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Posts posted by Gsxrnz

  1. You get it wrong too, it's not pat as in pat the dog, the first syllable rhymes with cut.

    Perhaps put, as in golf would have been a more fitting example.

    But then again, maybe the OP comes from Yorkshire, in which case his example would be correct because a yorkshireman would pronounce "pat the dog" as we would pronounce put/cut in correct English. smile.png

    But you are correct. The pronunciation is (using oxford English):

    Put (as in golf)

    tar (as in tar the road, but almost verging on saying the word "tare") and no stress on the syllable as many Falang do.

    yaar (as in yar), but spoken with a long "a". This syllable should be in a lower tone than the first two.

    If you want to hear a Thai saying it properly, go here: http://www.thai-language.com/id/13258

    But if you pronounce it properly most Falang give you a dodgy look.

    Otherwise, enjoy your night in Paddya.

    Oh - and OP, I think the song you're referring to is sung by a Falang called Lou Depryck. He's a Belgian, which probably explains why he can't pronounce it properly.

  2. If all these girls are making 200k a month, one wonders why many of them choose to live with or marry a Falang and give up their lucrative incomes. I bet there's frig all blokes willing to part with 200k a month for the privilege of living with the most drop dead gorgeous coyote or gogo dancer.

    Myths easily become urban legend in Thailand. A good earner might clear 50k on a good high season month. Some may make a little more, most will make a dam_n sight less. No doubt there are a few that make considerably more but they will be the exception and in the top what......1 or 2 percentile.

    LD gets them 30b. They might pick up 10 PP balls at 20b a pop, group tips might come to 200b, and they might get 300b as personal tips. If they do a ST or LT they score say 2,500 average and miss out on time to get personal tips or LD's. Add their salary of 400b per day, less fines for being absent or sick, and not meeting their LD or BF quota, plus having to pay their own BF occasionally to recover from overworking, and you do the math. An exceptional night for most of them would be 4k, but more likely to be 2k or less. Over the course of a month that will balance out to 50k or less for the huge majority.

    Sure, some dick goes in and throes a few thousand baht all over the floor, but not in every bar and not every night. Sure, some two week millionaire wally gets pissed and tips a girl 500b for a quick feel. Sure, some girl has a birthday and scores 10k in one night from idiot Falang stapling money around her neck. These are the exceptions and not the rules.

    And I'm not talking about those that have a single or multiple sponsors and are still working - they deserve all they earn for their business acumen, effort, and dedication. coffee1.gif

    The OP is talking about 'coyote dancers' not bar girls or go-go dancers.

    It's a completely 'art' form, mainly for Thais, and does not necessarily involve prostitution.

    They are often seen performing at weddings and pop concerts in a family orientated environment.

    In the context of BKK and Pattaya Falang nightlife, I know what a coyote dancer is - apparently you don't.

    To describe it as an art form in this context is ludicrous. The dancers in the coyote bars do little more than the traditional "Pattaya shuffle". I know every coyote bar in Patts. In fact they are doing the true coyote dancing professionals (see below) a disservice by calling the bars coyote bars, or calling the girls coyote dancers.

    Perhaps you're talking about the professional coyote dancers seen at car shows and other public functions throughout Thailand, as well as supporting musical performances at Thai bars, as well as performing at private functions such as company/product launches and weddings. If so, then these are not what the OP is referring to. They in fact are the true coyote dancers. The alleged coyote dancers in virtually every bar in pattaya are gogo dancers with clothes on doing the Pattaya shuffle, hustling drinks and barfines.

  3. If all these girls are making 200k a month, one wonders why many of them choose to live with or marry a Falang and give up their lucrative incomes. I bet there's frig all blokes willing to part with 200k a month for the privilege of living with the most drop dead gorgeous coyote or gogo dancer.

    Myths easily become urban legend in Thailand. A good earner might clear 50k on a good high season month. Some may make a little more, most will make a damn sight less. No doubt there are a few that make considerably more but they will be the exception and in the top what......1 or 2 percentile.

