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  1. And they were probably fakes, too.
  2. You mean the memorial hospital top of Silom? I use for other reasons but it's a very complicated system to get any appt and treatment isn't it? Not exactly walk-in?
  3. Thanks for all the advice. I got a walk in PSA test for a total of 950 baht at Wellmed near Asoke, as recommended here. Quick, painless and my results emailed next day. Can't complain at all although I would say the service wasn't really over friendly, just business like along with about 5 staff chatting and laughing in a group at reception, Thai style. I'll go again when necessary. My reading was normal BTW.
  4. The problem with that logic is that many Americans are leaving the USA because they can't stand what Trump is doing. It's those who are the good guys, not the ones that stay ignorant in the USA and would not be affected by any visa ban.
  5. Yep. Walking and running are other options, of course, or you could just carry on knuckle dragging!
  6. There are few limits in the fight against fascism because fascism has no.limits to what it will do to eradicate all.opposition. none. trump and musk are already banning media that is critical.of them. Vandalism against tesla is nothing compared to what they are doing to wreck democracy. I will stay woke
  7. Not if u are not a UK resident. It's residency in this case that entitles u to free NHS treatment and state pension upgrade, not if u pay tax in the UK.
  8. You mean there were Nazis that disrespected one of the top Nazis and the swastika in 1933 and after?
  9. They say the cost is 750 baht plus 200 for the test whatever the logic is
  10. There are far more far right terrorist attacks in the UK than Islamist ones. It's just that they are less newsworthy. The prison population tells all.
  11. Anybody know where I can get a PSA test in Bangkok without having to see a doctor first, as required in many hospitals. It's just an extra unnecessary expense as I know what the readings mean. Do clinics do this? Thanks in advance.
  12. Good of her. Would have been good to have people like her in Germany in 1933 and after.
  13. You sound like one of the benefit fraudsters.
  14. In the UK they are afraid of automatic cross checking between arms of govt like the pensions and immigration. That's why they are pussyfooting about ID cards. It's all about supposed freedoms. I declared my non residency before I left the UK 20 years ago but if you don't declare it then residency stays on the books and fraudsters can take advantage if that as many do as long as they have a fake home address in the UK and a UK bank account.
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