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Posts posted by terak69

  1. Ellis (not sure of spelling) used to be a great Italian restaurant but I understand they have closed down at their old location. Does anyone know if they just moved?

    Not sure where they have gone !!! were good & reasonably priced

  2. I have a couple of Italian restaurants and in these last months Russian are among the most numerous customers in my places.

    My experience is more than positive. They are competent (about Italian food and wine), they spend :whistling:, they are mostly polite, nice and friendly.

    New on tourism, they start to be used to travel now and they will need some more excperience, but IMO I like the Russian people.

    Also good to here actual positive sides as well :D

  3. well, you are blaming behavior on a nationality and not the individual and then saying you are "not really racist" when in fact that is the definition of racism.

    I am commenting on 2 situations I experienced & general comments that I have heard !! If do not think that is classed as rasicm but TIT.................................

  4. Ive had 100% the opposite experience, but then again Im not cramming myself into a small bus for visa runs and expecting to be comfortable. All of the russians Ive had contact with in Phuket are very polite, well mannered, mind their own business, and are great customers.

    Was not expecting 'business class seats, but was not expecting to be conned by any nationality either - I have had to do visa runs before and know what to expect on the buses

  5. Before I start this post I would like to say - I am not really bigoterie or racist.

    I am hearing and have only one experience of this behaviour, but is Phuket ready for the Russians.

    I am hearing of people not going to the beaches because of the behaviour of these people ie just barge into you, loud and arrogrant. I was in immigration on Tuesday and a young Russian lady was demanding that the form for extension should be witten in Russian !!!!! She was politley told that the farang help was voluntary and if she was to introduce any Russian speaking volunteers thay would be made welcome - and told to fill out her own form as she seemed capable of speaking english.

    My personal experience was yesterday on a visa run to Ranong - Caught bus at 6am, being a slightly bigger version of the human race I sat behind driver with my colleague. Next stop a Russian lady got on and politely asked if her and her son (approx 10) could sit there as she was pregnant. Being polite and coutious we agreed and went and sat in more cramped seats at the back - MISTAKE - as the bus slowly filled up we with another large farang were all cramped on the back seats and the Russian lady with son were comfortabley laid asleep on the front passanger bench seat (made for 3) - when we had our 1st 7/11 stop we realised we had been conned !!!! If the lady was pregnant then she had only conceived the night before, she was as slim as a rake and approx 8 stone wet through - she had just used emotions to claim the best seats on the bus for her and son :angry:

    I know Thailand and Phuket need their holiday money, but surely the travel agents could put them through a 'how to be civilised course' before they leave their motherland.

    If I have upset anyone with my views I :sorry: , but I had to get of chest.

  6. I like the pizza sold from the side car the best, the one with the Italian flag as a roof is vert yummy

    unfortunately, i have yet to see the pizza with the side cart sold on sai yuan road. heard it hangs out around freedom bar (which i am not a fan of) and the girlie bars on the chalong pier road. if i do see the pizza cart out and about in sai yuan, i will chase it down as you are the 4th person to tell me the pizza is yummy!

    There you go




  7. Best thing about the green man is the door on the way out

    Let's see if they respond like Woody?

    Train the staff to point at the door?whistling.gif

    I was also very disappointed with Greenman, but according to article in recent Phuket Post, the Greenman is all a uk expat would require !!!!!! it is a shame that the article is not yet online as most misleading :realangry:

  8. If I were to buy some land in my girlfriends name, build a house and lease it back to myself, would I require a work permit to activley try to rent it out if I could not sell it ??

  9. M&M may definitely be the best for pizza, but the service has gone downhill...as has the attitude of Mrs M&M herself...doesn't mean I won't go back for pizza, though. I've had good experiences with Modena, and will continue to stop in there from time to time.

    Mrs M & M was extremely rude to us just after they move to new place - would not spend 1 baht with her - pizza's were good, but can find similar elsewhere

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