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Posts posted by dunkin2012

  1. in 1450 the korean king Sejong has introduced a new alphabet the hangul, because korean people were unable to write and communicate: it was a brake to the Country development.

    The hangul is a powerful alphabet with a limited number of signs.

    My elsdest child spend his time at school learning to write and read Thai, apparently a very limited time spent on other topics. geography: nil, History truncated, Calculus bare minimum.

    But also in the Country (Issan) the environment is not there. Where to find books except Tesco? I have been obliged to buy a basic Atlas in Siam Paragon after looking around several days. We discuss at home the worldwide events but, true, Most of Thais have no a clue of Geographia. History knowledge is also very limited. truncated i will say.

    Most Thais people are living in a buble, with nearly no knowledge of the outside world, definitively Thailand is going to be isolated from the worldwide evolution.

    Maybe the first step is to begin to simplify the Thai writing, and to learn the International alphabet...so Thai will be more open on the world...but maybe it is exactly what do not want some Elites?

    They distorted the history being taught at school .................

  2. who to blame? even Taksin's English is still Snake fish fish....then...

    not surprised!....

    there are 2 uni from Singapore in 200 world uni rankin'...in SE Asia..

    imagine.......... how good the rest will be?

    Judging by your postings - not very!!

    I understand dunkins posts, takes a while to get the flavour but He's o.k..... if his posts are not to your liking , fine but why do you have to write about his style that way-everyones not perfect. and I am one of those and admit it !!!

    thanks both of you. .ha ha........ ...................


  3. Thai FM .................... is so incapable of handling the conflict......

    how long Taksin have been on the run?...... He ain't doin' anything much for the post.... whatta waste!...

    a few years ago, he abused The Myanmar military regime to please his fathers in the Asean summit in Lombok, Indo.

    in return the Myanmar got very angry...

    this proves that he is lack of knowledge..in International affair.. ... ... ...

    now..... make it possible for the border conflict with the Cambodian

    below is what he said during the meeting in ROMBOK.....

    "ASEAN forum served as an agency to discuss the Korean conflict"

  4. rousing the RED............ This gov. has a finger in every pie........

    Red is thriving and strong........hum............they are everywhere in Thailand...

    seriously, this country will be torn apart soon........................:(

    More than 90 people, mostly civilians

    totally they killed their own people more than in fighting with the Cambodian

  5. Well if the self defense angle doesn't work then there's always this...

    TWO Thai nationals charged with the murder of Luke Mitchell will fight extradition from Bangkok, claiming that they would not receive a fair trial in Melbourne and that the Victorian jails they would be held in are Third World standard.


    wow........ This is all sweetness and light ............... to the Aussie..

    the Victorian jails they would be held in are Third World standard.

  6. <snip>

    My point here is that the history of this entire region is fluid and nigh impossible to compartmentalise into convenient sections. The history of this region, as fascinating as it is, will not offer anyone a permanent solution to the disputed border areas.

    Quite correct.

    Which is why I questioned comments that it should be given back to the Cambodians "because it was Khmer".

    It was occupied by lots of peoples. Where do you draw the line?

    yep.......... hard to tell ..

    and both can't afford to lose any... it will effect the sea territorials

    oil rigs get underway in the gulf......when permitted ....................... for TOTAL PTT

    Heavy benefits to the 2 countries... including their politician pockets

  7. Share? Why....?? The Thais have no historical claim to the broader that is factually Khmer - outside of the promoted Thai fantasy, of course.

    The Thais were there for 6-700 years. Isn't that historical enough for you?

    :cheesy: I believe you might readjusted your historical concepts and fancy a wee bit. How embarrassing that you actually wrote this for public consumption.

    From what I understand the Khmer empire lasted from about 800 AD to 1350 AD. The Thais controlled the area to Angkor from then until about 1900 when the Thais made an agreement with the French to move the border back to the current (approximate) boundaries.

    The agreement put the border along the watershed of the Dangrek mountain range (putting the temple inside Thailand), but the subsequent maps moved off the watershed around the temple, putting the temple inside Cambodia. The Thais "never officially accepted the maps", hence the current problems.

