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Posts posted by Darrel

  1. I'm in Thailand for a better standard of living that what I can afford in Australia, not to live cheaper. I thought that was the case with most retirees here.

    Certainly not for me. I live almost exactly the same way here as I did in Europe, and that is the same way I have lived for the last 35 years. My main reasons for being here are because it is cheaper to do it here (and why pay more for something if you can pay less?), there is less hassle here, it is less boring here, and I dont need heating in the winter here. If it was the same price here, or cold in the winter, or more hassle, or more boring then I would just go somewhere else.

    Just because things are cheaper doesnt make me do more than I want to, I just spend less money to do what I want.

  2. .

    You're mixing a lot of issues here -- I never heard anything good about their wi-fi and I don't even know if they have it anymore.


    I've also never heard anything about 3BB at View-Talay,


    From your previous post, it appeared that the agent told you that all units were wired for broadband -- that's simply not true! --

    Building wifi is always of variable quality as your speed will depend on how many other people are using the connection at the time. In VT2 that could be a lot of people!

    You can get 3BB DSL in VT2.

    For once an agent was telling the truth! All VT2 units are wired for Sophon cable TV (even if it has been disconnected by the building for non-payment of the maintenance charge) and so they are also wired for Sophon cable internet, by definition. You just have to pay Sophon to put the modem in, and settle any outstanding bills you may have with the building if they have disconnected your unit. Normally Sophon will do it the same day you order it. Also, as it is already in place, you dont actually need to sign up for a full year (though it is much cheaper to do so if you intend using it for that long).

  3. The OP is in China where Gmail is not reliably accessible.

    Hmm. Is that due to a crappy connection or government blocking? Would it affect a POP port as well as a webpage?

    Do they block VPNs also?

    If you can open a VPN then you should be able to access any site or access your email via POP.

  4. If it's just an account that you get from KSC dialup or similar, you only receive a 25MB storage limit. So it's quite conceivable that 850 emails can fill your account.

    25MB? Good grief.

    Why do people waste time with nonsense like that?

    Get a free Gmail account. Set it to poll the crappy other free account. End of problem. Forever.

  5. It's also best to add a Cable-Router, which you can get at TukCom for around 1200, or from Sophon for 2500..

    Only necessary if you have other wireless devices (tablet, phone, laptop) that you want to use the connection with. The little ethernet modem they provide is fine for one PC/laptop. And even if you do have more devices you can always connect your laptop/desktop to the internet via the ethernet modem, and then create a private wireless network from your laptop/desktop for your other devices.

    Cost = 0 :)

  6. It seems extraordinary that just 850 spam messages could fill your mailbox, unless it is tiny.

    Are you sure that you dont also have a full trashcan, or several years' worth of read emails in your inbox? Or hundreds of stupid "joke" attachments?

    Try emptying the trash first: if your box is really full then sometimes none of the other functions work. You may also find that there is a button (or perhaps right-click?) to empty the spam folder.

    And then do yourself a favour and open a free Gmail account. It can be easily configured to poll all your other email accounts for you, and I can pretty well guarantee that you will NEVER fill the Gmail mailbox.

  7. Not easy to be precise without knowing exactly what equipment you have, but the basic principle is that you need to set up three ADSL ethernet modems (one for each line, obviously, and make sure each is working before going any further) and then connect those three outputs to three inputs on your load balancing router. Then you connect your existing network to the output on the load balancing router. Generally you should turn off all routing/DHCP functions on the modems and turn them on on the router, though in some cases the router will actually be looking for DHCP modems and if so you can leave that function turned on on the modems.

    There may be slight variations if, for example, your router incorporates an ADSL modem. In that case you would only need two other modems and two inputs on the router.

    Four input load balancing routers are quite rare (and probably cost a shed-load of money). I wonder if you really have one? It could just be a load balancing ADSL modem/router with one WAN input, one internal ADSL modem and four switched LAN outputs, which are much more common.

  8. the Thai's don't want any "eternal-tourists" anymore.

    So it seems.

    But eternal students are still acceptable, apparently. Not to mention eternal pensioners.

    There's going to be a pretty odd bunch of farangs here soon, if there wasnt already.

    Quite where the bearded half-naked loony farang who lives loiters outside the 7/11 in Soi Diana fits in, I dont know.

    Maybe he's studying to be a nutter.

  9. As far as I know it's Sophon "Fibre to the Home". Speeds are from 2 to 10 Meg, depending on how much you pay (400 - 1700/month). The internal distribution is via the TV coax.

    Of course in the end it all boils down to how much bandwidth Sophon buy from whoever provides the backbone, and the contention rate they choose to have.

  10. Shame they dont just ban all private vehicles between 3rd road and the sea. Or introduce a 5000B congestion charge that could pay for an army of people to collect rubbish along the beach.

    Plenty of unused space for car parks on the far side of 3rd road, and no shortage of cheap public transport at all hours.

  11. You should consider buying HV and installing your own transformer at that usage.

    Who should consider that? Everyone? One particular poster? And what usage are you referring to? No one actually mentioned any specific consumption levels in this thread, I think.

    It also rather depends on where you live: I'm not sure many condo buildings would allow giant transformers on the balcony and separate HV (High Voltage) power lines running into one unit!

  12. Indeed. There is also the question of counting tourists, of which there is a permanent (but permanently changing) large number and so they must be included. And then do you count just Pattaya or greater Pattaya with all the ancilliary population?

    Clearly, the number of people in any one 24-hour period in greater Pattaya easily puts it near the very top of the list.

    Real numbers will surely never be known.

  13. more and more people are interested in marketing. It has bright future. These days most people are broke, I offer them a way to do better financially.

    If most people are broke, who is one supposed to sell to?

    To me, marketing always sounds like a Ponzi scheme. More and more people marketing the same things to each other, and all using the same more and more costly techniques to do so. And at the end most of them are still broke, otherwise they would probably be buying things rather than selling them.

  14. The price is not bad, I looked at prices in the Cliff and they are 50-70,000 per sqm for that size whereas these are only 42,000.

    Bang Saray is miles from anywhere and isnt easily accessible at all without private transport.

    The Cliff is walking distance from the centre of Thailand's second largest city (or third largest, depending on who you listen to), with fast, regular, cheap, direct connections to the airport and capital.

    I think that explains the price difference and personally I am astounded that Bang Saray prices are so high.

  15. TT seem to have the best rates whenever I look (yellow shop front: 2nd Rd and Soi Buakow). Usually about 20 satang better than the banks' booths.

    I dont use any exchange booths myself as I prefer to get the higher telegraphic rate and would rather not leave huge sums in a room or bag, for someone to steal or for rats to eat. Hardly a day goes by here without one reading about some clown who has lost several thousand Euros or Dollars in a bag.

    Never really understood why so many people bring so much cash to Thailand: presumably it is all "black" money that they cant put in a bank at home.

  16. We must remember that TV is a business and not specifically here to help members. Their loyalties lie with sponsors first.

    Given that the content is entirely provided for free by members perhaps the owners should be thinking a bit less of making a fortune out of the site?

    I run several sites that are funded by adverts and which contain only user-created content, and I only put enough ads on those to cover costs. Any excess income from ads goes directly to charity. I dont have sponsors on them at all.

    There are far too many people looking to make fast buck out of the internet (and life in general) without actually putting anything worthwhile in.

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