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Posts posted by CraigSchuler

  1. One thing that has always amazed me is that many Thai (or maybe Isaan) ladies are hoping for that "Rich" farang to come riding in on his white stallion. I've tried to explain to these ladies that the average farang that visits Thailand is just a normal Joe.

    Maybe I'm wrong but I can't understand why a wealthy farang would have a need to visit a place like Thailand. Money likes Money and Money stays with Money.

    Many women (no matter what you've told them) still arrive in foreign countries expecting a modern home and a new Benz. If you don't have it you better plan on hearing comments forever about how lucky everybody else is.

    My question is....What has she brought to the table?

    • Like 2
  2. I understand, I'm not going to be upset if no one sends money to his family, but I just think the criticism could be less hurtful and more helpful. I am not in Thailand, I don't know how to help him, but I figure a few of you have some ideas for jobs or even leads.

    Here's a thought.....Why not grow up, ditch the I wanna be a super star gig and take care of business on his own! I mean he was adult enough to have children, why not be adult enough to take care of them?

    There is a solution to the problem, send the family back to Isaan and let her family help watch over them. Contact the Embassy and get an emergency flight back to the States, find a job and when he's back on his feet send for the family!

    What are you waiting for? it to get worse?

    But it's not the easy way out, better to let the public feel his pain so he can sit at home and play on the computer all day!

    • Like 2
  3. I don't see how this guy got on Iron Chef Thailand. He is kind of a looser and his youtube monologues are quite long winded. He must have some great qualities though because he has a nice family.

    I thought his wife was a very attractive lady whom seems to speak pretty good English, I would think she could find a farang with much better qualities.

  4. I'm not in a position to judge anybody's worth as a human being, but if he's actually super morbidly obese as it seems he is, my hope that he can find a way to get medical assistance for that remains (and that would almost definitely need to be surgery).

    Agree 100% but I don't think he has that as an option. Next best coarse of action would be to get off your ass and at least make an attempt to take care of your family.

    Sitting around has not worked out so well. I'm afraid he may be past the point of no return and really has nobody to blame but himself.

    I have a Thai wife and I can tell you that if I were in this position she would not be a very happy women, not to mention having three kids to worry about. He has no right being pissed because she was "spooning" with his brother. She has every right as a woman and a mother to have some respect and maybe a little gratitude for the life she's made for you (you sure didn't help).

    Enough with the pity party, stand up, be a man and take care of business....It's your job...Not playing gaming sites for hours on end!

    It just kind of pisses me off that people have the nerve to expect hard working people to keep bailing them out.

    He's never gonna be a celebrity, only reason he has so far is because he's huge. Grow up brother and catch the train......It's already left the station!

    Oh, and Merry Christmas!

  5. This guy is gonna get loads of paypal donations due to all the publicity he is getting on here. It'll be like Walt Jr. watching the screen for his dad's Lung Cancer appeal.

    Yes, I imagine the telephone operator at Pizza Company is quiet busy today.

    More low blow fat-shaming tripe. One of the last few socially acceptable (even promoted) areas of discrimination among westerners. Of course in Thailand many more areas of discrimination are socially acceptable, but this is an expat forum.

    He weighs nearly 400 lbs and posted a youtube video complaining that his three children have only eaten rice, papaya and soy sauce for a month. IMO, he should be ashamed.

    I wonder if his supporters have watched any of his other videos? I would suggest that they do before sending him a donation.

    Seems like an apology is order, I went back and did in fact view many of his videos and I will say you were correct. This has been going on for a very long time!

    I couldn't believe in one video how he was so pissed off about a game site that banned his account because they thought he was a bot. This dude (who I originally felt sorry for) is a complete loser.

    I'm sorry dude but a spade is a spade!....I feel bad for this clowns family. I give his wife credit for putting up with this crap for as long as she has!

    BTW....I did this before any donation was made!

  6. Gold ring? How much can it be worth? What type of watch? Now mine is an Omega Seamaster, worth several thousand dollars and something really worth showing off.

    My knock off Rolex looks pretty impressive as well.....Worth about $100 and worth showing off.

    BTW the other $6,900 I spent on my vacation in Thailand!

    • Like 1
  7. Act like an ATM and an Isaan woman will withdraw as much as possible.

    Trust me, the majority of Thai women see a farang as nothing more than a lottery ticket! I know I will be flamed for the statement but I've spent many years in Isaan and the reality is you will never be #1.

    Sure there is good.....But....Most do not speak English and would much rather be with a Thai man than a farang!

    It takes a long time to earn trust and respect from a Thai family, unless of course you build the house and buy the new pick up.


    U speak,read write thai then???/

    For what?

  8. Act like an ATM and an Isaan woman will withdraw as much as possible.

    Trust me, the majority of Thai women see a farang as nothing more than a lottery ticket! I know I will be flamed for the statement but I've spent many years in Isaan and the reality is you will never be #1.

    Sure there is good.....But....Most do not speak English and would much rather be with a Thai man than a farang!

    It takes a long time to earn trust and respect from a Thai family, unless of course you build the house and buy the new pick up.


    U speak,read write thai then???/

    For what?

    Just proves how much you know about Isaan.

  9. Act like an ATM and an Isaan woman will withdraw as much as possible.

    Trust me, the majority of Thai women see a farang as nothing more than a lottery ticket! I know I will be flamed for the statement but I've spent many years in Isaan and the reality is you will never be #1.

    Sure there is good.....But....Most do not speak English and would much rather be with a Thai man than a farang!

    It takes a long time to earn trust and respect from a Thai family, unless of course you build the house and buy the new pick up.

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