    That's the information I have. Do you want to correct it? Maybe provide some links so I can work out what you're talking about.

    if i'm not wrong........ S.E.Asia in 1300 CE ..........

    Humm........ Red is Cambodia..


  8. I'm truly confounded towards those whom haven't a clue regarding history of any sort, less confined to a particular world regional historical matter. Redundant and perpetually indoctrinated historical models tend to shed a reflective pattern of how folks are easily taken in by the historiographical establishment and convention......<_<

    Ridicule of someone's opinion, without providing any evidence to the contrary, in flowery language tends to take attention away from your own grammatical errors i.e. "confounded by" "particular regional" "tend to show a reflective pattern"

    The Thais were there for approximately 300 years but this is extremely difficult to prove, one way or the other, as almost no written records survive. The decline of the Khmer kingdom didn't happen overnight and arguing if the Thais were there in the 15th or 16th century is irrelevant.

    Possible solution (please feel free to ridicule):

    1) withdraw troops

    2) talk

    3) declare the disputed area a Bi-national Park / Wildlife refuge / open area...whatever

    4) temples accessible from both nations

    5) unarmed (!) park staff recruited from both nations to care for the ruins, collect entrance money etc.

    You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one.

    6) make it a buffered zone... no entry..... like the Korean.

    and the world will be as one.........

    How nice! I'm dreamin' too.... but let the Yellow back off first ....

  9. The reason why they are so stupid is because they are greedy. Greedy scammers....Greedy customers....what goes around comes around!!!!

    It seems like stupidity - until it happens to you, or someone you know well. Some of these scams are incredibly convincing.

    Greed may be the prime motivator in some of the cases, but other scams draw on a mark's compassion, or even their willingness to help (bogus) policemen.

    bkklife's statement is a tad harsh (actually that's an understatement).

    A scam my wife was telling me about a while back was how these con merchants would somehow obtain the numbers for and call up poor families up country who have ATM cards but rarely go the ATM. They would dupe them into believing they've won a cash prise that they could collect at the ATM in town. Once the victim had arrived at the ATM and called the scumbags back, the con merchants' would direct them on how to use it, but directing the victims to use the English language option rather than phasa Thai - thus leaving them completely in the dark. The con merchants would then instruct them to unknowingly make a transfer back to their own account.

    The stuff of real lowlives.

    I have seen that..... ........... a half Thai - Italian singer.....got that....months ago...

    she had no idea how to use just Simple English,(very simple)...........

    and ended up with losing over Baht k100 .......................

    imagine if you were to use a Chinese ATM with no English enabled.....

    How much would you understand Chinese scripts.... almost %0 then....

    it's the same thing with these Thais.....using English......

  10. After they do thier time they will probably be granted Aussie citizenship. Just like this guy......

    A convicted killer named Soombeom Park. He stabbed his wife to death in a jealous rage in South Korea and spent seven years in jail in Seoul.

    When he came to Australia in 2008 he lied on his arrival card. Stated he had no criminal history even though he had done time for murder. He now lives here in Australia with his second wife reportedly in similar circumstances to those he lived in with his first wife.

    Soombeom Park finally admitted his past when he applied for permanent residency.

    The Federal Government ruled that he was an undesirable. The Immigration Minister ruled he was a risk to the Australian community and ordered him deported.

    But the Administrative Appeals Tribunal overruled the Government and ordered Park be released from a detention centre. He is now walking around as free as you or I.

    I am sure.......

    it will take years to end this case.....

    and finally,he will be deported ............ keep finger across

    but he is different from those 3 Thais.....

    only he'd spent times in Jail.... 7 years with one's life.... it's too short.....

  11. poor dupe...

    it's the black-hole of Social media websites.................

    some can't be trusted at all.............

    i learned if it is really cheap ........

