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Posts posted by Gsxrnz

  1. Apparently there are 7 Million cars (and climbing with the tax rebate) in BKK and the roading capacity is about 1.5 Million. And that doesn't count busses or bikes.

    I'm sure a bus lane would achieve absolutely zero improvement.

    Conservatively, lets assume that 10% of car drivers do 3 illegal/unsafe things every day. That's (7.5M x 10/100) x 3 = 2,250,000 offences each day.

    Optimistically, let's assume that the police were "effective" and managed to stop and fine 20% of those offences. That's 450,000 stoppages per day. Can you imagine the logistics of having 450,000 cars stopped every day and how many BIB that would take? If each BIB stopped 10 per working day, you'd need 45,000 traffic cops on each shift. There are about 230,000 RTP in the whole of Thailand.

    Bangkok is out of control with traffic. The only possible remedy is a severe congestion tax that is automated, heavily taxed, and prepaid. The world's oil reserves will run out before the government even considered this to be a priority, let alone actually doing something about it.

  2. We had the wheel trims nicked off our truck parked near Chatuchak market. There is a wheel trim seller very nearby...

    Hope he gave you a discount. laugh.png

    The irony of all this is, that I went to about 20 wheel shops trying to buy a matching rim for mine when it was nicked - they all said "no cannot, have to go Toyota dealership". That's why I ended up buying a dodgy looking rim and an old tyre - safe enough but looks like crap.

    So it begs the question, where are all these nicked rims going to, or do they only nick them for the tyres and discard the rims?

    • Like 1
  3. Nothing funnier than seeing somebody with a phone the size of a magazine stuck to their ear, especially when they need two hands to hold it there.

    Why have phones gone like radios? First the old valve radio, then over the decades they reduced to pocket transistors, then went back up in size to ghetto-blasters. Phones are going the same way.

    10 years ago the dream phone was the smallest possible, now it seems you have to have a frigging handbag just to put your giant phone in.

    The ways of the world are indeed strange. coffee1.gif

    • Like 2
  4. Why not give police officers a commission for traffic law breakers with a percentage of the fine given to them as tea money? That way you still screw law breakers whilst keeping officers actually wanting to do their job. Thai police are obviously corrupt and now we need to get creative in order to still provide them an incentive. Have all officers wear head mounted cameras so all interactions with civilians are recorded.

    Um......that's exactly how the system works now. thumbsup.gif

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  5. Contact a Journalist at a reputable paper - they'd love it. The exposure would mean the BIB have to take notice of the situation. In fact, suggest to the BIB that they can take the credit for their fantastic investigative police work, they do love their picture in the paper. biggrin.png

    You could even try emailing the story to a UK paper, it's the sort of novel event they like as well.

    Excellent nose job by the way, and even if the whole thing goes a little pear shaped for you, you can sleep well at night knowing that you've got your monies worth by literally rearranging this little turds face. Next time go for the double tap - nose and gonads.

  6. I'm surprised that the OP has got himself in this situation.

    With his apparent wealth of knowledge on all things Thai highlighted in so many other threads, plus his ability to speak fluent Thai, one finds it difficult to understand how this situation could possibly arise.

    Equally, one wonders why he is unable to satisfactorily resolve the predicament to his satisfaction. biggrin.png

    Since you felt like trolling , please do post a link to a thread when I claimed to speak fluent Thai and when I claimed to be an expert on all Thai things.

    Will await for either the links or an apology

    Here you go. http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/657944-no-russian-mafia-in-pattaya-chief-of-banglamung-district/page-6?hl=%2Brussian+%2Bmafia+%2Bfluent+%2Bthai#entry6677565

    Although I do recall that you edited your post and said that you spoke fluent Russian instead, but I'd already quoted you saying you spoke fluent Thai. I never knew which piece of rhetoric (if any) to believe.

    That's interesting, it says fluent Russian but you recall it was Thai ? So I edited it just for you? Or was I planning some future mastermind??

    It sure helps to think sometimes with the head above the shoulders

    Check out #136 where I quoted you. But never mind Dude, my BSometer is way off the scale with you so I can't be bothered debating your ability to keep track of your vibrant imaginative tales. Sayonara <------- That's Japanese. coffee1.gif

    • Like 1
  7. I'm surprised that the OP has got himself in this situation.

    With his apparent wealth of knowledge on all things Thai highlighted in so many other threads, plus his ability to speak fluent Thai, one finds it difficult to understand how this situation could possibly arise.

    Equally, one wonders why he is unable to satisfactorily resolve the predicament to his satisfaction. biggrin.png

    Since you felt like trolling , please do post a link to a thread when I claimed to speak fluent Thai and when I claimed to be an expert on all Thai things.

    Will await for either the links or an apology

    Here you go. http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/657944-no-russian-mafia-in-pattaya-chief-of-banglamung-district/page-6?hl=%2Brussian+%2Bmafia+%2Bfluent+%2Bthai#entry6677565

    Although I do recall that you edited your post and said that you spoke fluent Russian instead, but I'd already quoted you saying you spoke fluent Thai. I never knew which piece of rhetoric (if any) to believe.

    • Like 1
  8. Not sure what are rambling about but as a very prolific traveler my self having boarded

    hundreds of planes and gone to hundreds destinations, no one ever asked for any

    kind of proof of onward travel ( not even sure what is it )

    You haven't been to New Zealand then. At the Non-Residents queue for immigration, the officials walk about telling everybody to have their proof of onward travel/return ticket ready when they get to the counter.

  9. The OP does have a point though, particularly when the offending smoker is obese, covered in tattoos, wearing a wife-beater that shows underarm hair you could platt, grungy shorts with one ball hanging out, black socks, crocks, and swigging on a large Chang. blink.png

    I sincerely apologise for my appearance, I know it should have been a can of Chang.

    I'm glad you picked up on my point. Yes, dressed as described above and swigging on a can of Chang has decidedly more decorum than chugging on a large bottle. I hope more of these slobs convert to cans and exude more style. facepalm.gif

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  10. If your baggage is checked right through to NZ you shouldn't have to clear immigration and you would stay in the Transit Lounge - no Aussie Visa required.

    If you have to collect your baggage to tranship to the NZ flight, you WILL have to clear immigration - They will require a Transit Visa.

    I'm not sure how tough the application is for a Thai citizen - easy for a westerner, basically name and passport number.

    Apply for one now online and if they qualify, it should electronically logged against their passport before you leave on Tue/Wed.

    Even if you don't get them electronically logged in time, you will instantly receive an acknowledgement of application by email which you should take with you. As they have visas to enter NZ it would be a mean spirited immigration officer (even for Australia) that would detain them or deport them back to Thailand if they have applied for the transit visa.

    It all comes down to whether or not you have to leave the Transit area to re-check your baggage. Alternatively, travel with hand luggage only.

    Edit: I just remembered that Air Asia stopped flights to NZ so I assume you've booked 2 independent legs. In that case, if you're taking baggage you WILL need a transit visa as there's no way your bags will be checked right through to NZ.

  11. Inflate the tyre to the correct pressure - in fact give it 10% more to allow for lossage.

    Keep a solid wooden baton/stick in the truck. Hit the tyre with the stick and get used to the sound/feel of the smack.

    Give it a smack occasionally and you'll soon notice any change in the sound/feel indicating loss of pressure.

    Truckies all over the world do this - often they'll just give them a kick.

    In reality, it would have to get down to less than 20psi before it became an issue anyway. You'll soon spot the difference between 40 and 20 psi.

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