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Posts posted by dunkin2012

  1. Amazing Thailand

    I wonder how many ppl in Thailand will agree to get shot few times to get 1.7 mil baht and license plate 88 that could cost half of the car by today prices..:) Amazing Thailand indeed !

    You are right on the spot and everyone will do anything for license plate No. 88. it is a lucky charm. But, a few will agree to get shot. My take and an opinion.

    nope... 9999 is more expensive to buy in Thailand...

    8888 is for the Chinese.......

  2. wow, a quick pay off, even the educated can be bought to make sure they don't sue afterwards.

    Have you considered that this educated person perhaps have come to the conclusion that what she was offered is a better deal than what she should get if she had gone the court way?

    Note the should get, not would get

    Yes I have, and considering I always weigh up both sides I also came to the conclusion that she may have got a better deal by going through the courts. This is a buy off, simple.

    How would this case will end up in developed countries? ............. all the cops involved including their seniors will be fired ..

  3. Nipit is a twit.

    The online society recently slammed the Ministry of Culture's website as it had posted paintings of the seven Nang Songkran goddesses during the festival. The goddesses were dressed in traditional costumes revealing their bare breasts and were compared with the incident at Silom.

    Reacting to the criticism, Mr Nipit responded that he has already ordered removal of the image. He however asked all Thais to view the paintings as pieces of art, not pornography; otherwise, all Thai sculptures ranging from the mermaid to angels and kinnarees must be banned from displays.

    I guess he can't look at those underdressed ladies on Silom as beautiful pieces of art and not pornography.

    Porn is showing sex not simple nudity of persons of legal age.

    sour grapes...........haha

  4. I don't know wether I agree or disagree with this. Its a hard one morally for me. On one hand I think, its a party and a hundred years ago women walked bare breasted anyway. On the other hand Thai culture is slipping away and I can understand why people want to keep their cultural identity, especially with much of the west to hold up as a "shining" example of were you end up if you allow the cultural decline to go unchecked.

    As far as the YouTubers go, if they staged it it could be argued I supposed that it was a direct attempt to slur or debase; however, if it was just some guys that caught it on camera and then posted it - and it was done in public - then they should not be charged at all IMO.

    Once again Thailand has become the laughing stock, the article in the NY times today says it all.

    If Thailand wants the world to take them seriously about this issue then there is only one solution; close down ALL go go bars and similar ilk. Arrest and prosecute to the fullest extent of the law anyone involved in prostitution.

    Unbelievable; the world is really laughing and pointing the finger at Thailand now; silly, silly, silly. :lol::bah:

    Humm........................... Sure...... it's not fair for the Trio..

    Pattaya Soi 4........... There are plenty... A-go go shows....... Havin' one eye closed?

  5. Absolutely more harmful to Thai culture [tourism draw] than the drunken teenagers throwing filthy klong water by the full buckets at oncomming motorcycles. and much more harmfull than the road deaths that happen every year at this insane celebration.

    get your priorities straight!!!

    I'd say this it ..... happens everywhere.... to be fair ..... they should issue arrest warrant to Homosexual groups who expose their boobs in public too.. (Alcaza Pattaya everynite after the show).....

    It's not as severe as the death toll of 300, bitch celebs, bike gangs or more... .....

    They see it as the degradation of Thai Society though...

  6. I would rather go to Thai immigration any day of the week than have to deal with the US embassy and immigration, and I'm an American.

    90 day reporting is not too much imho. We are aliens, remember.

    A visa fee would not stop me from going most places, unless it was huge, such as to the USA. My guess is that what puts off travelers is the never ending scams, corruption and shake downs that make visiting a lovely country like Thailand too much like running a gauntlet.

    The idea that backpackers are somehow not worthy is in error. They are more likely to use local guest houses, eat at locally owned food outlets, use local transportation. They may spend less, but the money goes to the local people, not some corporation like Hyatt.

    Yep and local touting taxis............ at swampie

  7. I would think that the police will rally around their comrades, as they should. There will be an investigation and I doubt that it will be any more white-washed than anywhere else.