    LD gets them 30b. They might pick up 10 PP balls at 20b a pop, group tips might come to 200b, and they might get 300b as personal tips. If they do a ST or LT they score say 2,500 average and miss out on time to get personal tips or LD's. Add their salary of 400b per day, less fines for being absent or sick, and not meeting their LD or BF quota, plus having to pay their own BF occasionally to recover from overworking, and you do the math. An exceptional night for most of them would be 4k, but more likely to be 2k or less. Over the course of a month that will balance out to 50k or less for the huge majority.

    Sure, some dick goes in and throes a few thousand baht all over the floor, but not in every bar and not every night. Sure, some two week millionaire wally gets pissed and tips a girl 500b for a quick feel. Sure, some girl has a birthday and scores 10k in one night from idiot Falang stapling money around her neck. These are the exceptions and not the rules.

    And I'm not talking about those that have a single or multiple sponsors and are still working - they deserve all they earn for their business acumen, effort, and dedication. coffee1.gif

    • Like 1
  4. I too would like to report that I have been scammed out of millions of baht - about 20 million I reckon at the last count !

    I came to Thailand in 1996 and met a beautiful talented capable Thai lady - she conned me into falling in love with her and then has proceeded to extract money from me for the next 17 years !

    She conned me into an engagement ring, a marriage visa to the UK where she conned me into a wedding ring and marriage !

    After that she conned me into getting her Indefinite Right to Stay in the UK as well as visas to visit America, France, Germany, Holland, Italy, Malta, Dubai and Egypt for all expenses paid holidays in 5* hotels and resorts.

    As if this wasn't enough she conned me into seeding her brother's business and I paid her other brother to build a house here in Thailand.

    Furthermore she conned me into a year's beauticians course and a stay in Bangkok and then into providing the start up capital for her own beauty parlour.

    To add insult to injury she conned me into selling up in the UK and moving to Thailand where she keeps me prisoner in her luxurious palace which is the envy of all the neighbours !

    In return for my board and lodgings I am obliged to pay all the bills electricity, gas, internet and CTH TV plus all the food to feed us, her ageing mother, anyone who happens to drop by and the lazy fat monk who stands out front with his bespoke vacuum flask and begging bowl every morning.

    The final con trick she's trying to pull is not satisfied with the Honda 125 I bought her she now wants to upgrade to a Honda City car.

    I'm thinking of taking the advice here from those that know better and reporting her to the Royal Thai Police.

    She has to be one of the top scam artists in Thailand smile.png

    Yeah, being married can be a bitch can't it!

    I nearly forgot the Caribbean cruise from Fort Lauderdale to Key West, Mexico, the Cayman islands and Jamaica ?

    I've lost count of the my friend's got so I must have the "up to the minute" mobile phones and the two computers in recent years.

    Did I mention the "I haven't got a thing to wear" shopping trips, the 50 pairs of shoes and all the anniversary presents !

    The gold from the souk in Dubai and the Nile cruise, the black pearls from Florence and the Rado watch.

    Not to mention all the household stuff like beds, fans, AC, TV sets, washing machines, kitchen equipment etc etc.

    I didn't realise it before but I must be one of the biggest suckers on the planet !

    Thanks OP for opening my eyes to this massive scam !

    I'm calling the Royal Thai Police as soon as she goes to sleep and gets off the phone smile.png

    Only 50 pairs of shoes? She's definitely low maintenance, you should count yourself very lucky! blink.png

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  5. I too would like to report that I have been scammed out of millions of baht - about 20 million I reckon at the last count !

    I came to Thailand in 1996 and met a beautiful talented capable Thai lady - she conned me into falling in love with her and then has proceeded to extract money from me for the next 17 years !

    She conned me into an engagement ring, a marriage visa to the UK where she conned me into a wedding ring and marriage !

    After that she conned me into getting her Indefinite Right to Stay in the UK as well as visas to visit America, France, Germany, Holland, Italy, Malta, Dubai and Egypt for all expenses paid holidays in 5* hotels and resorts.

    As if this wasn't enough she conned me into seeding her brother's business and I paid her other brother to build a house here in Thailand.

    Furthermore she conned me into a year's beauticians course and a stay in Bangkok and then into providing the start up capital for her own beauty parlour.

