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Everything posted by TheFishman1

  1. Does anybody know if the new booster for the Covid new strain is available in Thailand?
  2. My health insurance is quite good and I pay that once a year I rent a nice two-story house and I have a car and a big bike my average monthly spending being between 40,000 and 50,000 per month my health insurance when I first got here yearly was around US$2000 after 11 years of being here my insurance is around five or $6000 and I pay that once a year that 40 to 50,000 per month is not including insurance, which I paid. Tit
  3. Great idea I spent 30 million this way every official involved I get a paid day TIT
  4. What a terrible experience for a nine-year-old girl of happen in school. They still last her the rest of her life catch the teacher, put them in jail for away the keys to all the other complex in there. He’s in there because he molested a nine year old girl see what happens, TIT
  5. If you would’ve been a Thai man who they may show the money at the wedding, but then give it all back to him. If I was the American guy I could say, is run Forrest run. Tit
  6. He made a reservation at the luxury suite in a hospital he prepaid it. He had a sentence reduced from eight years to one year is only spent about a month in the luxury suite in the hospital. What’s the odds that he could spend another 11 months there or wait till December and get a full pardon. I’m thinking he’ll stay there till he gets his part in in December then after he leaves the hospital he will have a 100% recovery from his illness TIT.
  7. I had two molars removed and I had a retainer made my first try I did. I did gag a little bit, but the Dennis narrowed it down. The retainer is now no problem. Just a thought I had all this done at the dental score of the University in the price was very very reasonable. Contact me if you need more information.
  8. If my memory serves me correctly when he was running for president, he said he would show all his tax information. Then he fought like crazy to keep it a secret to this day. I still don’t know if they really devised his tax returns then the phone call to Ukraine asking the president just to say that Biden was corrupt, and that he would take care of it with the help of the senators because the Ukrainian president did not do that he withheld millions of dollars that Congress approves which causes many deaths. The list goes on and on a horse deceptions and his lies. The only reason he’s running for president is so he can pardon himself. He is a liar. He kept government top secrets, and they try to get them back for many many attempts, and he always decline now he’s in trouble for. Two weeks before he left office he asked people to send him money to fight his legal expenses. He walked away with millions hundreds of millions of dollars and then the fine print said he could spend that money anyway he chose how gullible people are that could support him is beyond my wildest dreams. He always said he was the best negotiator. He didn’t negotiate anything good with China and the American people and are paying for his mistakes.
  9. Lock him up the worst president did nothing but disrupt the democratic system he lied he cheats he steals Trump is a Con
  10. No surprise here corruption from the top to the bottom come on people TIT
  11. When I saw the title, I thought it was cracking down on the cops here TIT
  12. It was all planned so beautifully. He couldn’t sleep insomnia so I just have to people in that prison probably have that and why is he still in the hospital? I don’t know anybody that has serious operations would be in the hospital that long usually after a few days they’re released or I guess he’s gonna be sick for like one year or until you get a full pardon, correct or disgraceful Thai justice at its best TIT
  13. What is soon as he’s released from prison I’m in the luxury suite in the hospital is helpful. Amazingly get better. What a joke. TIT.
  14. The only thing fake ass is Elness I know people had major surgery and they’re out of the hospital a few days afterwards. This guy is so sick that he hast to stay in the hospital all these days. Rubbish TIT.
  15. With the Chinese motor running that sub they should’ve canceled the order. Oh I forgot. The big boys have already received their payment and advancing it probably offshore TIT.
  16. I was drinking a cuppa coffee laugh so hard I spit it on my phone. I have to wipe my phone off. They’re joking, rightTIT
  17. The police here is just an organized business. You know like the mafia. The biggest crooks are the police. If you got more ways to make a buck, then you can imagine TIT.
  18. Whatever happened to the cop who used plastic bags and killed the kid in the police station? You know the guy they had millions of dollars with the cars in his garage what ever happened with him TIT
  19. It’s no surprise here that the corruption from the top goes all the way to the bottom look at the way they greeted the ex Prime Minister who they said was sentenced to eight years that night he slept in the lecture room in a hospital then he gets poured into one year in the hospital is going to say that he can go home and serve the one year at home because he’s healthy TIT
  20. I think the boss fly in golf stream jet go for lunch with the cops to pick them up at the airport go to jail. Wait an hour to tell them that he doesn’t feel good. He’s stressed out maybe stomach hurts he can’t breathe and have them fly him to the hospital and a helicopter and a private suite, then ask the politicians to file a pardon for him then he’d be all set. The politicians already have the drill down pat. TIT
  21. No surprise the first thing they’re wondering about is 17,000 not so much interested in the how the lady died TIT
  22. He’s small potatoes why don’t they go after all the corrupt cops in the highest positions then after that, go over and get all the high politicians that are totally corrupt TIT
  23. I’ve been with the same insurance company out of England for 10 or 11 years when I first started with them. I think it was around 2000 a year now I’m paying around 6000 a year and it’s good insurance.
  24. Really
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