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Posts posted by dunkin2012

  1. A TV team is preparing its cameras and will leave soon... when will fighting start? ~half hour drive, ~half hour to get ready and here we go.... lets wait, it is now 07.15

    Hope your wrong. Before very long there are going to civilian casualties. Several of my friends have despatched wives and families to safer ground, but they have remained on their properties to guard against looting.

    The sad thing is, that looting is not done by strangers, it is done by locals. Many young men who remain in the villages to protect the properties of the evacuated families use the day time for a good cup of LaoKao and a look around and in the night time they take what ever they saw worthfull during the day time.... it's a pitty.

    In my village six young men had been catched yesterday night when looting (rubber sheets) and sent to prison, awaiting their judgement in between 15 days. ...somm namm nah


    looting???????????............sorry to hear that...

  2. Going to bed now, as I confidently expect to be woken up in around six hours with some loud noises.

    Looks like I may have been wrong, good, I'm very happy about that, hope it stays that way.

    I am happy that the lack of activity on this thread this morning appears to reflect the lack of action along the border.

    Yes 8am and all appears quite. Hope it remains like this.

    They respect Sunday................. ..

    thanks 'em.....

  3. 09:40

    it's getting hot.....

    they're firing less frequently now.

    dropped down to 5-10 shells per minute.

    perhaps the bilateral "somtam-prahok" break :/

    Goody............... they are takin' a break....

    Do they know that it's Sat.? Most of the people ....don't go to work.... they ain't have respect, do they?

    how close are you to 'em? .......... keep updatin' the situation ...thankx.........dude..

  4. Could someone actually bleed to death from a 5 inch head wound?

    I'm aware someone could die, but actually bleed to death?

    From the picture, it may be unlikely this guy bled to death. One needs to lose 40% of its blood to die, which would be a bit more than 2 liters for your average guy.

    To check that, throw 2 liters of thick juice on your floor, lie in it, ask someone to take a pic of the result & compare it with the news pic. (and then post ur pic in the forum ;) )

    Also one who had lost 2l of blood would then be very very pale. On the 2nd pic, he doesn't seem that white.

    From the 1st pic, I'd say there's less than 0.5 liter on the floor (maybe as low as 0.3l). Maybe some dried, or some went under the wooden floor, or maybe flowed under... the PC..!

    Which brings my 2nd observation :

    The PC the police said the victim walked to, as he produced footsteps, is standing... on the very table he fell to !

    We can see :

    1- the PC box on the right

    2- the router on the top left

    3- a part of the keyboard on top

    That leads to the question : how does ones produces footsteps walking to a place he's already at..? I'll let Thai police answers that one.

    But if you now have noticed there's a PC box, you may have noticed what's near his right hand..!

    Which leads me to my 3rd observation:

    In center of the blood pool, there's what very looks like a CD..!

    So that would tell he fell with that CD in his right hand.

    It's hard to tell coz of the pixelization, but it seems it's mainly untouched by blood.

    Did our victim flip over when he bent to insert that CD in in the CD-Drive ?

    Was the CD just laying on the floor coz he was messy ?

    Did he bend to keep that messy CD ?

    Was it placed there by someone else after the "accident" happened ?

    A bunch of questions that Thai police will hopefully answer soon..! :)

    If I were in police, I'd :

    1- check finger prints of the CD

    2- check if blood would go up a CD, if flooding in big quantity, or if the CD would float on blood

    Bonus observation:

    You can see the CD box (for 25 CDs, I'd guess) just under the PDN logo, at bottom right of the pic.

    thank you inspector morse

    This is a time when crash helmets come in handy :whistling: But doesn't it make you wonder what is going on--and who is involved ??

    in fact , I appreciate it.............. a big hand to him........ ok...........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. The way the Internet is growing and taking over from TV I'm surprised they would invest it another satellite. Satellites are too slow (due to the distance) and too delicate for practical use with the Internet. TV signals worldwide and in Thailand are moving towards Internet distribution. Would be better to spend the billions it cost to put a satellite in orbit on improving the Internet infrastructure.

    Surely the internet also uses satellites as it runs through the phone networks? Or is there a fiber optic cable going from my pad in Thailand to my mum's on the other side of the world?

    Both, and the internet takes the route or routes of least resistance at the moment a packet is sent.

    One message could take multiple routes between source and receipt, broken into segments

    is this close to what you guys are discussing ?


    Not really . I was replying to Phil commenting about satellite communications being slow and the internet being much faster and the way of the future. The internet uses satellite communications and land communications so how it could be faster is beyond me? If your connecting to a site in the US your obviously going to bounce off a couple of satellites.

    yep.......... it's beyond my knowledge..too ....

    we don't need to know how it works. it's in the black-box.... only we enjoy using it enough...though...