    To add insult to injury she conned me into selling up in the UK and moving to Thailand where she keeps me prisoner in her luxurious palace which is the envy of all the neighbours !

    In return for my board and lodgings I am obliged to pay all the bills electricity, gas, internet and CTH TV plus all the food to feed us, her ageing mother, anyone who happens to drop by and the lazy fat monk who stands out front with his bespoke vacuum flask and begging bowl every morning.

    The final con trick she's trying to pull is not satisfied with the Honda 125 I bought her she now wants to upgrade to a Honda City car.

    I'm thinking of taking the advice here from those that know better and reporting her to the Royal Thai Police.

    She has to be one of the top scam artists in Thailand smile.png

    Yeah, being married can be a bitch can't it!

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  6. Thank you for all the positive, supportive and sensible responses. I swallowed my pride to come on-line to warn others who might fall in to the same trap, that's all.

    Yes, with hindsight i was stupid, I have already admitted that so don't need the reminders + derogatory comment. She was very clever and convincing.

    To witawatad one or two others, I am not a troll, not a liar, not writing a book. I have the girls contact details, online name, real name, bank account, etc which I posted here online not realising against the rules so deleted by the moderators, also reams of online correspondence from t...friendly website, skype and sms. Also, on the advice of one member (too late) I googled her real name and there she was with her history as a scammer, I got off lightly compared to others.

    If I am writing in a similar style to someone else, i have no idea. Regards 18 previous posts, I made 'one' serious post in February concerning importing a drug called Zyloric from Spain because I couldn't find here, then I was philipinspain, now I am living here I changed to philipinphuket but both names are linked together on my profile which I didn't realise when I said this was my first post.

    I would like to think my post has been helpful to some members but maybe a laugh to others, I repeat, all I was doing was to post a warning.

    That's an honest enough explanation of a few facts. I believe you. However I'm rather scathing of anybody that claims they were scammed because usually the "scammed" are actually victims of their own stupidity and/or greed.....and greed may not necessarily mean greed for money.

    Let's assume your girl was/is playing 10 guys at a time, maybe being in contact with say 30 over the course of a week. If only 1 in 10 are foolish enough to believe her and she scores 6,000 baht from each one, that's 18,000 baht a week, nearly a million baht a year.

    Hmmmm.......I just thought of a part time job for myself. I can type " me promit luv yu long tahm honey, but mama need oplation den me com see you, pleat pleat sen me twenty tousan' baht for mama and for but fare. Can not wait see you Honey, mit you muk muk darkling, even I no see you yet......blah, blah, blah.

    Cheap lesson for you - suggest you develop the short arm and deep pocket disease.

  7. Don't feel so bad. A good American friend of mine recently got scammed for the equivalent of US$240,000 (!) by a Singapore woman he knows. She convinced him to start a business together and said they would need this sum for startup costs (to buy inventory, etc.). For about a year she would show him the 'books' and how much money they were raking in and he would brag about it to me (telling me I should start investing my money yada yada yada). Then one day he figured it was about time he got some of his seed money back, but when he mentioned this to her, she started making excuses not to see him. He became nervous and decided to go to the bank to pull the money out himself. When he got there, he was informed that the account had been near empty for months... records showed that she had pulled the money out a day or two after he had initially deposited it. The case is now with the police. She has told them that the money is all gone... supposedly spent on gambling and the high life. My friend is 69 and still gainfully employed in a well-paying job, but even then, it's not the kind of amount you can recoup quickly.


    1. People can scam you even without the internet

    2. This doesn't happen just in Thailand

    3. Even 'simple' people can come up with highly elaborate and convincing schemes

    Just be happy that the 'damage' in your case was so slight...

    But your friend will no doubt have genuine legal agreements, genuine company registration documents, loan agreements, partnership agreements etc. He will have visited the business regularly or had an agent visit the business, sighted the stock, checked the bank account online daily to ensure the paperwork agreed with the facts, seen a budget that looked believable etc.

    If he did all this, the business actually existed and traded, but she defrauded the jointly owned business then your friend has a fair gripe.

