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Everything posted by TheFishman1

  1. I am not surprised of all the replies to this post. I really believe it’s all delusion when your heart stops and your brain stops. That’s it your death never met a person who lived in the past and came back. It’s like believing in Santa clause for the tooth fairy. Maybe don’t get me wrong whatever makes you feel good believing that, but what do you think? The reality of it all is it’s the final curtain. TIT
  2. They need to get rid of the old politicians they’re all corrupt get rid of moss start fresh likewise for the police department TIT
  3. Did the Nun think that if she went to the temple should be safe please cannot arrestor just a question TIT
  4. They should all be fired in the bank accounts in any new purchases should be scrutinize TIT
  5. Thank goodness it wasn’t a foreigner TIT
  6. What seems like the monk has answers for everything where there’s smoke, there’s fire TIT
  7. Right every high-ranking policeman, every high-ranking military man and from the top to the bottom in politics, school directors and pretty much everybody would be arrested and that’s not gonna happen. TIT.
  8. I’m sure he would know about corruption use it to pay everybody off right TAT
  9. I’m not sure I believe any of these numbers TIT
  10. She stood up to trump because she knew he lied he cheated. He tried to steal the election. She’s the only one in the republican party they had in the balls to stand up to him. All the other politicians are afraid of not being reelected, and let’s see Trump when his third or fourth wife was pregnant with his son. He was busy with a small hands filling up the brass is a porn star then he paid $140,000 to make it Go away now that shows a moral character right when he tries to overturn the election with the fake electoral college people I’m calling the government officials in Georgia requesting for him to find 11,400 votes for the lawyers that he assembled to go around to all the courts to overturn it and they lost everyone I believe he didn’t attend the new presidents inaugural because he’s just a baby. He promised his campaign that he would play. Let’s golf what turns out that he played more golf and all the presidents combined but he complained about Obama playing too much cough. he delays all legal processing against him. He admits taking files they shouldn’t have taken and then on national TV. He said he hopes that they don’t sell the debt problem which is really. Millions of Americans in the restaurant will see that we were paying off your lungs, which would the values in the ass why he would want that to happen his reply was im not president right now? We went to college he never read a book just watch TV and paid people to take his test. Even his own sister said not to vote for him and be the worst thing for America. He didn’t want to go into the army to go to Vietnam, so a podiatrist who rented office space from his father, wrote a note for him. What did the podiatrist get in return? His whole office was remodeled, and he never had to pay rent to his father again go figure that one out he’ll go down in history as the worst president ever.
  11. She’s a real patriot voice the truth about the biggest con that won the president election. How in gods name I have no idea he did so many bad things when he spoke, you could not count all the lies he did so I praise her she knew she wasn’t gonna be reelected once she started telling the truth about Trump TIT.
  12. It’s right about one thing corruption here it goes all the way from the bottom all the way to the top TIT
  13. Thai politics I like a roller coaster they go up and down very quickly. TIT.
  14. What a tragedy interesting. Did they give a description of the clothing that they wore for the cause of the accident? It’s still under investigation TIT
  15. It doesn’t surprise me if the people see something they want they just take it TIT
  16. Maybe they’re thinking of trying to get a last big commission TIT
  17. Countries I’ve been selling weed for many years don’t have any of these problems in America. Many states have legalized it because they realize that it is not a danger to smoke it. It seems here anytime somebody gets in trouble and does something stupid. They blame it on marijuana. They all need to be educated. TIT
  18. I just contacted a friend of mine here. He gets a haircut about once a month and they die his hair and I asked him what was the total cost? He said like 320Bht go figureTIT
  19. Tai. Lawyers are just like everybody else here corruption from the top to the bottom monks included. TIT
  20. Which so much corruption in the two families that run the deal they know who to pay off so the problem odds of this happening I think I’m very unlikely TIT
  21. I don’t think you’ve given all the facts why you think you’ll be denied entry can you elaborate TIT
  22. Should I admit taking the monkeys to sell them for between 1000 and 2000 but they don’t know who the buyer is I’m not that works TIT
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