  6. The way the Internet is growing and taking over from TV I'm surprised they would invest it another satellite. Satellites are too slow (due to the distance) and too delicate for practical use with the Internet. TV signals worldwide and in Thailand are moving towards Internet distribution. Would be better to spend the billions it cost to put a satellite in orbit on improving the Internet infrastructure.

    Surely the internet also uses satellites as it runs through the phone networks? Or is there a fiber optic cable going from my pad in Thailand to my mum's on the other side of the world?

    Both, and the internet takes the route or routes of least resistance at the moment a packet is sent.

    One message could take multiple routes between source and receipt, broken into segments

    is this close to what you guys are discussing ?


  7. There is no way i would turn to my THAI neighbours if i was in his situation, as i am quite sure they would prevent me from seeking any help while empting out my property,

    unlucky. I know my neighbours pretty well. I could always turn to them for help. If I were you, I'd think about moving.


    that's the best "empting out my property" phrase ..........of the day...

    make more sense next time and be a little more optimistic dude.

    Are you the best mate of the guy which yesterday wrote that the thai police are his heroes??? :lol:

    I am still puzzled if you are aknowledging the fact that the neighbours in question are in fact thief, with your "make more sense next time " or are denying it by asking me to be more optimistic, :blink: , not surprised by this.....

    We are not all tourists and ready to move in the next hour, if i had known what i know now, i would have prolonged my search for the ideal place to stay, even if you find it though, you are not in control of whom your future neighbour might be.

    Are you by any chances one of those upstanding individual on the BiB paybook which get rewarded by frame foreigners and will go to any extent to defend this way to live? just curious...

    nope........... i don't pay 'em..

    i think you should think of relocation...........

  8. I wonder if Thaksin paid for his master's degree in Criminal Justice and doctorate in Criminal Justice:

    He received a master's degree in Criminal Justice from Eastern Kentucky University in the United States in 1975, and three years later was awarded a doctorate in Criminal Justice at Sam Houston State University in Texas. Returning to Thailand, he reached the position of Deputy Superintendent of the Policy and Planning Sub-division, General Staff Division, Metropolitan Police Bureau, before resigning in 1987 as a lieutenant colonel. His wife, Potjaman Damapong, is the daughter of a police general.

    Source: Thaksin Shinawatra


    let's look at his English literacy......... then............................. i doubt....

    what 'd you see there? comatose..........

  9. More have died...


    Map showing Thailand and Cambodia where their troops clashed with gunfire and artillery shells on Friday

    (AFP Graphic)

    Six dead in Thai-Cambodia border clash

    BANGKOK, April 22, 2011 (AFP) - Thai and Cambodian troops traded gunfire and artillery shells on Friday, leaving six dead in a new clash that shattered a two-month lull in tensions along their disputed border.

    Three Cambodian and two Thai soldiers were killed in Friday's fighting


    Buchholz 3 Cam +2 Thai = 5 killed

    where is another one more poor solider? civilian?

  10. There is no way i would turn to my THAI neighbours if i was in his situation, as i am quite sure they would prevent me from seeking any help while empting out my property,

    unlucky. I know my neighbours pretty well. I could always turn to them for help. If I were you, I'd think about moving.


    that's the best "empting out my property" phrase ..........of the day...

    make more sense next time and be a little more optimistic dude.

  11. Could someone actually bleed to death from a 5 inch head wound?

    I'm aware someone could die, but actually bleed to death?

    From the picture, it may be unlikely this guy bled to death. One needs to lose 40% of its blood to die, which would be a bit more than 2 liters for your average guy.

    To check that, throw 2 liters of thick juice on your floor, lie in it, ask someone to take a pic of the result & compare it with the news pic. (and then post ur pic in the forum ;) )

    Also one who had lost 2l of blood would then be very very pale. On the 2nd pic, he doesn't seem that white.

    From the 1st pic, I'd say there's less than 0.5 liter on the floor (maybe as low as 0.3l). Maybe some dried, or some went under the wooden floor, or maybe flowed under... the PC..!

    Which brings my 2nd observation :

    The PC the police said the victim walked to, as he produced footsteps, is standing... on the very table he fell to !

    We can see :

    1- the PC box on the right

    2- the router on the top left

    3- a part of the keyboard on top

    That leads to the question : how does ones produces footsteps walking to a place he's already at..? I'll let Thai police answers that one.

    But if you now have noticed there's a PC box, you may have noticed what's near his right hand..!

    Which leads me to my 3rd observation:

    In center of the blood pool, there's what very looks like a CD..!

    So that would tell he fell with that CD in his right hand.

    It's hard to tell coz of the pixelization, but it seems it's mainly untouched by blood.

    Did our victim flip over when he bent to insert that CD in in the CD-Drive ?

    Was the CD just laying on the floor coz he was messy ?

    Did he bend to keep that messy CD ?

