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Everything posted by Gsxrnz

  1. Britain will be ruled by Sharia law by 2050. It will become the Spain of 1050.
  2. How do you know the world is totally forked up? When a judge believes that a woman (with a 5 o'clock shadow) raped a girl with her penis, when she was a man.
  3. Imagine what carnage Elon could unleash if he was let loose on the Thai government feudal system.
  4. I remember when texting first came out. I said it would never take off because it seems we'd progressed from runners and smoke signals, to the carrier-pigeon, to the postal service, to the telegraph, to the telephone, to automatic dialling, to progressively cheaper international calls, to cellphones. So why would we want to revert to texting which is essentially a p2p telegram. I was wrong. My daughter thinks "old skool" is a matchbox size cellphone where hitting the 1 button three times got you the letter C.
  5. That file photo is at least 10 years old.
  6. Trump's ultimate aim is to destroy the concept of Central Planning by the Vogons.
  7. Gone are the days of furtively nicking a Player's Plain from your Mum's pack of ciggies, or waiting outside the corner shop (not your local shop, but one you cycled three miles to) to anonymously purchase the February 1977 Penthouse or Playboy magazine. Vice of all types are too easily obtained these days - my generation had to work for it!
  8. "...pedestrian priority is rarely acknowledged at crossing points, leading to potentially dangerous misunderstandings." Well, I suppose that's one way to describe instantaneous death.
  9. I'm reasonably confident she would still be ganitalia intactus following the surgery, even if she did it herself.
  10. I think it depends if the hotel actually files a TM30. I've had both situations - stayed one night in a hotel and next online 90 day declined, stayed a week in a hotel and had next online 90 day approved. However, the slight twist may have been that for the week's stay, I checked in using only my Thai license - and that license had my expired passport number on it. TIT, and luck of the draw.
  11. I was given Tramadol after receiving shoulder surgery. A week went missing. Would never touch this stuff again.
  12. Left and right, far or otherwise, are becoming less and less useful as political adjectives. More correct terms are the Marxist Globalists, and the Conservative Populists.
  13. Welcome to Airstrip One, where 2+2 doesn't necessarily equal 4, and in fact may never equal 4.
  14. I picked up on the phrase "diploma in lesbian dance theory" being used to epitomize left wing woke education lunacy a number of years ago. I often wondered where the term originated. I'm now reasonably confident that Elon and DOGE will eventually find a USAID donation specifically to an allegedly altruist organisation that does in fact, promote the theory of lesbian dancing. I mean, they've come pretty close to it with transgender operas and comic books, and DEI musicals - but surely the pièce de résistance would be to finally reveal why this particular phrase came into existence.
  15. At the end of the day, every individual is solely responsible for where he/she puts their feet. You can't fix stupid.
  16. If somebody had a dog or cat and fed them so much as to be five times their normal weight, they would be demonized. Who are the people that fed this bloke 20,000 calories a day for many years, and why aren't they being prosecuted? The dude obviously didn't go to Tesco's and buy his own pies.
  17. It's just another dirty job done by men to keep civilization ticking over, ask Mike Rowe.
  18. I once heard a joke about a Proctologist, a Gynecologist, and a Veterinarian walking into a bar - but I forget the punch line.
  19. It just goes to show how warped our society has become. This executive order, along with the other order that clarifies there are only two genders (male and female, in case any uber-liberals are so far removed from reality as to not understand), should be totally unnecessary.
  20. "anticipatory limbo" Gotta love it.
  21. Use mine all the time across the counter and never had a problem. I don't use it at ATM's as there is a charge (I think 200B a time) and fairly low monthly limits. Obviously you have to maintain a balance in Wise. It will debit your THB balance if you hold THB. Otherwise it will debit your home currency and convert to THB at their standard rate/fee structure. Occasionally it may debit a third currency in your balances - I think it does a multiple cross rate comparison amongst the balances and if it concludes that you save 3 cents of your USD by converting GBP to THB instead, it will do so. Kind of an arbitrage thing.
  22. Going back to the caveman days, society has always been rife with lies, rumour, innuendo, mistruths, falsehoods, and jungle-drums and Chinese-whispers etc. It's called "the human condition". I guarantee you that if mankind had never developed the ability to speak or create the written word, we would be telling lies in sign language. The first published lies were probably done on a stone tablet. The internet, therefore, is merely the re-creation of the stone tablet. And mankind's propensity to both tell and believe lies has not changed since year dot. Unfortunately, the consequences have.
  23. Another Leftist social experiment gone titsup. Next!
  24. Brits, Aussies, and Kiwis use mate in at least four ways. To address a friend, to address an acquaintance whose name they have forgotten or don't know, as a friendly one-word exclamation at something done or said by another. And in the case in point, to piss off a stranger in a confrontational manner. And you are correct. Of the three, Aussies are the more mentally challenged and have a limited lexicon.
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