    Or did he allow himself to be sucked in with the promise of huge returns, the business was totally fake and never even existed - if so, shame on him.

    It's surprising the woman didn't give him a $30k payout, wait a month and then suggest he increase his returns by investing a further $240k.

    If it looks to good to be true, it usually is.

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  8. All the blokes I know that claim to have been scammed in Thailand, (big scams and little scams), seem to have provided their own Vaseline as they dropped their pants and bent over. The OP is no exception. Wake up and smell the coffee. coffee1.gif

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  9. In your story you say the alleged child was foreign. Specify the ethnicity.

    You have a child yourself (according to a prior post), so how come you could only determine the age range as 5 to 8? A 5yo in any country looks nothing like an 8yo.

    Why would the Thai woman start talking to you in Thai? I assume you don't look Thai?

    Do you have a goatee beard and wear glasses? Were you wearing extremely short shorts, black socks, and sandals. ? coffee1.gif

  10. Wingnut - I can't explain the wobble as you have described it. Possibly a bad bit of road surface or something, and you over accelerated, who knows. Anyway, good luck with your getting some new tyres and no doubt they will enhance your riding experience.

    Just a point on cornering as you described it - your exit point is largely controlled by your point of entry. If your exit point is pushing you wider than you like, enter the corner from a wider point to correct it. This is basically late apexing. You can maintain a higher speed, and exit the corner on a narrower angle at a higher speed. From your description you are slowing down too much, entering the corner at too acute an angle, and accelerating out.

    Google it, there are lots of really good articles on cornering and you can learn a lot from them.

    Cheers smile.png

  11. Wingnut - when you say your tyre is slipping, can you describe what it's doing and what sort of speed/lean angle/road surface/riding position you're in at the time? Also, what are the tyre pressures?

    Because from what you're saying about your riding ability and style, it really shouldn't be happening. I hope that doesn't sound condescending or anything, but even a Chinese no-name brand shouldn't slide under normal city driving conditions as you'd experience in BKK.

    Is it possible that your rear wheel is not mounted straight? Or the chain is too tight, or the tyre is under/over inflated, or the rear suspension is faulty or badly set? Just investigating possibilities as a slide or a skip (on a good road surface) should only happen under heavy acceleration on the lean, or on a lean beyond say 25-30 degrees. If you aren't getting beyond 20 degree of lean, there may be something else wrong.

    I know the flat spot we talked about earlier is contributing to poor handling but even this shouldn't promote a slip in its own right. Another possibility is that you're getting into new territory on your tyre surface because you're leaning more due to that flat spot tipping you over, and the unworn surface is just doing the traditional "new tyre" slide. Your tyre has 10,000 k's on it, so it's well weathered and the factory gloss will be gone - but if that piece of rubber has never met the road before it will only have 75% of the grip of it's specs, despite the age of the tyre.

  12. As KRS1 says, be careful with your cornering if you're not used to a race profile tyre. The radius shape is quite different and the bike will want to fall in to a corner quicker than you are used to. They are also more suited to late apexing, so take a slightly wider entry into the bend. Otherwise if you take your traditional entry point you may find you apex too soon and have to correct it.

    Even changing the size of the same tyre (say from a 190 to a 180 or 170) makes a big difference in handling purely because of the different radius.

    Also, my advice is don't fit a track oriented tyre on the back and keep your old tyre on the front. The LAST thing you want is a rear tyre that's stickier than the front as that's a recipe for disaster. You always want the rear tyre to let go before the front tyre.

    The second last thing you want is mismatching profiles.

  13. I missed the other thread but have read this one, so here's my two bobs worth.

    I raised my 3 kids the same way my parents raised me. It wasn't until I was an adult and actually had kids that I realised my parents' method and could put a tag to it, particularly my Dad.

    He raised me as though he was a benevolent dictator. I'm not sure if I worked out the way he wanted me too, but I have 3 adult children that I'm proud to say are mine.

    R.I.P Dad, I still miss you.

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  14. Riding a bike when angry is OK, but riding angrily is suicide. The same goes for most things in life. I mean for example, shave angrily and you're gonna look like Norman Gunston - not a good look. Ride a bike (or drive a car) angrily and it's going to be even uglier.

