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Posts posted by Gsxrnz

  1. Jesus!!! RTFM!!

    Edit: And basically with that low a profile, it doesn't really matter, it will ride like <deleted> anyway. Why people buy a 4-wheel drive and then but bicycle tyres on it has always been rather an amusement. Got a noisy exhaust to go with it by any chance?

  2. I've only ever used the Jomtien office so have no personal comparisons other than those critiquing other offices here on TV.

    Jomtien has been no problems - 90 day reporting, proof of address, re-entry permits, retirement extensions. All done in next to no time and no problems. In fact it was on the advice of one officer there that I figured out how to get 2 years out of my first retirement visa by re-entering just before the first year was up.

    However, I do hear many complaints from blokes sitting on their barstools. In most cases they appear deficient in organisational skills and would have difficulty getting their flip-flops on the right foot, or not getting their wifebeater on back to front before going to Immigration, so no surprise they encounter difficulties. "They wanted a copy of this, and a copy of that, and I didn't have a photo, and I had to borrow a pen, and I'd lost my departure card, and the passport got washed, and yackity yackity."

    I'm not very sympathetic towards those that cannot organise themselves, so I see no reason for the Immigration staff to be any more sympathetic. whistling.gif

    • Like 2
  3. That's atypical Thai construction. Good luck with that, should be good for a year or two. coffee1.gif

    Sorry; do you mean it is "a typical Thai construction" or "atypical ... " i.e. not typical?

    I meant it in two ways - sorry for the confusion, a few too many JD's tonight but my spelling and grammar appear to be standing up to the pressure rolleyes.gif .

    It's "typical" of general Thai construction. It's "atypical" (as in non conforming) to generally good building practice as most of us from the west would see it. Don't try to hang a picture on th wall.

    (I left out the "e" on the "th" above to prove my point about the spelling, and when I wake up in the morning I'm going to kick myself if I made a spelling mistake in this post.)

    Hey no problems, the construction is OK. It's standard local practice, the wall/bricks are not load bearing, and will do the job admirably. They're essentially only fill and the concrete render will add sufficient strength to it. As long as the posts have good rebar and are sunk deep enough, it will last as long as anything else constructed in Thailand. smile.png

  4. Seen identical work on condos, but they use cinder block. I've always had visions of some poor sod knocking a nail into the wall to hang a picture, and the whole wall just falls out by itself. No rebar, no tying to the wall, post, or roof....just a weak mortar and a few millimetres of concrete plaster to make it look reasonable.

    Luckily Thailand isn't too earthquake prone.......until it happens of course. blink.png

    • Like 1
  5. Get a scan,BPH operated on my back with complete success. Trying any physio.,chiro and the like could severe your spinal column, depending on your back condition. Only a scan will tell.

    What a bold...and totally inaccurate statement!!

    So, conservative approaches to treatment are more dangerous? What an uninformed comment by a lay person!

    If the poster uses 'scan' to mean and MRI or a CT x-ray imagery, then both are usually unnecessary, and more expensive,

    when a simple plain film x-ray will suffice in most cases.

    May one politely ask if you are a non layman in the context that your comment is informed? coffee1.gif

  6. The numbers of arrivals and departures at international airports are known and (arguably) finite. The system is established and computerised and probably rivals any other system in use at most international airports.

    Most countries (and I believe Thailand is no different) compare the number of foreign arrivals and departures at international airports over a defined period, with those numbers for the same period/s in prior years, probably using a weighted average.

    Apply an algorithm for projected growth over prior years (both actual and forecasted, depending on the timeframe being measured), and that will drop out a calculated loss/gain from prior years actuals and current year projected.

    Simple mathematics really. The numbers are relatively easy to calculate. Most countries are able to accurately produce this data and net migration gain/loss is a major indicator for financial and social policy decision making.

    The political benefits of saying there are 300,000 lost tourists versus zero lost tourists is however, another question.

  7. I just realised that I'm not sure if the Thais use the US or UK standard in defining a billion. Is it 109 or 1012 ??

    Anyway, dividing the 16 billion baht into the 300,000 lost tourists, it works out to be circa 53,000 baht per tourist on the US scale, or 5.3M Baht on the UK scale. It's a pretty good guess they use the US scale on that basis.

    So the government is assuming that each tourist spends 53k Baht on their visit here on average. I guess that seems about right for a 10 day holiday.

    So much for the two week millionaires - they're obviously overstating their financial position!! blink.png

  8. .

    I believe that sleeping dogs should be left to sleep under the bridge in the hot midday sun ... rolleyes.gif


    David, I hadn't considered that option. But yes I suspect you have a point - first time poster and an extremely trite little story. Add the fact that a soi dog can dodge a formula one car from a standing start, and it all does lead to a certain bridge. facepalm.gif

    Just quietly, the OP has 36 posts credited to him.

    Joined 6 days ago.

    A quick search reveals only 9 remain visible ... all from this thread.

    First thing I do when reading something such as this is to check the posting history ... rolleyes.gif

    The Wheat and the Chaff are soon separated.

    That said, I have been wrong before, and given my number of posts ... sure to be again.


    Hot dang. It's an honor to be in the company of Starsky and Hutch wai2.gifthumbsup.gif , or Abbot and Costello

    Nuh, too Amurcan for us. We'd probably go with The Sweeney though, or perhaps Morecombe and Wise at a push. (Google is your friend.) coffee1.gif

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  9. OP, you should be given a medal for 1) getting rid of one of those disgusting animals, or 2) coming up with one of the best troll posts on TV to get by the mods in quite a while.

    Either way, a hearty Well Done!

    He was bagged at post #41 as a troll, but the mods have let it run on. Yep, well done to the OP, an excellent troll post. post-4641-1156693976.gif.pagespeed.ce.Jg

    Maybe the next one can be ... I killed a bridge and now the occupants are blackmailing me?

    Do you think it will run?

    David Mate, this is TV - anything can run here. Seriously considered starting a thread "I'm being blackmailed by a soi dog because I ran over its owner".

    I can't believe it's got this many posts. But then I guess most of them aren't actually reading the thread in their haste to offer their unique opinion.

    Once again, hats off to the OP, I do believe this many posts on a troll thread is close to a record. I literally cannot wait for your next one, but can you please PM me the handle you'll be posting under so I don't miss the fun?

    • Like 1
  10. there have been a few cases reported in the uk , one child if memory serves all to do with copy Chinese

    chargers, I warned my bird not to just plug in a charger and to use the extension with on/off switches

    You must have a very smart feathered friend to use a charger. Or did you mean woman or gf? Why use slang to a international audience?

    That's ironic - you're trying to correct circusman, but using terms yourself that you assume an international audience will understand.

    I had no idea what a "gf" was - I had to Google it!


    Cracker of a post mate. Jeez Bro, yeah, like ya know, that gf bizzo was a tad off the deep end for me too. Zoza must be a bit of a drongo, or maybe was brassed off about circusman describing his Sheila as a Bird, when really she's probably just your average her indoors. He should really have given him a fair suck of the sav. But then again Bro, if some blokes brains were barbed wire they'd have trouble fencing a dunny.

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