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Posts posted by Gsxrnz

  1. 2 minutes ago, Aussieroaming said:

    I wonder if the money disbursement is audited to ensure that it isn't syphoned off.

    I'm sure the disbursement process will follow the standardized Thai checking procedure. 


    40% will go MIA and end up on pallets in the basements of the usual suspects.


    5% will be misappropriated and some lowly miscreant civil servant will be arrested and held up as the sacrificial scapegoat to cover the 40% MIA money.


    Half of the remainder will get to where it was supposed to go - the rest will fall between the cracks and nobody will go looking for it.


    Same, same really.  :coffee1:



  2. 54 minutes ago, robblok said:

    Look some things are just too crazy to understand. If someone disregards science and facts what is there to debate about. There should be ground rules for a debate. Besides quite often debate is pointless as nobody will change their view. You see it with religious people, covid conspiracy theorists and the likes. 


    If you don't set some ground rules like that figures need to come from reputed sites or verifiable data then what can you do. 

    I'm generally in agreement.


    But surely, disregarding orthodox science, facts, and observable reality are the very reason that opinions differ.


    And if opinions didn't differ mankind would not have progressed beyond or even to the stone age. If the orthodox theory/fact/science of the day was that a stick was a stick, but not a weapon/fuel/building material, or have the potential to be these and many other things, we'd still be living in caves. Just ask Arthur C, Clarke.


    The worst possible outcome for mankind is that everybody shares the same orthodox opinions.  Universal orthodoxy as described by Ayn Rand in her short dystopian novel Anthem is possibly one of the best written examples of such a world. 


    The protagonists of this novel do not understand the very concept of the first person pronoun, individual thought, individual opinion, or mankind progressing beyond the current collective orthodoxy in science. Ironically there is no policing by the collective of individuals' thoughts for heresy - the very concept of heresy does not exist.


    I don't consider myself an ideologue, and I'm certainly at least a standard deviation away from having sufficient IQ points to be considered a philosopher.  But I'm certainly guilty of generally declining to debate with ideologues (of any flavor) or anybody whose ideas regarding life, the universe, and everything are set in stone, preferring instead to discuss concepts and philosophies. 


    Entering into a debate with somebody who is prepared to give due consideration to opposing views and expects the reciprocal is nowadays a rare and refreshing experience. 


    I well recall the debating club at my school where you were selected at random to take the affirmative or negative view - our teacher was a something of a Dickensian type and would give us some interesting topics.  One I recall was "The wheel.  A good or a bad thing".  I was on the negative team and we successfully argued that the wheel was in fact a bad thing,  The mind boggles.


    I will plead guilty to believing in one basic truth (as I see it). The Individual is Sovereign. 

  3. 5 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

    Truth=Fact.....or facts as we best know them at the time.  Like the 2020 election.  Trump keeps spouting endless lies.  So when the MSM reports what he says, they have to include a disclaimer that Trump is lying or has zero evidence.  Right wing nutters aren't too fond of that.   

    I've found that those who are unable to successfully argue their ideological opponents point of view probably don't understand or don't want to understand their adversaries point of view and generally revert to name calling.


    Of course, I could be wrong. :coffee1:

    • Like 1
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  4. I got upgraded from Business to First once on Emirates Airbus.


    The hot little Scottish Stewie came around asking if I wanted a shower and if so, at what time.


    Having consumed a few of the complimentary beverages and my confidence levels soaring, I asked her if the shower was big enough to accommodate two.  She leaned into me, winked, and said "actually, they're big enough for three".


    That's what I call a serious Checkmate.

    • Haha 1
  5. 12 hours ago, mran66 said:


    As you know more about watch batteries, would you happen to have any idea what is needed on and 20yr old citizen eco-drive that does not really last at all if not in sun all times? 


    Have not opened or taken anywhere as not used much in these smartphone times, however should have it fixed just in case. But does it require some special battery or tools?

    The battery can be replaced but probably not by the dude in the kiosk on the corner.  They are lithium ion rechargeable batteries.  Try one of the larger shops mentioned earlier in the thread - I'm sure they must have come across the eco-drives in the past as they have been around since the mid 90's.


    You could probably google your model and get the correct replacement battery from Amazon, Ebay, or Lazada.

    • Thanks 1
  6. 1 minute ago, GammaGlobulin said:




    I meant:  On both counts.  I did not mean on both accounts.


    I would have corrected the error, if the time limit for corrections had not expired.


    Thank you.

    I don't think we're having the same conversation.  But you carry on - I'll just wear my look of interested disinterestedness and I'm positive it will all turn out well in the end.

  7. My Mum, rest her soul, always warned me to be wary of gentlemen proffering a bag of boiled sweeties.


    I'm unsure why the emphasis was on the boiled sweets as opposed to any other form of candy, but the advice has stood me in good stead these 60 years or so.

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