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Everything posted by Greenhill

  1. And the 1st joke is - it starts at '20.00 am'!!!!!!!
  2. I really don't understand what the chief of Chon Buri Immigration has to do with ensuring that tourists have a better experience in Pattaya?! His job is to make sure the visa/extension process goes as smoothly as possible and catch any miscreants and that's it!!!! Has the Mayor the right to tell this guy how to do his job?
  3. And that's exactly why they're illegal!!!! We can't have great service here! Interfers with the existing poor service and high prices charged by the existing m/c/taxi mafia!
  4. 1,500 bt for a 10 year passport - delivered by secure mail. Took 2 days from application.
  5. Oh! So, Al-Jazeera is your source of unbiased news is it???? I would suggest you widen your sights to include ALL sides of a story.
  6. Don't you see corruption all around you - even at the tope levels of the EU??!!! I suppose it's IATA which should be enforcing aviation rules but are they beyond corruption?
  7. In answer to your question - MONEY - the only thing that is important here!!!!
  8. As far as Israel is concerned, I would think that the 'Abraham Accords' were his biggest achievement & certainly has helped to bring peace & 'normality' to the troubled region.
  9. I'm sorry we don't have the same sense of humour!!!????
  10. Yes! Now they have to hand the paperwork through the window - bloody inconvenient!????
  11. Nobody is judging - they are only stating the fact as to what the law says. The democratically passed law, in this case, states that if you are in receipt of any State benefits, you are required to inform the DWP of your address abroad, if you are living outside the UK for 3 months or more. That is the law. If you decide not to adhere to the law, then that's upto you but you must be ready to take the consequences, should the authorities catch-up with you.
  12. Anyone who doesn't tell DWP that they live abroad is committing fraud - sorry!!!!
  13. Thailand certainly realises her true importance by the level of the welcoming committee!!!
  14. What's that supposed to mean??
  15. How do you expect them to do 2 jobs at once? Checking on the fire safety features is for another raid on another day!!!!
  16. Immig. will be closed this Thursday (Memorial Day for passing of HM King Bhumibol) and Friday has been made a 'bridge day' (extra holiday).
  17. Thanks for the positive suggestion. However, I've been piling on the verbal pressure with KLM and they just notified me on Wednesday that they are refunding my money by bank transfer on Friday (1st July). Nothing received yet but will give them 3 working days before I follow-up again. At the moment, it feels a bit like - 'the check's in the mail'!!! We'll see.
  18. Well done, Thai AirAsia X. They are filing for bankruptcy but can refund their customers. I have been waiting for 26 months for a refund from a so called, 'national-flag' airline, namely KLM, with NO success. They don't answer emails, even to the CEO. It would appear that they have NO customer service dept. and are an absolute disgrace. They should have their passenger operating licence withdrawn. KLM = the worst airline in the world.
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