    Don't let the anger emotion take over your actions, your demeanour, or your life.......but that could be a whole new thread on TV couldn't it? whistling.gif

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  15. @Gsxrnz: By the way, any ideas on cost and availability of the Bridgestone BT016 tires in Thailand and where they are sold for comparison?

    Sorry Wingnut, I don't have a sportsbike in Thailand, even though I've raced all my life and never had less than 3 motorbikes in my stable. So I wouldn't know where to buy them. Try googling - Bridgestone have a foothold here with car rubber so I'd assume their bike tyres will also be available.

    From what you say I don't think the 016 would be suitable for you, but they have a whole range of tyres and I'm sure you'd find one that suits. I guess we all have a preferred brand, mine just happens to be Bridgestone. I like the 016 because the first time I used them I had a particularly good day on the track and I put it down to them. It may have just been what I had for breakfast that day, but..........thumbsup.gif

  16. Your friend probably means Pilot Sport or Pilot Power. Both decent tyres but are made for hard riding. Unless you're regularly getting your arse off the seat and regularly replacing your knee sliders then you'll be disappointed with the wear distance on any trackday type tyre of this nature. You'll get a big flat spot down the centre with straight street riding after as little as 3,000k's. This makes cornering "interesting".

    In fact it may be possible that your present tyre is not actually sliding because of wear itself, but possibly due to the shift when leaning from the flat spot to the rounded edges of the tyre.

    As you lean you have to force the bike to fall over beyond the edge of the flat spot and then once there, it corners naturally. The problem being the transition point at the edge of that flat spot means the tyre doesn't have a smooth radius so it kind of "hurries" itself up. You may be mistaking this for sliding, or it is contributing to it sliding.

    I can recommend Bridgestone BT015's for a good road tyre - sticky and wears pretty good. Bt016's if you want to push it and trackday it. Won't last as long (particularly on the front), but they are the best tyres I've ever come across for multi purpose hard road and trackday tyres.

    Edit: Here's my 016 after a ride through the Buller Gorge in the west coast of New Zealand - a biker's paradise.



  17. The R sound in Thai is rolled, so when you say it lazily you get an L sound (only at the start of syllables). It's not the same as the R used by most English speakers which when spoken lazily gets a W.

    Agreed re the Thai R. When "school" is pronounced correctly both syllables have a real rolling R.

    Re the English R and W. I'd say that anybody who cannot pronounce R (or L) and instead speaking a W would be classed as having an impediment, not just speaking lazily/casually.

    EG: I love Rugby spoken as I wuv wugby would be considered an impediment - unless the speaker is purposely using W for R and L in a form of baby/fun talk.

  18. I got my iphone 3 screen replaced at Tukcom. 800 baht and picked up in 2 hours. Ask the prices and shop around - the first price I got was 1,500 but kept asking at different booths and it "miraculously" got cheaper.

  19. I guess if you can't yet say in Thai 'new wood doesn't burn, does it?' then you have your answer.

    Even Thais have extreme difficulty with that one. If you ask one to say it to another person who isn't in on the game then they probably won't understand it. I've seen them having to write it down before they can nail all the tones and vowel lengths correctly.

    But then to the English ear it still sounds like mai mai mai mai mai.

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  20. Because in Thai the L's and R's are largely interchangeable in the spoken language, and they seem to default to the L in everyday talk. Listening to a Hiso Thai speaker that can nail (and actually roll) their R's can be quite hard on the ear. It's almost like a Scotsman has been giving them speech lessons.

    We do the same - in English we can interchange D's and T's, or not clearly express or aspirate the final consonant in many words, particularly D's T's and K's.

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  21. I've got a beat up crappy looking fabric suitcase bought on 2nd Road for the price of half a dozen beers. It's seen a dozen international trips and numerous local trips, but refuses to die. It's been drowned, dragged, dropped and generally been atrociously abused.

    I know consider it a family heirloom. coffee1.gif

    Sometimes better to go for the "no-name" brand that are decent quality and cheap, rather than the brand name knock-offs.

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