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Posts posted by Gsxrnz

  1. I got my iphone 3 screen replaced at Tukcom. 800 baht and picked up in 2 hours. Ask the prices and shop around - the first price I got was 1,500 but kept asking at different booths and it "miraculously" got cheaper.

  2. I guess if you can't yet say in Thai 'new wood doesn't burn, does it?' then you have your answer.

    Even Thais have extreme difficulty with that one. If you ask one to say it to another person who isn't in on the game then they probably won't understand it. I've seen them having to write it down before they can nail all the tones and vowel lengths correctly.

    But then to the English ear it still sounds like mai mai mai mai mai.

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  3. Because in Thai the L's and R's are largely interchangeable in the spoken language, and they seem to default to the L in everyday talk. Listening to a Hiso Thai speaker that can nail (and actually roll) their R's can be quite hard on the ear. It's almost like a Scotsman has been giving them speech lessons.

    We do the same - in English we can interchange D's and T's, or not clearly express or aspirate the final consonant in many words, particularly D's T's and K's.

    • Like 2
  4. I've got a beat up crappy looking fabric suitcase bought on 2nd Road for the price of half a dozen beers. It's seen a dozen international trips and numerous local trips, but refuses to die. It's been drowned, dragged, dropped and generally been atrociously abused.

    I know consider it a family heirloom. coffee1.gif

    Sometimes better to go for the "no-name" brand that are decent quality and cheap, rather than the brand name knock-offs.

    • Like 1
  5. NO the whole nation is afflicted with foriegners who dont and cant understand their culture and their ways and are intolerant of same.

    Live and let live, chill out, it doesnt last that long, "mai pen rai". And remember "these people" allow you to enjoy their country.

    Your comment will go down like a lead balloon with many TVers I'm afraid.

    BTW, love the Avatar - very apt for this forum. smile.png

  6. Thainess -- the gift that keeps on giving.

    Nobody is surprised by stories like this.

    Wait for it.

    You cheap foreigner, just bend over take it, and if you don't like it, go home.....

    What the OP is riled about is what riles most of us. Why should foreigners be treated like idiots ? Us foreigners spend enormous amounts of baht here in Pattaya adding greatly to the economy. Most of us do not like having the piss taken. You may choose to "bend over and take it" but most of us foreigners do not choose that option.

    Have you heard of the phrase "Caveat Emptor". It applies world wide. If you don't have the intelligence to inform yourself about the local going rate for goods and services, and negotiate the best price you can get, then more fool you. It's a game played in many countries and if Falang in Thailand can't figure it out then they deserve what they get. Willing seller - willing buyer. Then OP was happy to pay the price he was charged, and that's the reality of the commercial world in every country on the globe.

    Learn some basic language and always and without fail tell the vendor it's too expensive and the price should be XX.

    Most of this two tier pricing is not about Foreigner v. Thai......it's abut streetsmarts v. Falang with the wisdom and intellect of Bambi.

    I still pay 50b for a taxi ride that Thais pay 70B for. Why?.....because I'm a frequent flyer and the taxi blokes know that I don't carry vaseline with me. They even call me Kuhn haa-sib-baht.

    The educated and streetwise blokes that live here will agree with me. The dickheads that are too quick to blame all those racist Thais for their own repeated stupidity will no doubt strongly disagree, but I don't really give a flying phark.

    Cheers w00t.gif

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  7. Good thing the killer didn't try locating in Thailand. Nearly every soi in the country has at least one pack of barking dogs. And what do the dogs' owners do about it? Nothing. And if someone has the gall to make a mention of it, the dog owners get offended and angry.

    You have belittled the tragic deaths of a family in the US in your attempt to use the news of their deaths to have a potshot at Thai society. You did not even mention or make reference to the victims of murder.

    Some TV'ers will go to any lengths to be critical of Thailand, but your post takes the cake.

    My condolences to the victims, this is a tragedy that should never happen in any country, nor for any reason.

  8. Never understood this American Hallaween thing. What does it celebrate? I understand Christmas and Easter etc but what exactly is Hallaween?

    It's an excuse for a party. Not to be confused with the pre-Halloween party party on October 30th, or the pre-pre-Halloween party party party that was held last night. coffee1.gif

    The post Halloween party party on 1 November is also usually a good night.

    Rule No.14 in the book of life - any excuse for a party is a good enough excuse.thumbsup.gif

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  9. Anyway, I don't really get it. Assuming that you're not actually losing the signal entirely at some point, a strong or weaker signal moves the same number of packets. I fail to see how your speed can be quicker just because you have a stronger signal.

    Is it your own router? You could make the aerial on the router into a directional aerial by putting a reflector behind. Just cut open a beer can (after consuming the contents) and fit it like a semi flat, curved sheet behind the antenna. This has the effect of making it directional but also boosts (gives dB gain) to the strength of the signal in the direction you want. It acts like an old school TV aerial reflector, which is the longest rod behind the dipole.

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  10. Learn "maa gaawn krup". It means I came before you/first. Make sure you nail the tone (middle) on the maa, or you'll be saying the dog came first, or the horse came first.

    Say it with a smile to the cashier - avoids any direct conflict with the interloper.