    1. stolen item

    2. damaged , not functions properly

    3. scam

    Yes, if it's really cheap, but a price from 18k baht down from the original 24k baht is not really cheap isn't it? 18k baht is a price that can be true (grey import or whatever). It's not that they offered the iPhone for 6k baht or something. Then you know for sure something smells. But at 18k baht I can understand why people are getting interested. Of course with this kind of money I would like to see the product in real life before handing over the money. And this is not something about Social media websites. Scammers are everywhere. Social media websites are just being used next to all other kinds of scamming methods.

    then this smart ar*se is a bit wise............. not to quote the price as cheap as chips ....

    sure i'd see it first.. if i were to buy it

  12. If it sounds to good to be true, then it's probably not true.

    It's amazing how many people get scammed after responding to an SMS, an MSN message or a Facebook message (or some random person calling them and telling them to go to an ATM :blink:).

    Don't blame me :o

    The ATM scam,transferring Money is ........ too obvious........

    I can't believe.........it

  13. it didn't say how did it happen..... i might need google ....

    who knows the whole story of Mitchell....?

    The identity of the third man is not known........................because.... connection with a high ranking military officer........

    on the run.......if he can be happy....fine. humm..

    GOOD Samaritan.... sad.....

    there are a number of suspects and they have fled overseas and they are in Thailand

    again... another hub.... .......... criminals

  14. the Thai government wanted to highlight his trip as an official visit[/quote]

    i am very diappointed too ... with the Thai gov. makin' Marty Natalegawa to turn away.

    i don't get it.

    discussing the observer plan isn't official?

    Seems like both are playing a politic game................ over the deaths

  15. ............... ok.... he can think different......

    That's always nice.....within a {mock} democratic setting. Wouldn't want to shun homogenous thought and convention, would we? ;)

    yep.... this's truly democracy ........... that 's the way it should be.

    on there other hand.....

    Many things can't be set as a topic of discussion in LOS ............ sadly...

    whatta pitty? The people here still don't know a lot of things because the media used as a tool to

    convey only what they want the people to see.... but not what the people wanna see...

    i have no doubt if they get too much educated they will be harder to control.... people can't be for nothingness forever............though


  16. Political activists and associates of high-profile Thammasat University historian Somsak Jiamteerasakul have reacted with shock to the lese-majeste charge filed against him.

    To further confuse matters, according to Somsak's speech yesterday, he's not yet actually had charges filed against him (which probably accounts for his accuser not being identified in the OP as is usually the case in these matters).

    I smell red shirts.

    I did Google...

    he is red........... pro-Thaksin gang..........

    ............... ok.... he can think different......

  17. begin removed ...

    I most cases the answer was just lots of repeat hatred, 'abhisit is bad, abhisit is corrupt. etc.

    ... end removed

    A few weeks ago going back to my office on RamaIV I had an 'interesting' discussion with a taxi driver. Actually more like a monologue. 'Here it was' passing Lumpini / Saladaeng intersection and lots of 'Abhisit no good'. :ermm:

    Didn't you offer him off the meter ..............( reciprocal of bein' totally SILENT for all the way to Ram.IV)

  18. the only problem is that the mayority of the thai people who post in this forum belongs to the high class with money and who are able to speak english,but in the university the i hear,evereday, thai students talking about thaksin and remembering those past years in which food wasnt so expensive

    In reality, there are very, very few Thais that do participate in the News and other forums that I frequent.

    I would even say that the majority that purport to be Thai are not Thai at all, so I would disagree with your majority statement of them being hi-so because it is all askew by that.

    I do wish there was more Thai participation in the forums, but I would also point out that there are a couple of Thais that do post here that I wouldn't consider hi-so at all.

    As for the university students, I hope some of them will take economics or related courses to learn that Thaksin wasn't responsible for controlling the world-wide economy and that his departure led to increasing global inflation rates.

    Hopefully, they can learn at least some fundamental stuff that high-schoolers should know, let alone university students.


    rising food prices is everywhere ................these days.....

    there is no relation between the food prices and Taksin........ Use your own little knowledge then.....

    don't try to coordinate Taksin with the goodies....

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