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Posts posted by JRA

  1. Google Richard Katze of Chiang Mai Apartment Rental. He has excellent Trip Advisor reviews and he has several different condos all around that area.

    I have not personally been to the rental I have reserved, yet, but I trust that it'll be exactly what he's selling.

    I rented from Richard, he is a nice guy and charged me no deposit but I paid 20k/month for a really nice furnished studio on my first trip to Thailand :blink:

    He is way over priced...I did not even consider his places this trip due to price alone

  2. I send over 600 packages each month and sell on line ebay.

    The best suitable one will be EMS Thai post. Boxes are available

    at the local post office and don't go to small agencies as they over charge

    by about 10% (sometimes more)

    I used a small place nea Thapae Gate...if you are walking west on sunday night market it is on the street left side...one of the first little shops and I got box from them...spent 700 bhat ish so it would last less than a month...small box...few 1 block north dhl said mimimum 2000 bhat...no thanks...I had no issues using thai post office last year but slow as hell like 2-3 months so this time I payed more so I wouldnt beat my pachage home...ok maybe that didnt sound righ hhaha

  3. I brought my less than 1.5 year old flatscreen HD/Sony/Bravia mainly for usa football season and ncaa basketball...and since I play to travel around Thailand and not stay in CM I am either going to ship back to US unless I can get about 9,000 bhat....I paid $700 us end of 2009

    With US TV, which is not the same as asia (NTSC/Pal)...if you are here to stay or long term this maybe a good option for you...and if you have a UBC box, PS3's, bluray (bluray same in us and Asia). apple tv, roku's WDTV then there is no concerns NTSC/pal...if you have none of that like me, when then you are s.o.l :(

    However, I don't plan to invest in anymore gagets/electronics as I am not here to stay long-term my plan was to try different cities now after my 3 month lease is up...I still have the original box it was shipped to me from dell and the box/tv was just counted as my 2nd bag when I flew here in January so I didn't have to pay fee when I arrrived thank goodness

    Frankly, I wish I had left it home now because it's really nice and great product but shipping it back will cost more than its worth or near and I don't want to be burdened with moving it when I leave CM for a new location soon...if anyone is interested send be a message...kop koon krup

  4. haha, my thai gf last year loved that place at the airport plaza....I liked the salad bar and steak but hell yes it's over priced...darn near 1000k a trip for 2

    special;) occasions I would take her on a movie night...In USA you take your gf to sizzler you get dumped...lol

  5. But, generally, those organization that hand 'em out for free don't do it for tight-as-a-duck's-ass sex tourists, but rather for poor working girls who might otherwise not use them.

    Not sure about tight sex tourists, but they hand them out to me just fine. :)

    Not sure if you read the topic, but I've obtained them before, elsewhere. Anyway, the forum seems less than helpful, I'll go research myself. I may must post back when I find the answer myself. :huh:

    I don't think it was the question but the way you asked and talk like you're Wilt Chamberline...anyone can get laid in Thailand as many times as they want...

  6. Is this a Troll question or are you bragging about your sex life?

    a box of a couple hundred? really....how on earth can you screw this much? sounds like someone is very CHEAP and trolling

    here is my theory: either its alot of back door gay sex (Seinfeld: "not that there is anything wrong with that") but not my cup of tea or you are hitting alot of bar girls and thus is the cost of the condum really expensive when you are already paying to get laid?

    or your are one slutty gal I hope to never meet

    "either its alot of back door gay sex"

    I don't understand, for straight sex you don't need condoms???

    I also used the example of the sex tourist or what I call "the guys that can't get laid back home"

  7. Is this a Troll question or are you bragging about your sex life?

    a box of a couple hundred? really....how on earth can you screw this much? sounds like someone is very CHEAP and trolling

    here is my theory: either its alot of back door gay sex (Seinfeld: "not that there is anything wrong with that") but not my cup of tea or you are hitting alot of bar girls and thus is the cost of the condum really expensive when you are already paying to get laid?

    or your are one slutty gal I hope to never meet

  8. Tesco have them, about 300 (I'm using one right now).


    I know the ones you are talking about. I need something just a bit bigger. The new computer is a 27" iMac and I need room for it, the keyboard, and the Wacom tablet. If it was smaller, the one you mentioned would be great ... especially the price.



    LOL worried about the price when you buy Mac, good one;)

    When you buy a Mac, you don't have much money left so you have to worry about the price. LOL

    haha, no kidding...apple makes great products....ipod still going strong after 5 years, 3rd gen iphone...dropped at least 200 times without case...still strong but did add the $30 case just 3 months ago before coming to CM...didnt want to puch my luck;)

    but the mac computers are so over priced...3 months ago I bought mac pro $2600 and returned because I felt lost as I had used a mac since I was at UW in seattle in 93...i paid 200 bucks restock fee and bought another 600 dollar dell that is easier to use than the 2600 macpro i had for a week and a half and if it goes tits up I can just get a new one

    my daughter begged for an ipad (which is lame imo) and then the new came out 3 months after i got for her

    good luck on the computer desk

  9. Thank you for the help guys and or gals...this gives me alot of info so kop koon krup I really appriciate it!

    I'm not sure who's idea it was at the va not to send my meds out of country or changing the rules...being sent out of country is the reason I need the ambien but hey that's a different topic for another day

    I was looking online and they were dam_n near $3/pill if I got 180....I'm not rich and kinda on a limped budget but I am so scared to have bad/no sleep

    I have taken 10mg pills for a couple years and I have felt no side effects...knock on wood...and with something like Xanax, makes me a bit nervous because my father has been popping those things like tic tacs for years if needs them or not

    Have a good night folks

  10. Tesco have them, about 300 (I'm using one right now).


    I know the ones you are talking about. I need something just a bit bigger. The new computer is a 27" iMac and I need room for it, the keyboard, and the Wacom tablet. If it was smaller, the one you mentioned would be great ... especially the price.