    In spite of the reputation for corruption. The police, I am sure, would rather handle these situations as best they can. There really aren't any winners.

    yep... a report on TV said they are lack of training for the case like that.............

    They didn't even know the hostage was in the car..... Communication was not handled well enough....

    I would say what they did is good enough... but they need to improve.........next time(s).........

  8. I thought he got the gun from the police man that he stabbed 17 times. The Thai police are much less defensive when approaching a suspect. When I've been stopped they walk right up and start chatting away. In the US today everyone is treated as a potential threat and your more likely to be told to get out of the car and get on the ground.

    correct... that's not his handgun....

    he took it from the police,decreased.... Maybe,he is a traffic police.... .... Police is the most dangerous job of all... ...

    I agree he should be more defensive............... ...............

  9. Thin line between life and death ..... She, a medical Dr. could escape from death...... ................

    despaired + hopeless + marriage life failure + drug addicted + problem at petrol station = Suicide

    Who will be next if YaBa is everywhere? From the information , we got here .... He could manage to use a handgun well....


    from other media, some bullets went inside the car from the window on the same side of the passenger seat on the left...... is this?

  10. thankx :jap:

    In the gulf of Thailand there are only 3 sub-sea coms cables, cabling on/to an offshore PF can mean a lot things, he may be taking about fibre optic cabling, a lot of remote facilties these days are linked together via fiber optics so they can be operated remotely from a central location, currently in the Gulf for the most part, same process via microwave links

    PTT is a corporation that make the top profit in Thailand...

    Thailand and its own people are enjoying the wealth?

    Will the quality of life (the locals) be better? i doubt.... the petrol is cheaper? Nope... only their own people , very small group of people.....

    destroying the marine life.... their environment......

    Total + Chevron + PTT = (Environment destruction)10

    Total has its YANADA project running in Myanmar.... and is waiting to get mega projects when the land dispute between the Cambodian and the Thai is over.....

    No one is denying that these companies operate for profit - Of course they do, what's the point otherwise? - An Exploration well costs anywhere from 5 to 200 Million Dollars, in my experience only 1 in 20 exploration wells pay off. Who would risk such monies without sufficient rewards ?

    Destruction of Marine Life ? Apart from the fact that there are a significant number of land operations which are no more damaging to the environment than the farming of a single field (thats all the space it takes up), I have no idea where this 'Destruction of Marine Life' idea originates. In the USA mothballed ships have been used as reefs, in a similar manner the platforms in the GOT generate a form of artificial reef - We don't see dead fish etc floating around - but hoards of marine life can be observed ranging from Barracuda, whale sharks, pilot whales, sharks, flying fish... on some days the sights are truly incredible.

    Where is this 'destruction of Marine life' idea coming from ?

    the cables, communication and electricity etc and the pipes installations..............are not wanted..... they are not the environment friendly....though

    .... and recently, PTTep similar to BP in the states.....

    The fire that destroyed a leaking oil drilling platform that has been spewing crude oil into the Timor Sea, north of Australia, for months has finally been extinguished, PTTEP chief executive officer Anon Sirisaengtaksin said on Tuesday.

    Fair enough - There is also the Exxon Valdez, the Deepwater Horizon (GOM) and many others... These are disasters / accidents and they do destroy marine life. In very much a similar way plane crashes destroy human lives - The Airlines while to blame continue to be in such high demand and can not cease to operate because of this risk of human error and equipment failure (and even terrorism). In a similar manner the oil companies cannot cease to operate because of the global demands of you and I.

    Normal operations have no effect on marine life. If we are going to discuss disasters and accidents we could be talking about any industry where accidents occur with damaging effects on the environment. When also including any industry we may well discover that many of the industries especially when 'local' (i.e. sugar refineries, cement factories etc in Thailand) damage the environment more frequently and substantially on a daily basis than any of the Oil Industry in the GOT.