    It works especially well when you have 3 Russians and 2 Chinese in front of you and they actually came first. Just smile say maa gawn krup to the cashier and she'll give you a huge grin and serve you first. thumbsup.gif

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  11. What a stoopid iggerent Russki he is! Some 3 or 4 years ago I bought a rose gold Patek Philippe from the (concealed) back of a shop in Phuket. i paid 2000 baht for it. I still have it . it works well, keeps good time and while its rose gold is perhaps a little faded it's still gold. I never once thought it was genuine. At the time I thought if it lasted 2 years that'd be good, but so far it's still AOK. I know someone who is a (genuine) watch collector and he was (and still is) amazed by its quality, particularly the accuracy of its detailing.

    By the way those people with genuine Tags shold be aware the movement is Seiko !!!

    Urban legend. They have Swiss ETA movements. And even if they did have Seiko or Citizen movements, there's nothing wrong with them.

    An ETA or a Seiko (in fact all) quartz movements are cheap to make and of very high quality. A Tag or Seiko movement might cost only $50 to manufacture. Even automatic movements in a cheapish watch are not that much inferior to a high end watch. When you pay $2-$10k for a watch, you're not buying the movement, you're paying for the detail, the features, the case, the bracelet.....and of course, the name.

  12. Mr. Vadim Gabov aged 15

    A bit young to be riding a 500cc.......

    It's nothing to do with age, it's everything to do with experience and training.

    I've been blown off the track by a 14 year old girl riding a GSXR600 and I was on a 1000. Her Dad was a bike nut and she'd been riding almost before she could walk. The worst part was that she had the bike painted bright pink and had a long ponytail blowing in the wind as she passed me on the inside of a turn at 160.

    I'd be a dam_n sight happier being a pillion passenger behind her than a 40 year old whose sole claim to fame was that he'd never had a MV accident in his life.

    Yes it is all to do with experience however you need to be 16 to ride a bike legally on the road in Russia. My thaivisa CSI trained brain would presume he had little riding experience and shouldn't have been on it.

    Why not rent out twist and go's like on most of the islands, far safer.

    The twist'n go's as you call them are no safer than a superbike when in the hands of an inexperienced (and in this case probably nil-experienced) rider. You're riding on the same piece of road surface and the road surface or the wall/car/pole you hit doesn't care how big the bike was. An analogy would be that a .22 cal. pistol is no safer in the hands of a three year old than a .44 magnum.

    The only saving grace of a scooter is that the acceleration is nothing like as powerful as a sportsbike. But once you're past 50klm/h, hitting an immovable object will have the same overall effect.

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  13. I bought a genuine Cartier watch a few years ago for around 2k sterling

    It said "water resistant 30 m" on back, so wore it diving to around 20 m. Result - one dead Cartier watch

    Took it into Cartier - they refused to repair saying that water resistant was not the same as water proof. You're better off buying the fakes. Same quality.

    Although variable from company to company, the ISO have a set of standards that are roughly:

    WR30 means you can splash it or wear in the rain.

    WR100 means you can swim or snorkel. Most manufacturers would explicitly say not for scuba.

    WR200+ means you can scuba. Most manufacturers have a Scuba or Aqua range specifically for scuba and would rate them in bar (atmospheric pressure) as well as metres. Many will have serious features like helium release valves.

    A Beach Road knock-off with a screw-in crown and screw back would live in a glass of water. It would have a rating of 100mm (millimetres). I wouldn't like to put one under any more pressure than that though.

  14. What I was alluding to, is that 'reserve' is normally designed to bypass the vacuum side of the petcock

    I don't think mine works that way, but will check, pretty sure that the output port to the carbs is the one vacuum actuated.

    A video I saw of a Yamaha Virago worked that way, but that had a fuel pump.

    Let me know what you find out, as we know not all bikes are created equal.

    Yes, they are both connected to the same port, as with the Virago, so both N and R are vacuum operated.

    I think it has fixed high rpm misfire, but the hot start is still a bitch, just had it stop at the lights and would only start after a 5 minute cool down. I am assuming a vapour lock of some kind, but would welcome any other suggestions.

    After I got it running and arrived back home, I noticed as I pulled up the idle was around 1000rpm and after 5 seconds it dropped to 700, so it sounds fuel related.

    The idling drop suggests that the carbs are possibly sucking air somewhere, or that the mixture is too lean and the butterflies (or sliders) at idle are too far open to compensate for insufficient fuel being delivered. The return to idle speed is therefore delayed and causes the overrun that you describe.

    That could also be the cause of the problems hot starting - definitely fuel/air related.

    Did you do a full strip down of the carbs? Incorrect float levels can also be a contributing factor to poor starting and mixture setting accuracy.

  15. She sounds like a very good and sincere girl.

    Maybe you are a lucky guy.

    I will help you prove it.

    Send me 10,000 THB and the location of where she works and her name.

    A good photo of her would be good to send too.

    I will visit her work and see if we can prove she is true to you or not.

    PM me and I will give you the address to send the information to.

    Don't worry, She sounds like a good one to me!

    That's a bit pricey. I'll do it for the price of 3 JD's, 3 LD's, 1 BF and 1 ST. Say 2.5K. whistling.gif

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