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Everything posted by TheFishman1

  1. Seems like the same same happens every year around the same time TIT
  2. Well, returning to Thailand worked very well for her brother, so I’m sure she’s thinking about doing the same thing TIT
  3. Yeah I don’t know I would stop by traffic cop my big bike the first time in over two years and he wants to take my license and he said to go to police station it cost 1000 or just give him 500 so I didn’t have time to go to the police station. I just gave him 500. I’m thinking the guy stopped 10 and 20 people a day they must make a pretty good income, TIT
  4. The politicians, the police force, the judges, the school principles I can go on with this list for all the way down to the littlest guy corruption totally from the top to the bottom. TIT.
  5. Both of them were totally corrupt. His sister will be coming back soon. TIT.
  6. That arm brace that he’s wearing I had the exact same one after his shoulder operation. I had to wear it for about six months I was in the hospital three days his plan worked perfectly. He spent not one night in a police jail his hospital stayed was paid by the people. It’s all a big joke TIT and whatever happened with the Red Bull kid. He’ll be back as soon as his centers has expired.
  7. I knew big joke was dirty from day one I used to get sick to my stomach reading how everybody thought he was a good guy. Guy drives in. Alexis has a lot of houses and many other things. All the high ranking officials from the top to the bottom here in Thailand, are corrupt IT.
  8. I have an MRI and it’s showed that my shoulder had a few problems and I had surgery in six months later my shoulder feels 100% brand new TIT
  9. Let’s put the blame where it should be the Republicans on a two week vacation. Wow, Ukraine is having less ammunition delivered as far as the border go. They came up with a deal and the republican house said he won’t even present it so once again, the Republicans do absolutely nothing I’d like to know one thing the Republicans have done Under Trump, who is an outright liar, cheater, scammer what other outcome would you expect? Republicans have gone backwards since drums been the lead guy?
  10. Joe Ferrari and the Red Bull kid I don’t think anything’s gonna happen with them. TIT.
  11. I think this whole article in the writing is totally inaccurate as usual TIT
  12. I had a shoulder operation. I do wear the exact same brace for like six months cause I was only in the hospital for four days TIT.
  13. The image of him is almost laughable with an arm, brace and neck brace. I guess you’re trying to cover all bases but the day before he came in and when he flew it in his private brand new jet, he looked pretty healthy to me. The whole thing is is unbelievable. How could the people believe this crap TIT
  14. I was born at night, but it wasn’t last night. Of course, he’s been involved in it all that long all those high ranking officers are all corrupt come on get a grip TIT. Oh, I forgot. Do you think he’s gonna admit that he’s corrupt come on
  15. From his return to his release, was all planned out and paid for well in advance of him returning TIT
  16. Absolutely no surprise here I mean he so ill. I don’t know how he’s gonna get around on the country oh yeah, he has a jet. and why would he want to leave the country? He’s been gone for 15 years I forgot well next will be his sister TIT.
  17. It should read he walked out of his luxury suede in the hospital laughable TIT
  18. I’ve had 2 at Ching Mai Ram hospital I think the second one was right around US$500. I would definitely check them out.
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