    Not to excuse those responsible: The reason these accidents reach such dramatic proportions is in part due to the volumes and rates we as a global society demand of the Oil and Gas Companies, it is also because of the dramatic proportions and implications of disasters in the Oil Industry that the measures in place to prevent any pollution are extensive and costly, however nothing is infallible as we are finding out in Japan.

    Hydrocarbons are without alternative a critical resource to maintain our standard of health and living. Unfortunately maintaing our standards of Health and Living generate demands which come at a cost - That cost is not the not the short or long term environmental effects of daily operations because there are none and the oil industry on 'normal' operational basis is very clean.

    The cost is the result of occasional disasters and their damaging impact on the environment: If this is what's is being said by those on the Side Debating against the Oil Industry, then I agree. But in this case, all industry falls under the same criticism and arguing solely against the oil industry indicates some bias.

    I agree

    I 'm not sure how many of the members in this forum are working for O&G especially PTTep...

    PTT is the top earning profit in Thailand.... .... PTT so far hasn't returned anything much to the society.... that's why we spend too much for gasoline.. as the price is based on the retail price index in Singapore . very disappointed .... thankx for your information anyway..:jap:

  11. the cables, communication and electricity etc and the pipes installations..............are not wanted..... they are not the environment friendly....though

    :lol: ....please elaborate...where are are sub-sea electrical cables in the Gulf of Thailand ?....:blink: ...you are surely dont think they get the power for the ptatforms from the beach do you via an extension lead....:blink:

    for this .....one I am not sure.... give me more information if you can... please.

    If you didnt have the comms cables is the gulf you would not be typing on TV right now. - i know they are for inter connections

    Who doesnt want the pipelines ?.....the fish...:lol: although they are not seen from the surface.... but these things should be with the nature.... I DO not like it personally... and sure many others.

    Why are these items not enviormentally unfriendly ? - How long will the distance be to some platforms? HOw much is the destruction to marine life like the coral... which is stationary

    I am not expert in O&G area...

    I met a guy working form a British company and its expertise in cabling providing to offshore platforms ..... not the tiny LAN or Broadband internet cables .... He said like Communication and power cables sub-sea installation.... If i'm wrong tell me... i will do a research....

    I just got it................ A guy workin' offshore.... gave me the answer... there will be a power generator on a platform... so.... no need for the power cable installation...

  12. PTT is a corporation that make the top profit in Thailand...

    Thailand and its own people are enjoying the wealth?

    Will the quality of life (the locals) be better? i doubt.... the petrol is cheaper? Nope... only their own people , very small group of people.....

    destroying the marine life.... their environment......

    Total + Chevron + PTT = (Environment destruction)10

    Total has its YANADA project running in Myanmar.... and is waiting to get mega projects when the land dispute between the Cambodian and the Thai is over.....

    No one is denying that these companies operate for profit - Of course they do, what's the point otherwise? - An Exploration well costs anywhere from 5 to 200 Million Dollars, in my experience only 1 in 20 exploration wells pay off. Who would risk such monies without sufficient rewards ?

    Destruction of Marine Life ? Apart from the fact that there are a significant number of land operations which are no more damaging to the environment than the farming of a single field (thats all the space it takes up), I have no idea where this 'Destruction of Marine Life' idea originates. In the USA mothballed ships have been used as reefs, in a similar manner the platforms in the GOT generate a form of artificial reef - We don't see dead fish etc floating around - but hoards of marine life can be observed ranging from Barracuda, whale sharks, pilot whales, sharks, flying fish... on some days the sights are truly incredible.

    Where is this 'destruction of Marine life' idea coming from ?

    the cables, communication and electricity etc and the pipes installations..............are not wanted..... they are not the environment friendly....though

    .... and recently, PTTep similar to BP in the states.....

    The fire that destroyed a leaking oil drilling platform that has been spewing crude oil into the Timor Sea, north of Australia, for months has finally been extinguished, PTTEP chief executive officer Anon Sirisaengtaksin said on Tuesday.

