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Everything posted by TheFishman1

  1. God Rabbi heard that before to set up a special investigation committee did they do that for that Red Bull kid and whatever happens about that nothing is swept under the carpet all these policeman, the high ranking general‘s etc. they’re all in on the take they find new message to make more money for themselves . Just look at all the retired police chiefs, and how they live after retirement, luxury cars, luxury villas, many offshore banking, its corruption from the top to the bottom, 100% if anybody thinks that the police here or not corrupt you have to rethink what you’re thinking they’re all corrupt look at the provisional governors when they retire leave office they’re like millionaires what do you think? All that money came from TIT
  2. I’m not sure I understand how when they want to search his house he will not allow them. What does that say? What does that tell you that he owns a lot of houses he drives in Alexis I think these big cops when they bust of a gambling ring or an online it’s really lucrative they just take over the business. There are corrupt from the top to the bottom. It seems like the people that live here really don’t care they think it’s normal. TIT.
  3. OK let me explain it. The reason they were wearing camouflage is they paid about 10 times more than what they really caused so they have to use them just for appearance shakes you know the big brown envelope and everything they buy go to the top guy big joke. Drives in Lexus. He owns many many houses in his name and his family’s name. And he’s been putting on a pretty good act. He does this corrupt as the rest of them from the top to the bottom no surprise I like that they came to Raiders house and he would not allow it. What does that tell you he’s above the law he has the right connections, and he probably has a lot of dirt and some very important people here that he keeps in a safe place just in case, the whole country is total corruption TIT
  4. I’m not really surprised. I think the whole thing was set up way before he came back. The next thing I believe will happen after he comes advisories his sister will be back. Corruption here is no longer in the closet it’s for everybody to see TIT
  5. Heis traveling around Thailand 4 months doesn’t sound like he was depressed. He was 24 years old having the time of his life I’m on the side of his mother somebody killed this poor lad and I don’t have any confidence in the police here, TIT
  6. Bazaar world a guy that steals millions gets convicted comes back goes directly to a Hospital suite after a few hours and now he wants him to be part of the government. His sister, who is on your guard, leaves the country, the Red Bull kid who has all this time they have never issued a red notice, a heroin trafficker convicted is in government here so this is why I say Thailand is bizarre world TIT
  7. So he is convicted he’s told millions and now they’re letting them back in. What’s the next his sister arrives she goes directly to a Hospital suite and then the new p.m. will find a room for her to play in the government. Crazy crazy TIT.
  8. surprise surprise I really didn’t see that coming. TIT
  9. I would change your shocks and also you may have tires that are meant to be driven off the road you need to have tires that are for the regular pavement that you drive on like in the city. Also, my tire pressure says 35 in all four tires, I am not putting 37 and all tires and the tire mileage I get in the tire wear longer so I want to change the soft and you’d be surprised to extra pounds in inch tires you get better gas, mileage.
  10. Don’t they know those trades restricted to thias people only I think a lot of the police here already run those services and they see the bars they owned the karaoke places they owned TIT
  11. I’ve been boiling tapwater for years for my coffee or tea, and I’ve never had a problem, TIT
  12. And what other country can a fake police man walking to the police station to try to get his drunk friend out of jail amazing, Thailand, TIT
  13. No surprise corruption from the top to the very bottom TIT
  14. After reading this article, I’m just totally disgusted. What the heck is wrong with these people he killed other children and nobody mentioned it called the police no understand yes TIT
  15. Was is the doctor spotted coming to the hospital in a brand new Benz top-of-the-line TIT
  16. Wouldn’t it be great if the boss came back, they booked him a luxury suite in the hospital next to the ex Prime Minister have a sentence reduced to time served while he’s away enjoying his life TIT
  17. This guy will never go to prison for me years to one year in luxury suite in Hospital next thing to be a rich kid in a Ferrari, who kills a cop and live in the high life in other countries. Oh, wait, that already happened here, TIT
  18. Make an appointment to go see podiatrist you’ll need surgery after they remove your bunion the podiatrist will probably put on send steel rod through your toe to straighten it out
  19. Many countries and states have legalized marijuana. They get tax dollars certain medical conditions marijuana helps them tremendously and if people want to use it for pleasure so be it I see no problem with legalizing marijuana TIT.
  20. They have absolutely no shame The guy steals billions goes to Dubai living the good life along with getting a few different country passport. He travels everywhere. No red notice issued on him or enforced. Then he comes back shaking hands and smiling from being Cambodia the night before the party within a few hours, it’s a life or death situation for him, they chopper him to a Hospital worries in a suite where he remains sounds like equal treatment to fix with him before he got here. Everybody was paid everybody cooperated I’m sure the doctor say he needs to stay in the hospital until the king pardons him and then I’ll go home and I’ll be all better . TIT.
  21. Didn’t the general give his family members contract for catering food for the military? Amazing Thailand. Tit
  22. No surprise here the police corruption in the businesses they own with shock. Many people I was on one of those ferry boats to the islands, and they told me one of the police. His family member really owns the boat. I was recently had a really nice hotel and the owner turned out to be a high-level policeman corruption from the top to the bottom whether be with the police department or the school districts, it runs wild here TIT
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