhY
  16. How about knife reforms then as well while we are at it .
  17. Outer space launching business ? Meaning the vast void between there ears ?
  18. According to a news site we cant mention he crossed into Laos from Chiang Saen on Sept 5th .
  19. Ive just purchased another lot from these guys ( my 4th time ) 9 seeds 83 pounds and with it got another 10 seeds for free as part of there sept promo , there are discount codes online which will give you another 10% off equaling free shipping - google ( discount code attitude seeds ) .Cheers
  20. Plenty of youtube vids explaining the process . get searching .
  21. And the boat captain gets off scot-free , typical isnt it from the Thai authorities .
  22. Shopee and lazada both have a selection , also various facebook groups have both new and 2nd hand lights for sale . Here is 1 for example -- https://www.facebook.com/groups/1131466730718874
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