    LOL worried about the price when you buy Mac, good one;)

  11. Sawadee Krup,

    Back home I get Zolpidem (Ambien) from the VA as a Gulf War 1 Vet....I have insomnia and my prescription runs out in a month and the VA does not send my meds outside of USA.

    I know the risks of ambien so this isn't my question. It's the only medication I take and the last couple of years I have had the best sleep I have had since 1991.


    Anyone here take Ambien? Where can I get a prescription? I have my last prescription with my name, VA Doc name and Seattle VA on label only...can I just take this to a local pharmacy and get a refill or do I need to see a doc here in CM?

    I guess the only other option I would consider is maybe xanax on evening I can't fall asleep, I just refuse to try anything that makes me feel drozzy or like a hang over the next day. I don't take the ambien every evening but I am a bit concerned with having less than 20 left as I am here on a 1 year type o visa

    Any suggestions, very much appriciated...kop koon krup

    Have a nice day! If you ever wonder what living in Seattle is like 9 months a year look outside today:(

  12. It's a big hassle to get to the 4th floor - because the airport plaza shopping center opens only at 1100h. stair, security, bad old lifts.....I told the WOW manager Christina...a christian I believe...the have a lift for the WOW only.

    I got a good deal after some hard bargaining, 1000 baht a months. however i used the daily morning yoga session but they turn the air con off and later for the meditation turn on ice-cold again! my complaints were ignored!


    If you park in the back (I ride m.bike) as I do the service entrance has 2 lifts next to each other and I find it easy and fast entry and exit as I hardly ever walk around the mall unless I want to see movie times or need something shopping....the service entrance is to the right as you exit cali wow

    1000bhat a month is a great deal, I am guessing you don't do short term like me...

  13. I looked at dam_n near every gym because I like a "nice gym"...easily the best in CM is California wow in the airport plaza...

    Last year I read a thread here about CM gyms but I found the ones each person mentioned I didnt like and I looked at them all

    of course, if you are looking for cheap its not cali wow...I paid nearly 5ish.k bhat for 3 months...last year in bkk i got a month for 1800bhat

    now before the mall opens you need to use service entrance and lift to 4th floor which I had to figure out the hard way waiting for mall to open and seeing people had been working out:(

    it's clean, has alot of cardio and pretty nice free weights, as well as many machines, yoda, locker rooms group exercise

    They will start high the shorter your stay...I wouldnt expect to get less than 1800 for a month...this is without towel service...but if you like to negoitaite, which i don't so I do the dance a bit then when I hear what I call a fair price i just do it

    as a whole, after 8 months on 2 trips to thaialnd,,,,the gym or decent fitness is way over priced compare to the US anyway...but for me I have to like the gym to motivate myself to workout

    Many farang w/o there, many thai too but sometimes I wonder if there is a thai price and a farang price

    I paid 4k bhat in BKK for this sweet gym and pool at a hotel....but that was way to pricey even for my tastes...but then again I paid 22k for rent my first visit and now about 5k so you live and learn...

    best of luck

  14. Kad Suan Kaew is OK if you are passing or happen to live up Huay Kaew, but I wouldn't make a special trip there. It was better when the Vista cinema was opposite and they showed a wide range of movies. Now they seem to vary from only Thai, sometimes English and Japanese seems to be in vogue this week. It was a place where you could wander around and guarantee that you could catch a movie, then wander around some more. I can see why though - last week I went to see Michael Douglas in Solitary Man and there were only 3 customers. There are a few shops that are OK - DQ is always good for cheap ice cream, Sizzlers salad bar is alright if you get there before it's been picked over and Nancy is right about the best toilets being in Central, but I don't think they even provide tissue, I can't remember....I know the soap never works. Airport Plaza is far superior IMO

    No kidding, I live (5 weeks) near that place and I get lost everytime.

    I have driven across the US 7 times and missed one turn total and yet I get so lost in there...after 5 trips I try and get a visual on tops or use the gps on my iphone;)

    ok this was meant for the guy that needs a shave after a vist because he gets lost....so I seem to be a bit lost here on who to reply to

  15. Sawadee krup all...

    I need to print a 4 page email attachment that uses adobe software and was wondering if any of you fine folks could lead me in the right direction?

    I live off Huey Kaew Road near the old shopping center but any place will do...any suggestions?

    Kop koon krup, ok I better stop that is all my Thai at the moment:(

  16. The Eco Resort has a really nice pool and a large shallow part ...I believe you can pay 100 bhat a person to use if you are not a guest...google Imm Eco or Eco resort...Im sure there are many pools

    fyi, one of the first things to teach your child is not to pee in pool...;)

    many apartments have pools like my place but I don't want to have to share the pool with more folks, sorry...look around for apartments as an example people at my place have to pay 40 bhat to use pool even residents

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