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Posts posted by Gsxrnz

  1. Fair enough, I understand your gripe.

    Just a suggestion, I always have 2 copies of my passport and Thai DL in my wallet for just such occasions as this. The number of times I"ve been saved the grief by having them for such things as renting, changing ownership on a bike/car, all sorts of stuff, makes it worth the hassle.

    I even carry a copy of my re-entry permit and visa as I was recently asked for this.

  2. Just for fun I googled this problem. It seems that when the Merc is locked by the remote, it disables the engine as well as all functionality inside the car to operate virtually everything, including door unlock, trunk release, window winders, sunroof etc.

    I suppose the German boffins assume that if somebody brakes into the car they can't do anything, not even unlock the doors.

    However, I'd have thought they'd have been clever enough to program it so that if a weight exceeding say 15kg is sensed on any seat (or an infra red sensor to detect an occupant), the car fails to lock when stationery and chirps a few times to let you know it didn't lock.

    Sure, a bummer if you have the golf clubs on the back seat, but better than having to break into the trunk to recover the keys. Or worse, you lock your kid in the car then lock the keys in the trunk in 35+ degree sunshine in the middle of Butfark nowhere and no access to a hammer.

  3. Um........of course the building will have high quality rebar, it will have been properly positioned and tied, and the construction concrete used will be of the best possible standards and poured according to best practice, and the design will meet high quality design and engineering standards.blink.png

    Forget about the cost and who is liable.....vacate until it's been checked by a certified engineer. You can bet that's not the only crack. And if it's the only one currently visible, more will be appearing soon. The forces of nature are working from the ground up, so imagine some of the stress on the building lower down.

    I see a quake hit Isaan a few weeks ago. Wouldn't like to be in that building if one hit closer to you. Buildings fall over in countries with high building standards, you can imagine what will happen in Bangkok.

    It'd have to be renamed Flatkok.

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  4. Watch out for the potholes hidden by flooding. It's often tempting not to slow down too much with only an apparent 1 or 2 inches of water across the road, but the water often conceals potholes that can be swimming pool deep.

    A friend and his wife recently came off this way and have serious road rash. Riding on a slow soi they are familiar with and the potholes weren't there that morning. Heavy rain/flooding had created the potholes and they were driving home as the waters were subsiding and looking pretty innocent.

    Hell, they're even a danger when driving a truck.

  5. There is a variation on the typical skimmer scam mentioned in the OP.

    They actually watch you (either physically, or with a camera) before the skimmer is attached. If they score your PIN number, they will quickly attach a skimmer to the ATM (possibly a second person involved) and then chase you waving a 100, or 1,000 baht note at you saying "mister, mister, you leave money in machine, here is your 1,000 baht. Maybe you better check your balance and make sure everything is OK'". This way they aren't chasing everybody with a possible low strike rate, they only follow up if they've got the PIN.

    Of course, you stupidly insert your card, make sure they can't see your PIN, and check your balance. Surprise surprise....no problems, but they had the skimmer inserted and now have the card details as well as the PIN.. Been there, got the T -_shirt. Of course when I used the machine the first time I checked for skimmers as is my habit. On the 2nd time, was a bit confused and forgot my usual routine.

    I've since met one bloke who had the same experience, and he was aware of the scam. He grabbed the 1,000 baht note and scarpered. The Russian followed him making all the suggestions to check the balance etc but he just declined and took refuge in a 7/11 until the Russian returned to the original ATM. The chap then went to another ATM and changed his PIN. He was 1,000 baht richer and wetting himself with laughter.

    I've been dreaming of the time it happens to me again so I can do the same thing - three years and still waiting!! if anybody sees dodgy Eastern European "gentlemen" hanging around an ATM then please PM me the location so I can get some revenge on the sods. w00t.gif

  6. The parking odd and even days signs have been there forever - are they the signs you're referring too or are there different ones now?

    I'll be there tomorrow so will check it out.

    No. I am aware of those. Have often seen people getting ticketed and having wheel clamps put on their cars for parking on the wrong side. Those signs are in Thai and English (and usually ignored in both languages).

    These are new and some are even suspended above the road.

    Of course, it would also help if they stopped allowing the queue of 101 song taeows waiting at the entrance of Soi Buakhao. I didn't see them today.

    OK, thanks for the heads up. I'll have a gander tomorrow and see what it's all about. smile.png

  7. Buy you could have avoided all the drama and been in and out in 90 minutes if he'd got an IDL (International Drivers Licence) before he came over. All you have to do then is the eye and coordination tests. No watching videos and no practical test.

