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Everything posted by Gsxrnz

  1. In every single European conflict in the near or distant past, it seems odd that all the straight (and a few not so straight) chalk coloured men were selected to don their armour, carry their sword or Enfield .303, mount their equine charger, their Centurion or Panzer tank , Sopwith Camel, Supermarine Spitfire or Junkers 88, and go forth and lose their lives for their Motherland - leaving their families behind in relative safety. And then we were told that 5'0" personages of the opposite gender (or no gender at all) were equally as capable of doing battle. I'm all in favor of gender equality - let's start with the workplace death rate and go from there.
  2. Regardless of the reason for taxation on any activity, few people consider the true outcome of mathematics and how much of their production is being confiscated by the government. If you earn 30k (dollars, pounds, baht - doesn't matter) and are taxed at source say a net 25%, you are left with 22,500. Then assuming you spend all of the remainder, they hit you with 20% VAT, that's 4,500. The combined tax bill on your 30K income is 12,000. That's an effective tax rate of 40%. That means you're working Monday and Tuesday JUST so the government can steal it from you. It would almost be tolerable if the government got real value for everything they took for you, I mean I'm all in favor of a socialist utopia where everything is free and nobody suffers - but effectively they get $1 value for every $10 they waste spend. Long live the revolution counter-revolution.
  3. Maybe Italians are built differently, but I find attempting to take a leak with a blood engorged todger impossible. Maybe it was only a semi.
  4. "The suspects explained that they chose Thailand as a transit point instead of flying directly to Europe because European immigration authorities tend to trust passengers screened through Thailand’s strict security measures." Some people will believe just about anything.
  5. Probably got issued ticket number 247 and they were just calling number 68.
  6. I agree. Trump doesn't start negotiations with a handshake. He punches you twice in the face, kicks you in the goolies, then gives you a brotherly hug.
  7. Zelensky publicly rebuked any possibility of a ceasefire, in front of the world media, directly to the only bloke in the world with the desire and means to stop the fighting and secure a negotiated peace that by necessity should be (by degrees) unpalatable to both Zelensky and Putin. But nobody is talking about it. Zelensky hasn't even got a pair of two's or anything close to a flush or a straight at the flop, and he went all-in. Statistically, not a wise move.
  8. The best KFC is yesterday's, baked in the oven on a grill tray, under a low heat for 30 minutes. Crispifies the batter and drains the fat. Well worth the slight risk of salmonella.
  9. Somehow, I suspect those "members of the public" who routinely tender submissions about the rulemaking process are not your average Mr or Mrs Joe Hunt. More likely NGO's, big pharma, and various other assorted swamp creatures who believe they have skin in the game a chance to affect policy to their advantage.
  10. The Thai woman wouldn't know what the symbol represented or ever heard of Hitler, Nazis, the Holocaust, or WWII. Her other T-shirt probably has a picture of Che Guevara and she thinks it's Bob Marley - but then again, has she heard of Bob Marley?
  11. Au contraire... the older I get, the more relevant I am in my sphere of influence. My favourite possession is a coffee mug that proudly states "Zero F***s Given", and I frequently have need to tell my family, friends, and random complainers that even if I had a pocketful of F***s, I wouldn't give them one. Modernity requires one to be somewhat of a skeptical narcissist or you'll develop cognitive dissonance and begin to deny reality.
  12. Lipstick and eyeliner sales at the PX stores will suffer a dramatic decline.
  13. Donald J. Trump is the Michael J. "Crocodile" Dundee of the global political swamp. Calls it as he sees it, and doesn't give a monkey's. And he's got a knife.
  14. Aesthetically, the chrome plated bog roll holder lets the artwork down somewhat.
  15. Roads - where we're going, we don't need roads.
  16. Life is a movie. Currently we are in the early stages of Idiocracy, to be followed by a short period of WALL-E. The Children of Men will be the ultimate finale. Assuming the birthrate does manage to exceed 1.0 in the next few centuries, I can see historians of the 25th century scratching their heads about the cause of the downfall of 21st century civilization in much the same way as we contemplate the demise of the Phoenicians and Egyptians. They will wonder aghast as to why a society that became so wealthy could disappear suddenly within a few decades. Just ask Julius Ceaser.
  17. And yet the password given to me for Thai Immigration login is something like hfldhlkjafhsajkhhhh&*88jncdc9JHJk03jjdbc&gh. Go figure.
  18. Cat Burglars are supposed to shimmy up chateau drain-pipes and steal priceless jewelry without being detected, leaving the police totally baffled. A pair of Som-Chai's nicking a gate and copper wire, then loading their loot into a pickup truck in full view of a surveillance camera just doesn't cut it. Muppet Burglars is a more apt description.
  19. If her fellow Russians considered her to be loud and intrusive, that's really saying something.
  20. Contemplating what non-Brits or Antipodeans will make of your ginger nuts.
  21. Ties don't really go well with a Chang wife-beater, beer stained cargo shorts, and flip-flops. But I'll give it a crack.
  22. Hang on a minute - I'm sure I saw this plot play out in a Thai TV series a few years ago.
  23. Government bureaucrats 'tink too mut'. What's next, making salted peanuts a controlled substance?
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