    Was it placed there by someone else after the "accident" happened ?

    A bunch of questions that Thai police will hopefully answer soon..! :)

    If I were in police, I'd :

    1- check finger prints of the CD

    2- check if blood would go up a CD, if flooding in big quantity, or if the CD would float on blood

    Bonus observation:

    You can see the CD box (for 25 CDs, I'd guess) just under the PDN logo, at bottom right of the pic.

    thank you inspector morse

  12. the country is close to civil war between red and yellow.....

    after the next election

    there are possible outcomes...

    1. Democrat join PTP


    3.Taksin is back...............

    No such thing as civil war in Thailand, red vs yellow is such an over-played card. The Thais are united by a much higher authority.

    Border skirmishes, for example, may be a reason for instigating a coup before an election date is announced (if the powers that be fear a defeat for the Democrats).

    does this border clash mean sth. to the army?

    coup d' etat

  13. Those of us in Thailand are well aware of the ongoing factors here, but how many are aware of all the ongoing factors in Cambodia? Additionally, there are more than just today's beatings of elderly women (from the posted article) as factors that can effect their actions in this incident.

    To dismiss those Cambodian factors so out of hand is attempting to paint Cambodia in an unjustified positive light.

    Hun Sen is of course using the border clashes as a political tool, he's a political veteran and has made the Oxford educated Thai PM appear out of his depth at times. No politician worth his salt would miss the opportunity.

    The Thais are playing right into his hands by being so vociferous on this issue. Hun Sen's popularity has improved thanks to the clashes on the border.

    Certainly he has history of using misdirection and underhand tactics; the killing of a monk in a Phnom Penh monastery (allegedly by members of his political party) and the burning of the Thai Embassy in the capital (after nationalism was stoked by the comments about Angkor) are two possible diversionary tactics that spring to mind. Then there's also the incident where his wife allegedly killed his famous bit on the side and the subsequent cover up...

    But forget all that at the moment because capitalising on this issue as any politician would do is not the point. The point is that this issue is a direct result of rabid right wingers influencing Thai politicians and the military into breaking an initial agreement with Cambodia over the Preah Vihear temple. The Thais are the clear aggressors. Their failure to accept mediation and observers merely compounds their guilt. History shows they attempted to take the temple with military force in 1956. History is not on their side either. Their use of cluster munitions and their subsequent pathetic denials show they are not to be trusted and are not likely to be party to reasonable discourse on the issue.

    Hun Sen has merely benefited from overt Thai nationalism, a weak Thai government and military interference in Thai politics.

    yep correct............that' makes sense ....

    devil tactic .... in 2003 the accusation of a Thai Caleb led to burnt down the embassy......durin' pre-election..... stage...

    the same store's repeating then.....

  14. Yes , offered $800.00 per ILLEGAL household or city accommodation , <deleted> disturbers have ganged up to demand more .

    Mentioning the Phnom Penh lake situation was a poor attempt to paint Cambodia in a negative light, to somehow try to prove the nasty Cambodians fired first, were up to no good, or to justify Thai aggression on the border. A disingenuous tactic and one that backfires when a glance in the mirror reveals Thailand to have no end of political problems with an election looming. Not to mention the Thai military seems to be answerable to no-one but itself and seems to be de-facto running the country in lieu of a strong civilian government.

    the country is close to civil war between red and yellow.....

    after the next election

    there are possible outcomes...

    1. Democrat join PTP


    3.Taksin is back...............

  15. Gosh........... again...........and Again.................. .........

    pre-election period ..... Freak things can happen ............ everyday............though...

    :jap: make love not war..................dude.........

    the borders sealed too?

    A case again for a private detective-say Miss Marples ?? WHO DUNNIT FIRST. I suggest give both sides LEGO and construct something to pass the time away, and take their mind off skirmish games. Who is in command here ?? someone is telling to soldiers to open fire, or are they both returning fire as no one started it ? maybe a coincidence they both fored at the same time.

    Thai maybe................... to make it an excuse in order to stock up new weapon toys... .... and get commission for it..

    or Hun Sen ........................................................ wanna catch attention again after been quiet for a couple of months.... lest Cambodian people forget him

    or make it a coincidence............

    I just got it ... you mean they have too much free time.....................

    then make sth. constructive......

    wow............. make the locals living near the edge of the border run like hell...... is for personal entertainment...........

    make more sense?

  16. Burmese migrant worker /TAN_Network

    more details ....... how did they find out?.......

    Sharp powers of deduction my dear Watson, skills honed by many hours of study at the Police Acadamy....:whistling:

    Burmese migrant worker....not worth investigating, obviously in Thailand illegally and up to no good therefore not worthy of a proper "investigation"...case closed

    sure.............Burmese worker's is worthless .........for them

    the case dismissed .........

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