  13. PTT is a corporation that make the top profit in Thailand...

    Thailand and its own people are enjoying the wealth?

    Will the quality of life (the locals) be better? i doubt.... the petrol is cheaper? Nope... only their own people , very small group of people.....

    destroying the marine life.... their environment......

    Total + Chevron + PTT = (Environment destruction)10

    Total has its YANADA project running in Myanmar.... and is waiting to get mega projects when the land dispute between the Cambodian and the Thai is over.....

  14. I flew to Rome with Thai (not by choice) last year and it was crap. The plane was old and didn't even have entertainment units in each seat! Having said that, I did fly with Thai to Singapore about a month ago and the plane was fairly new (with entertainment unit). Don't know why they prioritize short haul flights with newer aircraft's?

    I haven't flown Thai Airways for nearly 20 years, as they always used to be one of the most expensive. In the end I even stopped bothering to enquire about a price from them.

    After reading this article I thought I would just dip check their current prices. As I say, this is a dip check but an economy flight to London on 30th Apr, returning on 30 May cost 102,745 THB. I use Etihad alot and so compared with them and flying on the same day is 45,335 THB.

    How on earth is this new price hike going to entice new customers?

    Anybody flown Thai recently? Is the service worth more than double the fare?

    From Jakarta to BBK... last year..............................TG434

    My flight was delayed cos the airplane couldn't land..........(TG433 From BKK to pickup passengers in Jakarta)

    as one of the wheels got stuck.... They flew around for 45 mins ... until they could make the landing...and

    then announced that the hydraulics failed to function properly they had to get them replaced but the delivery would get a couple of hours....... I can't trust their Quality anyway....

    they sent us to Gaurada... Have to make a transit in SGP...

    I realized that the planes in service are very old.....

    No more TG.....for me please...Don't wanna die too soon

    Sorry, but the transfer from Thai to Garuda because of a safety issue equates a transition from the frying pan to the fire.

    How is Garuda still allowed to fly has got me puzzled.:blink:

    Just google "Garuda+Safety" and you'll never fly them again. You're right - service is okay though.

    if you guys mean this Peter Harbison, managing director of the Centre for Asia Pacific Aviation, today described Garuda's safety record as "not great''.

  15. I flew to Rome with Thai (not by choice) last year and it was crap. The plane was old and didn't even have entertainment units in each seat! Having said that, I did fly with Thai to Singapore about a month ago and the plane was fairly new (with entertainment unit). Don't know why they prioritize short haul flights with newer aircraft's?

    I haven't flown Thai Airways for nearly 20 years, as they always used to be one of the most expensive. In the end I even stopped bothering to enquire about a price from them.

    After reading this article I thought I would just dip check their current prices. As I say, this is a dip check but an economy flight to London on 30th Apr, returning on 30 May cost 102,745 THB. I use Etihad alot and so compared with them and flying on the same day is 45,335 THB.

    How on earth is this new price hike going to entice new customers?

    Anybody flown Thai recently? Is the service worth more than double the fare?

    From Jakarta to BBK... last year..............................TG434

    My flight was delayed cos the airplane couldn't land..........(TG433 From BKK to pickup passengers in Jakarta)

    as one of the wheels got stuck.... They flew around for 45 mins ... until they could make the landing...and

    then announced that the hydraulics failed to function properly they had to get them replaced but the delivery would get a couple of hours....... I can't trust their Quality anyway....

    they sent us to Gaurada... Have to make a transit in SGP...

    I realized that the planes in service are very old.....

    No more TG.....for me please...Don't wanna die too soon

    Sorry, but the transfer from Thai to Garuda because of a safety issue equates a transition from the frying pan to the fire.

    How is Garuda still allowed to fly has got me puzzled.:blink:

    I didn't check what type of airplane used by Garuda... however, I felt a bit happier ..... not taking that old TG back to BKK....

    in Overall, I conclude that TG airfare is not worth spending.... All apologies,,, if i hurt anyone's feeling...

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