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Posts posted by Darrel

  1. I feel sorry for anyone who is down and out and the lack of compassion shown by some here is more of a reflection on them than anything else.

    In fact it is not just those down and outs living on the street that deserve sympathy but a whole bunch of expats in pattaya who live miserable lives hopping from one barstool to another and searching for 99 baht buffet meals. Now that is really sad.

    Maybe people enjoy hopping from barstools and looking for 99B buffets. Maybe they dont. Having never set foot in a bar since about 20 years ago, I really cant say. Either way, it's entirely their business and none of yours or mine. I expect that they would consider your lifestyle to be tedious and dull, based on what they might imagine you do from your posts on here. But neither they nor you have the right to criticise each other based on such precarious assumptions, nor to describe them as miserable. As long as they (or you) can fund their own lifestyle they have the perfect right to continue doing it. And for what it's worth I suspect that they probably arent miserable at all.

    There really are an extraordinary number of people on here who find it perfectly acceptable to criticise anyone who doesnt live and think exactly like they do, and treat them as being in some way poorer for it, even when the reverse is more likely true.


  2. Am i missing something, here, but, as the place isnt in an area that would be considered "the hub of restaurants in Pattaya" why is it generating such interest/debate?

    Do people come from half way across town, or even as far afield as Naklua, or Jomtien, just to eat breakfast?

    Surely one eats breakfast in a place near to where they stay, and not go on a treck to feed their faces.

    Actually the Casa Pascal is within 15 minutes walk of nearly all the places I ever eat in, and as far as I'm concerned that does make the hub of restaurants in Pattaya.

    I go there 3 or 4 times every month, for a change and to read the papers. I used to do exactly the same when it was in Jomtien, which for me did involve crossing town on a bahtbus.

    Other days I mostly eat a Thai breakfast of something over rice.

  3. The problem with the juice at Casa Pascal is indeed the difference in quality when compared with all the other ingredients. Honey and yoghurt are not cheap here, and they also provide expresso coffee if you ask for it. They even have horseradish cream for the smoked fish! And they provide milk for drinking also, and that isnt cheap either.

    The juice however (especially the orange flavoured one) is significantly worse than the Tang stuff they provide in the likes of Diana Inn in a cheaper buffet. (Actually if you add some manao to the Diana Inn orange drink you end up with something quite acceptable, though it still isnt real orange.)

    To spoil those fine ingredients with that nasty orange liquid is just plain odd.

  4. Most of those safes seem to have some sort of "secret" method for opening them, or at least they are often suspected of having such faults.

    And of course no small safe (or even careful chosing of your companions) will protect you from this:

    or this:

  5. I spend a lot of money on charity so maybe I am holier than thou? I don't mock people on hard street, so that's a good start.

    I've never come into contact with these guys you mention on here, but even if I did I wouldn't have rushed home to make a thread on this forum for the sole purpose of mocking them.

    I spend 10% of my income on charity and I have the receipts to prove it. These are ecological and animal charities, not human ones. There are far too many humans around for the good of the planet, and I will do nothing to increase that number. When I die the same charities will get everything I have, which will probably be quite a lot as it still seems to increase in real terms every year, in spite of the economic downturn.

    And I wasnt mocking anyone at all (except perhaps you). I was just reporting something I saw which I had not previously noticed as being so prevalent. I dont care at all about what they do, they are welcome to do it, but I wont be giving them any money nor will I be losing any sleep over them (except perhaps the Soi Diana loony who does indeed need help).

    You are the one who generally posts in order to denigrate others. If you want to do some good, rather than telling posters on here what to do, the guys in question are just down on Beach Rd and I'm sure they would be delighted to hear from you and to relieve you of some of your wealth. As I suspected though, you prefer to criticise others on here rather than put your money where your mouth is. Or even to put your mouth where your mouth is. Dont tell me to go and talk to them; I dont want to. Just go and do it yourself.

  6. you can help yourself to unlimited juices(of a kind)

    It's juice Jim, but not as we know it.

    For some odd reason the Casa Pascal really falls down in the juice department. It is especially nasty, even by Pattaya standards which are already very low.

    The water, milk and coffee are fine. The tea is OK if you liven it up with an extra teabag.

  7. A proof of address from your embassy is usually needed for institutes in your home country. I wonder if they will accept a Thai document

    This is precisely the reason I need the document. For me the requirements are "any government document showing your name and address". It doesnt say any specific nationality of government.

    All down to pointless money-laundering regulations, of course. Total waste of time and effort.

  8. to have a partner........... no matter what they are.

    loneliness is a pain.

    Maybe, but living with someone is a pain too ... mostly in the neck.

    Just because someone is alone doesnt mean that they are lonely.

  9. One of the little Thai places I eat in pays a Thai woman from the north 5K per month, all found. She does the washing up and some food preparation, and serves drinks and meals, but she doesnt cook or handle money. Dont think she ever gets a day off, unless the place is closed.

  10. I live alone.

    I have always lived alone since I left home at 16.

    I cant think of anything worse than having anyone at all living with me, except perhaps having two people living with me.

    If one day I need someone to push my wheelchair around or feed me warm rice soup from a spoon I will pay them to do it.

  11. Needed:

    - copy of proof of address (utility-, telephone-bill, rental contract, etc.)

    Dont have any of those, unfortunately. Oh well, I will just go and do a lot of smiling. Seems to work most times.

    Letter needed for: ...... obtaining proof of address from your own Embassy

    Hmm. If the British consulate thinks I'm going to pay 200B at immigration for the privilege of then paying another 2500B to the consulate so that they can certify the contents of the 200B letter, they have another think coming!

    The whole point (for me) of going to immigration is to avoid being ripped-off by the consulate!

  12. Passport, photocopy of passport page and visa, two passport photos and proof of where I was living - they wouldn't just take my word for it!

    How odd. They didnt ask for proof of where I am living for my actual visa extension!

    Was yours at Jomtien?

  13. maybe just worth the B165 but certainly no more.

    With the discount card it costs less, and I think that it is very fair given the surprisingly high quality of the ingredients and the classy surroundings. There are plenty of places that charge nearly that for a mediocre set UK breakfast.

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