    Not correct at all. Since he did not have a motorcycle license in the states, the IDL would have shown a license only for a car. You then have to take all of the tests required for a motorcycle license.

    CORRECT, because the IDL is good for whatever class of licence it is endorsed with in your home country and you will not need the tests in Thailand. Be it car, motorcycle, or moon buggy.

    The OP did not state that the son didn't have a motorcycle licence, which in the context of my post is irrelevant anyway.

    Reading correctly is a big part of life. I did state that my son did not have a motorcycle license from the states. The only way to get an IDL from AAA in the states is to have your agent falsify that you have a motorcycle license and give you an endorsement. ThaiVisa does not allow illegal activities to be promoted on it's forum.

    Maybe you think if you put CORRECT in all caps, it means you are right. No, you again are wrong. This thread is over as far as I am concerned. Just wanted to thank those that helped me. You are not one of them.

    Mate - untwist your knickers and read your OP. Nowhere does it state that your son did not have a motorcycle licence. You only make mention of that fact AFTER (yes, capitals - can you live with it?) my post about the IDL. My comments re the IDL were therefore correct in context.

    You seem to be of the ready, fire, aim brigade.

    Get over yourself. w00t.gif

  8. And resulted in numerous suicides related to cyber bullying, not to mention the numerous murders and rapes resulting from stalking via facebook, and of course the lesser crimes and frauds.

    (Too lazy to provide links but you're evidently a google Olympiad so you'll have no trouble finding them.)

    If you're trying to promote farcebook and twatter as some wonderful tool that saves peoples lives in natural disasters, surely you should consider the negative aspect of the social media forums as well.

  9. I have a USA drivers licence but no USA bike licence

    and was the call to the landlord needed ? Since I am staying in a Hotel smile.png

    Will an Internation drivers licence be better than A USA drivers licence to get a auto drivers licence ?

    and is there a link to getting it in one day or 90 minutes ?


    I have a USA drivers licence but no USA bike licence

    That was the situation for my son. I don't think there is any way you can get a license staying at a hotel. You must first go to a Medical Clinic and get a medical certificate stating that you are alive. You then go to immigration and show them the medical certificate, passport, and a copy of your lease. Immigration will give you a Certificate of Residency that you take to the Dept. of Land Transport (DMV). As I stated before, right now they are not doing a license in one day, but over 3 days. There is no link to one day or 90 minutes except for the places on the street in Bangkok that illegally make you a fake driver's license with your picture on it. I am sure the police know how to spot those.

    Of course you can use a hotel address as residence proof. Immigration will issue a proof of residence document for any address in Thailand, if that is where you live - hotels included. A letter from the Hotel or a bill/invoice with your name and their address on it will suffice.

  10. Buy you could have avoided all the drama and been in and out in 90 minutes if he'd got an IDL (International Drivers Licence) before he came over. All you have to do then is the eye and coordination tests. No watching videos and no practical test.

    Not correct at all. Since he did not have a motorcycle license in the states, the IDL would have shown a license only for a car. You then have to take all of the tests required for a motorcycle license.

    CORRECT, because the IDL is good for whatever class of licence it is endorsed with in your home country and you will not need the tests in Thailand. Be it car, motorcycle, or moon buggy.

    The OP did not state that the son didn't have a motorcycle licence, which in the context of my post is irrelevant anyway.

  11. It's the clutch. Combination of being glazed from slow take-offs, and to the dust build up inside the clutch housing. The dust build up encourages glazing so the key is to prevent the dust from accumulating.

    A good solution is to take off the drum and drill holes (about 1/8) through the drum. Do 4 holes on an angle across the drum, and probably about 20 sets of them. The overall effect looks like drilled brake rotors.

    This allows dust to escape from the shoes/drum, prevents glazing, and offers some cooling.

    You can buy one as an aftermarket part if you don't want to do it yourself (I did). However, the part will cost you about 1,000 baht, a drill bit will cost 50 baht.

    Most scooters will experience shudder when riding very slowly in traffic, say at 1 or 2 klm/h. Makes it hard to control and you're inclined to put your feet down often or do a lot of stop start riding or worse, start paddling. Paddling any bike is a no no.

    It's easier to use the rear brake to control your speed - over rev the bike slightly so the clutch has a little (the operative word being LITTLE) slip, and apply brake to slow down or release slightly to increase speed - the throttle stays in the same position. You'll keep your balance easier and find riding slowly much safer and stable. Sure, you'll get a little clutch wear, but minimal in the grand scheme of things. If you have the drum with the holes, this will keep cooler and reduce wear anyway.

    If you master the technique properly you can virtually stand still and not put your feet down with no problems. Obviously works on manual clutch bikes as well

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